Officers for 2011 – 2012

RI President
Kaylan Banerjee / District Governor Norma Reilly / Assistant Governor Bill Moehle / President
Wanda Tubbs / President Elect April Morsch / Secretary/Treasurer Amanda Hayes

For meeting of June 30, 2011

Members Absent: Jim Murray,April Morsch and Pat Reynolds

Guest: AG Lynn & Manny Freshman, AG Elect Bill Moehle, Pam & Barry Gilson, Ellie Wheat, Angie Milburn, Jerry Tubbs, Katie Redden and Bret Crane

Club Business: Tonight’s meeting was held at the Rotary Pavilion at the Mark Tubbs Park. We were very glad to have all of our guests join us for our Passing of the Gavel picnic. With the outstanding help of Paul Tilly, George Gotcsik and Jerry Tubbs the hot dogs and hamburgers were cooked to perfection. Clair Milburn brought along most of the food and Tom Wheat once again had some great salt potatoes for us. After we said the pledge we all enjoyed a wonderful meal and time of fellowship.

After we all had our fill of food President Bill asked AG Lynn Freshman to make a formal introduction of

our soon to be AG Bill Moehle. AG Lynn told us that Bill is a long time member of the Brighton Club, as

Past President, a lawyer and is running for Supervisor for the Town of Brighton. AGE Bill thanked AG Lynn for helping in the transition and that he is looking forward to working with all of the clubs. He is hoping to have more Area wide meeting starting next Rotary Year.

President Bill then asked AG Lynn and Past President Mike to come forward. He stated as that both he and Mike served under AG Lynn it was right for us to present her with a gift from the club. She thanked the club and wanted to let us know she enjoyed this thoughtful gift and was in a hurry to use it!

President Bill then gave his farewell remarks to the club thanking them for all of the hard work during his term. He listed a number of the projects that the club had been involved in this past Rotary year.

President Bill the asked Clair Milburn to join him as Mike Hayes with the Rotarian of the Year Award. Mike has in this past year chaired two new fundraisers, the Cruise In and the Spaghetti Dinner. Mike has also worked on every other service and fund raising project we had this past year. He was present at almost all of the meetings and willing to do anything that he was asked of. Clair Milburn, our last year recipient of this award, was asked to pin Mike with the Rotarian of the Year pinMike was then presented with the Rotarian of the Year plaque by President Bill and Clair.

It was then time for President Bill to present to soon to be President Wanda Tubbs the President Pin and Badge. Wanda’s husband Jerry was asked to put the pin on Wanda.

Wanda was then presented the gavel.

President Wanda then gave Past President Bill his PP pin.

President Wanda then advises us that she would be ready to lead us in two weeks as we don’t have a meeting next week.

Club Activities & Events

July 4 / Happy 4th of July!!
July 7 / No Meeting
July 14 / Board Meeting
July 21 / Open
July 23 / End Polio Now boot campaign

District & RI Events

Sept. 9 / District 7120 Golf Tournament @ Lima Country Club

Quote of the Week

4th of July Quote

The preservation of the sacred fire of liberty and the destiny of the republican model of government are justly considered… deeply, …finally, staked on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people.”

George Washington

Jokes of the Week

Joke for Independence Day

Back to the Roots of Our Country

The Fourth of July weekend was approaching, and Miss Pelham, the nursery school teacher, took the opportunity to tell her class about patriotism. 'We live in a great country,' she announced. 'One of the things we should be happy is that, in this country, we are all free.'

Trevor, who was a little boy in her class, came walking up to her from the back of the room. He stood with his hands on his hips and said loudly, 'I'm not free. I'm four.'

4th of July One-liners

What happened as a result of the Stamp Act?

The Americans licked the British!

What did King George think of the American colonists?

He thought they were revolting!

May each of you have a truly enjoyable Independence Day holiday.