Ilex Urban Regeneration Company

Ilex Urban Regeneration Company

Minutes of Board Meeting

28th March 2013, Ilex, Boardroom

Present:Matt McNulty (Interim Chair, MMcN)

Mel Higgins (Interim CEO, MH)

Geraldine Keegan (GK)

Michael Heaney (MLH)

Margaret Lee (ML)

Frank Hewitt (FH)

Colm McKenna (CMcK)

In Attendance:Gerard McCleave (GMC)

CaoimhinCorrigan (CC)

Laurence McCullagh (LMC)

Will Haire (WH) – PART

Tim Losty (TL) – PART

Minute Taker:Andrea Mullin

Item No. / Topic / Action
Apologies – Deirdre Heenan (DH), Sharon O’Connor (SOC)
Conflict of Interest: FH declared his interest as Chair of the Northern Ireland Science Park on the basis previously agreed by the Board, and also his place on the Board of the Strategic Investment Board (SIB). He added that any views expressed were his own personal views and not those of NISP or SIB. FH also advised that he withdraw from the meeting during the discussion on Translink issues.
Minutes of Meeting on 28th February 2013
Minutes agreed and approved by the Board.
Item No. / Topic / Action
9 / Matters Arising
Review of Action List:
MH gave an update on the action list, all of which is in hand and most of which has been completed. Those not cleared will carry over to next month. In summary:
FH advised that Board members within Invest NI receive a digest of news articles gathered on line via E-Clip. MH advised that there is a significant cost to subscribe, therefore it is more effective for Ilex staff to complete and he will improve the current service.
Chair advised that he has met SOC to discuss issues including economic planning and job creation. He advised that SOC is willing to take the lead on economic planning and that she sharesthe Ilex and One Plan view on the importance of job creation.
CMK said that the University and DCC were at the heart of regeneration and that their participationin Ilex was important to reflect their respective roles.
GMC advised that key statistics from Citi-Stats change quickly and the information is communicated via email and the Ilex website.
Presentation of Citi-Scope 2012 Survey Results
Professor Mark Shevlin, University of Ulster delivered a presentation on the Citi-Scope Survey results.
Board members participated in wide ranging discussion of the results. The critical importance of education was noted by all and it was agreed that it must been embedded in all communities. The Chair summarised the position noting that the unemployment figures are very concerning and it is also worrying that education and skills are not yet embedded in the fabric of communities as the springboard to the future. CMK noted his concern regarding the education statistics and FH expressed concern that the results appear to show a population resigned to the status quo and asked how we can turn this around.
GMC advised that the Citi-Scope results will be presented to the Strategy Board and data will be made available to partner organisations. GMC added that the key message for Derry~Londonderry is to focus primarily on jobs, employment and young people.
Interim Chairman’s Report (verbal):
Accountability Meeting
Chair noted thatfuture meetings will take place quarterly, however he has asked that the meeting scheduled for May proceeds so he can meet Dr Mark Browne who has replaced Noel Lavery.
Chair advised that assurances were given that all legal documentationconcerning the change to single line of sightwould be signed before the end of the month.
Chair also advised that PEDU is now in the pipeline and has to be published following the PAC. He explained that Will Haire and Tim Losty would be joining the meeting and that both would speak to the Board directly on PEDU and Ilex’scurrent performanceduring this meeting.
CEO Competition
Chair advised that permission has been granted from the Departments to offer the Ilex CEO position as an Interchange opportunity and that SIB will continue to assist with the recruitment process.
FH noted that is important that the Board is satisfied that the right candidate is appointed for the job. Chair noted that three of the four panel members would be Board members and that ML and he had received training on the recruitment process. MH noted that the interchange process is being run and controlled by Ilex and application forms will be returned to Ilex.
FH noted that he is content with the good service that the Ilex management team hasprovided and his only concern is the reputational risk associated with not being in a position to appoint a CEO.
Single Sponsor (Will Haire and Tim Losty joined the meeting at this point)
Chair introduced Will Haire and Tim Losty. WH and TL outlined the role of single sponsor for Ilex.
WH and TL advised that while the PEDU report contained some unpleasant reading, a good deal of this is now history as Ilex is in a much better place. Together the Departments and Ilex have gone through a wide range of issues and processes, and overseen this at monthly accountability meetings. The Departments working together will develop a report to Ministers on the progress that has been made. WH noted his appreciation to the Ilex Interim Chair, the Audit and Governance Committee, Aideen McGinley and MH on the work done. The progress has also been confirmed by NIAO and internal audit. TL advised that the single sponsor issue was a recommendation in BDO and an Audit Office recommendation and that he looked forward to good relationships with Ilex.
TL also advised that at the OFMDFM Committee. They gave assurances of improvements and noted that Line Managers should be congratulated.
TL advised that current partnerships between departments and Ilex will continue under the new arrangements and the single sponsorship arrangements should simplify the process for Ilex and also provide a focus on developing the Ebrington site.
