Shelter Care, Inc.
Minutes of Meeting of
Board of Directors Retreat
May 17, 2013
This Shelter Care, Inc.Board of Directors retreat was held at 8:00 a.m. on Friday, May 17, 2013 at the Shelter Care, Inc. central offices in Tallmadge, Ohio. Boardmembers present included: Chairman Mike Malyuk, Mr. David Fair, Mr. Tom Williams, Mr. Don Brott, Rev. Marshall Brandon, Dr. Brian Tindall, Dr. Rajini Poth, Mrs. Sandra Dawson, Mrs. Susan Strauss and new board member Mr. Tom Doll. Also in attendance wasDr. Wes Fair, agency Executive Director, Dr. Joe Rizzo, Clinical Director, and Mrs. SueHartney, Licensing Coordinator. Board memberMs. Alexis Moseley was absent. Dr. Tindall opened the meeting with a brief devotional. Chairman Malyuk asked the board members to provide a brief introduction for Mr. Doll.
Chairman Mike Malyuk began the Board meeting by asking those present to review the minutes of the previous meeting. Mrs. Susan Strauss made the motion to approve the minutes and Mrs. Sandra Dawson seconded the motion. The vote to approve was unanimous.
Chairman Mike Malyuk asked for a presentation of the agency’s financial reports. Executive Director Dr. Fair presented the financial reports for the agency and asked everyone to review the color printed sheet. The agency income was $2,300,085.52 through April 2013. Agency wide expenses were $2,420,111.72, which leaves a deficit of $121,864.22 for the period ending April 2013. Dr. Fair mentioned that two line items were over budget. The audit charge was $43,000 for the 2012 audits. An additional audit was triggered due to the agency billing Medicaid for services. Two separate audits were required. Dr. Fair also mentioned the administrative fees that Safe Landing pays the Shelter Care, Inc. had been increased to $10,000 per month.
Dr. Fair stated that the Shelter Home Program budget showed that the agency was at an 80 percent of income level and 83 percent of expenses resulting in being $51,000 over budget. The agency received notification that a grant had been awarded to The Highlands, but funds were not available for March and April 2013 due to sequestration. The program also received a $20,000 budget cut for five years. The agency was able to request funds for May 2013 in the amount of $15,000. Dr. Fair mentioned that Apple Growth has offered a proposal of $40,000 for the 2013 audit. The budgets were approved as prepared.
Executive Director’s Report
Dr. Fair then asked Clinical Director Dr. Joe Rizzo for a report regarding the programs. Dr. Rizzo reported the agency is strong. Eight of our nine counselors are independently licensed counselors. There is not a high turnover rate in the counseling positions. He also stated that there are case reviews on Fridays and youth in the programs are reviewed.
Dr. Fair then asked Licensing Coordinator Mrs. Hartney to provide a brief update of policy revisions that had been made. Mrs. Hartney stated that the policy changes made were to update policies since the board approval in January 2013. Dr. Brian Tindall made the motion to approve the policy revisions and was seconded by Mrs. Sandra Dawson. The vote to approve was unanimous.
Election of Officers
Chairman Malyuk then began a discussion regarding the rotation of board members. He stated that Mrs. Sandra Dawson, Mr. Dave Fair and he were eligible to rotate off the board in 2013 if they chose. They have 30 days to notify the Chairman of the Board in writing if they chose to rotate off the board. Chairman Malyuk then stated that Dr. Tindall, Dr. Poth and Mr. Don Brott will be eligible to rotate off the board in 2014. Mr. Williams, Mrs. Strauss, Ms. Moseley and Mr. Doll would be eligible to rotate off the board in 2015.
