Dodgeball Scheme of work

Week / Session Aims / Objectives / Example Activities / Notes
1 / To introduce the rues of dodge ball through small sided short games. / By the end of the session all participants will be able to clearly describe the basic rules. / 3 vs 3 elimination or play first to be hit.
2 / To teach the technique of the basic throws within the game. / By the end of the session all participants will be able to demonstrate at least one different way to throw the ball. / Players are taught the throws then play target games using each throw.
3 / To improve the dodging skills and movement of all players. / By the end of the session all players will be able to demonstrate at least two ways to avoid being hit by the dodge ball. / Players line up with their backs to a wall, two shooters are chosen to try and hit the dodgers stood near the wall. / Aim to teach jumping, ducking and sidestepping.
4 / To introduce team attacks and the technique for throwing / By the end of the session all players will be able to perform a successful attack / Working in partners to attack opponent, point scored if opponent hit / Advance throwing technique from basic to more advanced
5 / To improve team attacks and work on catching / By the end of the session all players will catch a throw ball / Two teams, when number is shouted have to be the first one to catch the ball
6 / Learn how to successfully duck and jump thrown balls / By the end of the session all players will be able to dodge a thrown ball / Dodge this – players have to collect a bib without getting hit by a ball / Decrease space if players find it to easy