Title / Applied Humanistic Counselling Practice 2
Code / SS710
Level / 7
Credit Rating / 20
Pre-requisites / Normally successful completion of modules SSM70, SSM71, SSM72 and SSM73
To be taken concurrently with module SSM76
Type of Module / Extensive over 1 semester
Aims /
  • To provide an environment where students are able to synthesize the three elements which underpin their work, theory, practice and personal development
  • To enable students to expand and deepen their competence as a humanistic counsellor
  • To enable students to locate their practice within the context of complementary humanistic theory
  • To engage students to develop their reflexivity and be able to recognize how their intrapersonal and interpersonal processes could impact on their work with colleagues in the workshops

Learning Outcomes/objectives / On successful completion of the module the students should be able to:-
  1. Evaluate critically their practice with relation to the key concepts from the philosophical underpinnings to counselling
  2. Reflect critically on process in relation to a counselling relationship
  3. Analyse critically and synthesize counselling interventions and strategies with reference to complementary humanistic theory and research
  4. Demonstrate a philosophical level of self-awareness, and make use of this in the counselling relationship

Content / Micro-counselling sessions supported by peer and tutor feedback
Taped sessions supported by peer and tutor feedback
Individual counselling sessions are also subject to process analysis within the tutor facilitated group
Students’ involvement in the sessions allows for a demonstration of an increasingly sophisticated capacity for theoretical and process analysis as they progress through the course
The use of student contributed case material to examine the process of counselling over time
Theory and principles taught inductively from issues arising from practice
Discussions concerning process enable students to expand their ability to relate theoretical and clinical concepts to their own counselling practice
Intensive weekend workshop on Working with Relationship
Teaching and learning strategies / Small group workshops (i.e.10 - 12 students) that are tutor led
The provision weekly facilitated process group
Intensive weekend workshop
Learning Support / Study group, academic tutor
Indicative Reading
Ginger S. (2007) Gestalt Therapy The Art of Contact Karnac Books
Mearns D. (1994) Developing Person-Centred Counselling London Sage
Kahn K. and Kahn M. (1997) Between Therapist and Client New York Freeman and Co
Rennie D. L. (1998) Person-Centred Counselling: An Experiential Approach Routledge
Sneider J .K. (Ed) 2007 Existential-Integrative psychotherapy: Guideposts to Core Practice Routledge
Assessment Tasks / Students will be required to audio-tape their counselling practice in placement, select and submit a 10 minute extract from a counselling session, together with a verbatim transcript and a 3000 word critical evaluation of the work (LO1; LO2; LO3; LO4)
Both elements comprise a single assessment task and there are no separate marks for the different components of it
Brief Description of module content and/or aims / This module is taught in a small group workshop format and the emphasis is to enable students to synthesize the three elements underpinning humanistic counselling, while deepening and expanding their competence as a humanistic counsellor. Students’ practice will be located within the context of relevant humanistic theory. Through participation in personal development groups, students should develop a profound level of self-awareness
Area Exam Board to which module relates / SASS Counselling and Psychotherapy Area Examination Board
Module Team / Sue Sully
David Bott
Semester offered / 2
Site where delivered / Falmer
Date of first approval / 2003
Date for approval of this version / August 2012
Version number / 3
Courses for which module is acceptable / Postgraduate Diploma in Humanistic Therapeutic Counselling
School home / School of Applied Social Science
External Examiner / Ros Sewell (to 2015)