Chair noted a concern on behalf of the Board on the potential risk of negative press re PEDU and asked TL and WH if anything could be done to ease this.
WH advised that the real message is how we progressed to our current position and this is the key message to get to Ministers.
CMK asked if there will be media management and help from ministerial and the Department press office.
TL noted that there will be criticism as there had been a number of serious issues to address but they have been resolved. TL advised that he will liaise with MH on lines of communication and response.
Chair noted that he hoped we can work with OFMDFM on media management.
TL noted that any factual inaccuracies in the PEDU report should be identified and will be addressed. TL advised that they have reviewed the report and want to state that it reflects where we are and the journey we have come. He added that the report will be sent to Ministers as part of a submission confirming the move towards single sponsor. However he cannot provide a definite date on when the report will be released. TL also advised that they will be discussing with Ministers and the Ilex management team the lines of communication and it is not the intention to issue the report without making Ilex aware.
MH noted that Ilex has committed to provide City of CultureCoC £700K and asked WH if DSD could provide funding for the CoC monitoring and evaluation. MH noted his appreciation to DSD for the funding they have already given to Ilex for a new server.
WH advised that in principle he understood the need for monitoring. It was, however, not possible for DSD to give Ilex the funds at this stage. It was an issue for Ilex and OFMDFM to work on in the next financial year but he accepted that timing is crucial.
Chair noted that success is achieved through results-driven partnership – coming together on planning.investment and implementation. Chair advised that an integrated approach is needed, we must break the cycle through education and skills enhancement and fix the economy. Chair also advised that he is working with partners on a paper re Investment and Job Creation and that a comprehensive partnership agreement needs to be put in place.
Action: Chair paper on Investment and Job Creation
Chair made a personal tribute to WH and TL for the courtesy they have shown at accountability meetings and for providing clear objectives. Chair added that we have to work with systems going forward to deliver the policies for Departments and Ministers. Chair also thanked WH and TL for supporting Ilex’s vision and noted that this requires trust, understanding and the ability to take criticism.
Chair also added that he has seen changes in attitudes within the City but there is still work to be done particularly to populateEbringtonand stimulate job creation and the economy.
MH formally presented the MoU to the Board for approval prior to MH and WH signing. MH noted that this has been discussed with DSD and OFMDFM and they are content with the document and that the Board had seen an earlier version presented by Ian Snowden DSD.
CMK noted that he was happy to endorse it,
Board approved signing of MoU.
Chair referred to neighbouring relationships and noted that it will be the attitudes of people that will make the MoU work and not what is on paper.
Interim Chief Executive’s Report (Written)
The comprehensive written CEO Report was discussed by the Board in detail and agreed as follows:
MH provided a summary of eight recommendations contained within the CEO Report and presented a further recommendation that required Board approval:
The Board was given a summary on the CCTV Monitoring of Peace Bridge and Ebrington Square business case. MH advised that it is Ilex’s recommendation to keep the current provider for the quality of service. MH advised that extra cameras will be put up for the Turner Prize and DCC is reviewing CCTV across the City althoughthey have not finalised their report yet.
CMK asked if the business case is approved after 1 April can the Executive team give assurances that it will not be retrospective. MH advised that in respect of this project and the original CCTV Business Case from July 12 to March 13 both require CPD and Departmental approval.
Chair noted his support to keep the standard of cameras at the level required.
Board approved (subject to Casework Committee approval)
Recommendation 1: The Business case for monitoring progress and impact of CoC has been completed. Board previously approved to twin track the business case approval process by simultaneously seeking Ilex Board and Departmental approval for the case. Board approved the business case (subject to funding).
Recommendation 2: Board to note projects associated with the City of Culture monitoring and evaluationare on hold, namely real time allocation and Assistant Statistician projects.
Chair noted his support on the need for evidence based research.
CMK noted that Ilex has an expectation to deliver on this and that we need to encourage those providing funding to do so quickly. Chair advised that he has already written to OFMDFM regarding budget pressures.
(FH left the meeting at this point)
Recommendation 3: Seek Ilex Board view on a preferred option for the relocation of the train station.
MH referred the Board to the Translink consultation document on the options for the location of the new train station. Chair asked GMC for a view. GMC referred to option 2 – “a new station at Ebrington” and noted that this may obscure the Peace Bridge and Ebrington. He added that all of the options would require careful consideration.