Chairman Malyuk then opened the nominations for Shelter Care, Inc. Board of Directors officers. Mr. Tom Williams was nominated by Mr. Mike Malyuk to serve as Chairman of the Board of Directors and seconded by Mrs. Sandra Dawson. The vote to approve was unanimous. Dr. Tindall nominated Dr. Rajini Poth to serve as Vice Chairman and was seconded by Mr. Tom Williams. The vote to approve was unanimous. Mrs. Sandra Dawson nominated Dr. Brian Tindall to serve as Secretary and was seconded by Mrs. Susan Strauss. The vote to approve was unanimous. Dr. Tindall nominated Mr. Don Brott to serve as Treasurer and was seconded by Dr. Poth. The vote to approve was unanimous.
After a brief break, the meeting resumed. Chairman Williams then asked if the Executive Director should be a voting member of the Board of Directors. There was some discussion regarding the issue of having two family members on the board. It was expressed that Dr. Fair should be a voting member, but abstain from votes if it pertains to himself.
Chairman Williams then asked Dr. Fair for program updates.
Dr. Fair began with the Shelter Home Program. Hereported that group home placements are steady. Nine out of 16 placements are Summit County Children Services referrals. Group homes are not viewed to be a permanent placement. Foster care placements are perceived to be permanent. Many foster parents are single parents who augment their income by fostering one or two youth. The sex offender referrals through Summit County Juvenile Court have saved the Shelter Home Program. There is a collaborative relationship with the court. Summit County Children Services will not provide information regarding the background or sex of youth in group homes. This makes long-term planning difficult.
Dr. Fairexplained to the board that the Shelter Home Program began experiencing financial difficulties when the two group homes for girls were closed. He also stated that the referring agencies will not pay any per diem increases. There was a discussion regarding the possibility of opening another boys’ group home and whether it would be filled.
Dr. Fair then began a discussion of the Safe Landing program. Dr. Fair mentioned that the Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative has been a great success. In 2012 over 300 youth were served for more than 1,000 bed days. The HHS Basic Center Grant is up this year and the agency could face the same problems as The Highlands with the grant awards and funding cuts. Dr. Fair stated there are good program directors in place. The program could be in the black next year. The HHS monies provides for services to be offered to the community free of charge. Close to 600 youth receive residential services per year.
Dr. Fair stated the agency needs to move forward with a drop in center for the Street Outreach Program in order to provide programming for youth 16 to 24 years of age. Street Outreach staff attend functions at the First Glance Teen Center in Kenmore. Dr. Fair and Dr. Rizzo toured the basement of the downtown YMCA as a possible drop in center and OASIS in downtown. Both facilities were expensive. Mrs. Straus added that she knows the owner of the YMCA building and would be willing to facilitate a meeting with Dr. Fair, Dr. Rizzo and the owner of the building. Ms. Ashworth and Mrs. Kilgore are Ohio Benefit Bank counselors who can assist youth in signing up for benefits.
Mr. Brott interjected that the board needs better financial information from the bookkeepers in order to make better decisions. It was also mentioned that the agency needs to build board member donations. Dr. Fair invited board members to meet with Mrs. Barb Green regarding a Strategic Plan for development.
Dr. Fair then began an explanation of The Highlands program. Dr. Fair stated the program received HHS funding and in the past had received PRC funding through the Summit County Department of Job and Family Services. This funding was eliminated. There were 21 youth turned away in 2012. Dr. Fair stated that he and Dr. Rizzo have approached the ADM Board about funding to replace the lost PRC funding. There is a need to expand the facility. The Highlands is one of two residential parenting facilities in the state of Ohio.
Dr. Fair concluded with a brief discussion of the Respite Care Program. The program is operated through Child Guidance & Family Solutions. There are two homes, one one-placement and one two-placement homes. This is Child Guidance & Family Solutions’ most successful program. The agency is hopefully it will receive a request to open a third home.
Chairman Williams concluded this section of the meeting at noon for lunch.
The meeting was then adjourned at 12:45 p.m. The next meeting of the Shelter Care, Inc. Board of Directors will be held on Monday, July 15, 2013 at twelve noon (11:30 for lunch).
Respectfully submitted,
Shelter Care, Inc.
Dr. Brian Tindall
Secretary to the Board