Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held at 8pm on Tuesday 13th Janaury 2009

in the village hall

In attendance: Lindsay Bray; Althea Barrington-Brown; Howard Feltham; Paul Gerrard; Christopher Newberry, John Perrett and Nigel Porch

44 Apologies for absence.

David Tibbetts

45 Declaration of interest

Howard Feltham declared an Interest on Item 47.

46 Minutes of previous meeting

The minutes of the meetings held on the 25th November 2008 and 6th January 2009 were approved and signed by Lindsay Bray.

47 Matters Arising

i. The Parish Council discussed the two quotations for the work on the Chestnut Tree and all agreed to award the work to Woodford Forest and Landscape Ltd because of the more substantial guard and the 3 year warranty unlike the other quotation that was for only 1 year. The Council voted and Councillor Althea Barrington- Brown proposed Woodford Forest and Landscape Ltd to carry out the work and Councillor Paul Gerrard seconded the proposal with the remaining Councillors voting in agreement.

48 Finance

i. The Parish Council discussed the Precept and after a debate decided to increase the precept by 2% from the previous year to £2815.20. The Parish Clerk would apply to the District for the Precept.

ii. Present balances are:-

Deposit Account £1704.00

Current Account £ 412.22


49 Planning

i.  South Farm House 08/01681 – The Parish Clerk reported that the extension and alterations to provide farm office and ancillary storage supported by the Parish Council had been approved by the Planning Department.

ii.  Former Little Chef – The Parish Clerk reported that although the Parish Council had objected to the Planning application the Planning Committee had approved the plans.

50 A36 – Highway Matters

The Chairman Lindsay Bray asked the Parish Council on their views on whether the improvement scheme to the

A36 should again be brought to the attention of the County Council. They discussed the matter and agreed that it

should be brought up with the local Member of Parliament Andrew Murrison and the Chairman said he would discuss

the issue when he next met with the MP.

51 Correspondence

1.  Wiltshire Association of Local Councils Annual Report 2007- 2008

2.  WCC – Parish Liaison Group Introduction Letter Sue Redmond

3.  WCC – A303 Diversion Routes

4.  The Standards Board – Town and Parish Standards Newsletter Sept 08

5.  Bridge House Training – October – December 2008

6.  West Wilts in Focus – Autumn 2008

7.  Annual Review 2007/08 Wiltshire Music Centre Bradford on Avon

8.  WALC – Monthly Newsletter September, October and November 2008.

9.  WCC – Rights of Way Improvement Plan

10.  Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service – Annual Plan 2008 & Customer Charter

11.  North Wiltshire District Council – Participatory arts workshops scheme in Wiltshire October 2008 to March 2009.

12.  WWDC – Parish Forum 2008 Wednesday 26th November 6.30pm

13.  WWDC – Times are hard – Help with rent and council tax payments

14.  Wicksteed Playscapes Brochure

15.  WCC – Everything to Play for 2007 – 2012

16.  Communities and Local Government – Communities in control real power, Codes of conduct for local authority members and employees – A consultation

17.  WWDC – West Wilts Matters November 08

18.  Warminster Town Council – Vision and Scoping Study for Warminster Town Plan

19.  Clerks and Councils Direct – November 08

20.  WCC – Adverse Weather Leaflet

21.  WWDC – Parish Forum 2008

22.  WCC – Wiltshire Wayfarer Autumn 2008

23.  WWDC – Planning Committee Meeting

52  Any other Business

Meeting of the Parish Councils in the Wylye Valley

The Chairman had received a letter asking him to attend a meeting of the Parish Council Chairman’s in the Wylye Valley with the idea of setting up a group to discuss issues in the area. The Parish Council discussed the idea and decided that it was a good idea for the Chairman to attend but all agreed that the parishes were too diverse and to geographically spread out for it to work.

53  Date of next meeting

The next meeting will be held in the Village Hall at 8pm on the 10th March 2009.