GK noted her preference to keep the old train station.
CC advised that his preferred option is – “a new Waterside Link” if it is completed with architectural quality and built as close to Ebrington as possible. CC added that he would like to see a discussion take place with Ilex on access to the riverfront allowing pedestrians to walk from Ebrington to the Foyle in order to fully achieve the benefits of option 4. CMK asked the Executive team to produce an agreed recommendation for the Board to review. ACTION Executive Team
FH returned to the meeting at this point.
Recommendation 4: Board to note that a request will be put to OFMDFM and DFP to utilise the full business case approval amounts for Buildings 80/81.
MH advised that we are seeking to use the full budget to develop Buildings 80/81 as a creative hub to host the Turner Prize. MH advised that the project will not go over the approval limit. CC added this will also benefit the standard of the building in the long term. CMK asked if there was any risk of running over cost. CC advised that he was confident that this will be delivered within the business case value, however risk of exceeding the limit will be monitored carefully.
Board approved the request to utilise the full budget.
Recommendation 5: Board to note that Ilex will cancel future events atEbrington that do not fully comply with Ilex’s terms and conditions.
MH noted that the terms and conditions are in place to protect the Ebrington site, Ilex and to ensure health and safety and a duty of care to users. MH added if groups do not comply with the terms and conditions we will not be in a position to approve their use of the space. Chair noted the importance of communicating with groups beforeaccepting bookings. Chair also suggested that Ilex access to volunteers to help with stewarding at events. CMK endorsed the Chair’s comments on communication.
FH asked if the term and conditions are necessary to maintain liability on the site. He stressed that there are serious issues to consider, which include reputational risk and the liability of the Board if something happened on site.
MH advised that we are covered under OFMDFM crown immunity, however the duty of care still rests with Ilex.
CC noted that some groups have not used a venue of this size before and noted that the word “any” should be removed from the recommendation.
ACTION: Board to review the terms and conditions for use of shared spaces in the light of operational experience.
Recommendation 6: Board to approve Business Case for the refurbishment of rooms in Building 83.
MH noted that there is a long-term need for offices to relocate the Ilex staff and an interim help for the Culture Company.
Board approved (subject to Casework Committee Approval)
Recommendation 7:Board to note the highlight reports on major projects.
MH referred the Board to the highlight reports attached to the CEO report which signal risks.
Board noted.
CC brought to the Board’s attention that the dates of progress have changed in the Ebrington Development Framework Highlight report. CC advised that it cannot be delivered on the date specified. TL advised that the framework was two years late and he had advised the OFMDFM Committee the framework would be out to tender in this financial year. He will now write to the Committee to explain why the target date was missed.
Recommendation 8: Board to note Peace Bridge received further awards in March the Civic Trust Awards and the bridge was the judges choice at the Sustainable Planning awards.
Board noted Peace Bridge Awards.
Future Railway Investment – consultation paper
GMC advised that if no further comments were received from Board within the next week Ilex’s response will be sent to DRD.
External Audit Report:
MH thanked DSD for their support in finalising the document and their challenge function with the wording on this. The report will go to the Audit Committee in April.
MH updated the Board on the recent IT failure. MH advised that the server got corrupted,although business operations continued. MH advised that DSD will provide funding for a new server.
MH updated the Board staffing matters.
Business Case Log:
The Business Case log was presented. / Chair
Chair / Executive team / SOC
Item No. / Topic / Action
13. / AOB
MH advised the Board that Sir Roy McNulty may visit the City in May and MH will notify the Board when a date has been confirmed.
CMK expressed his concern with a recent news article on Ilex entitled “Ilex grilled over jobs and funding figures”. CMK advised that we need to change perception so people are aware that it is business that creates jobs and not Ilex. Chair advised that job creation would be discussed next month.
Chair advised that this was MLH’s last Board meeting after serving two terms. Chair noted that most of MLH’s work was delivered outside of the Board where he was at the forefront in overcoming challenges and promoting the North West.
Chair praised MLH’s work in Donegal noting that he has been a great friend to the NW – opening the door to joint partnership and infrastructure. Chair thanked MLH on behalf of the Ilex Board for his contribution, great friendships developed between Donegal and Derry and he looks forward to working with MLH again in other joint activities.
MLH noted that it has been a pleasure working with past and present Board members and noted the impact Ilex has had on the City and region as a whole. MLH thanked the team and praised their level of commitment.He looks forward to continued cooperation and collaboration.
TL expressed his appreciation on behalf of OFMDFM to MLH for his work over the years in taking forward the North West agenda.
Date of Next Meeting 25th April 2013, 10am in Ilex.