Special Education

Referral to Placement Process



Revised August 2011

Table of Contents

Intervention Strategies………..………………………………………………………………………………..……... / 3
The IEP Team………………………………………………………………………...………………..…………………...
Functions of the IEP Team
Appropriate IEP Team Members / 4
IEP Team Leader
Referral Process
Reevaluation Process ………………………………………………………………………………….……… / 5
IEP Team Meetings
Preparation for Meetings ……………………………………………………………………….…………….
Notice of Proposed Meeting/Consent for Agency Participation
Special Education Rights ………………………………………………………………………………….… / 8
Conducting IEP Team Meetings
Initial Referrals ……………………………………………………………………………………...…………
Reevaluations ………………………………………………………………………………………..………… / 10
Transfer Students……………………………………………………………………………………………...…………
Requesting Information from Teachers
Initial Referrals & Reevaluations
When Information is Not Received / 14
When Evaluation Results are Received ………………………………………………………………...…………
Eligibility Meetings
Prior to the Eligibility Meeting
During the Eligibility Meeting
After Eligibility is Determined ……………………………………………………………………….…….
Collecting Referral to Placement Information…………………………………………..…..
Accepting Referrals in Local Schools…………………………………………….………… / 15
Exceptionalities ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….... / 18
Common Statistical Terms …………………………………………………………………………………………….
Eligibility Form
Use of the Notice and Eligibility Form
Completion of the Notice and Eligibility Form…………………………………………….. / 34
Next Steps………………………………………………………………………………………….. / 36

Intervention Strategies

Before a child is referred for special education services, formal intervention strategies must be implemented by the classroom teacher and monitored by the Problem Solving Team (PST) for at least nine weeks for elementary and middle and four and a half weeks for high school. A referral is made for special education evaluation when intervention strategies are determined unsuccessful.

PST Interventions are not necessary for students who have severe problems that require immediate attention, 3 and 4 year olds or 5 year olds who have not been in kindergarten, for children with articulation, voice, or fluency problems or traumatic brain injury (TBI).

The PST completes pages 1, 2, and 3 of the Referral for Evaluation (see Mastering the Maze) with the Problem Solving Team (PST) Meeting Minutes/Referral Form (Appendix A) and supporting documents attached. Vision and hearing screenings (see Optional Form 23) should be completed by the PST before referring to special education. The referral packet is given to the IEP Team leader.

The IEP Team Leader will then check for the following (Optional Form 1):

PST Meeting Minutes/Referral form

BASC Structured Observation System

·  One must be completed for all referrals (academics and behavior)

Copy of Current Vision and Hearing – MUST be either

·  Within Normal Limits or

·  Correction Obtained

If the referral is for possible ED consideration:

·  Documentation of check-in/check-out system

·  Documentation of Review 360 implementation

·  Six (6) months of Consistent Behavior Documentation. This documentation may include behaviors prior to PST interventions..

Work Samples (5 graded/dated for each area of concern)


The IEP Team

Functions of the IEP Team:

·  Conducts meetings to determine evaluations for initial referrals and reevaluations.

Ø  Decides whether a new referral is accepted

Ø  If referral is accepted, the IEP Team determines which evaluations are needed

Ø  For reevaluations, determines what, if any, evaluations are needed

·  Determines eligibility.

·  Writes/Reviews/Revises the Individualized Education Plans and Behavior Intervention Plans.

·  Conducts manifestation meetings after 10 days of suspensions occur in the school year.

Appropriate IEP Team Members

The IEP Team is composed of the following:

·  Parents of a student with disability (Parent may be a guardian who is considered the primary care giver, foster parent, or surrogate parent.) If the child is in the custody of DHR, the social worker must be invited but can not sign as the parent. If the biological parent still has rights he/she must be invited.

·  At least one (1) general education teacher of the student (if the student is or may be participating in the general education environment). For preschool students, a kindergarten teacher or other qualified person who can provide services to this age group may be designated.

·  At least one (1) special education teacher (of the student, for reevaluations) or one special education provider of the student.

·  An LEA representative who is:

Ø  qualified to provide or supervise specially designed instruction;

Ø  knowledgeable about the general curriculum;

Ø  knowledgeable about the availability of resources of the LEA; and

allowed to commit resources.

·  An individual who can interpret the instructional implications of evaluations (may be one of the other team members) at all IEP Team meetings.

·  Others at the discretion of the parent or LEA (including related service providers or those who have knowledge or special expertise regarding the student).

·  The student with a disability, if appropriate.

·  Transition services participants for students beginning at age 16 and above, if appropriate. This includes Career Tech at the local school campus and area Career Tech Center. Permission must be given for these people to attend.

·  Early Intervention Representatives. If the child was previously served through Early Intervention, an invitation to the initial IEP Team meeting must, at the request of the parent, be sent to the EI service coordinator or other EI representative to assist with the smooth transition of services.

IEP Team Leader Responsibilities

The main responsibility of this position is to ensure compliance to special education timelines.


The IEP Team Leader will:

·  Review the reevaluation list provided every 2 weeks by the school psychometrist/psychologist.

·  Develop a yearly schedule for all reevaluations at least 90 days before the three-year anniversary due date (date of last eligibility). Give each special education teacher a copy of the schedule so they can prepare for their meetings. Recommend that the Case Manager schedule a date for the “preparation meeting” so that existing data can be reviewed with the IEP Team Leader.

·  Will serve as LEA Representative at IEP meetings if appointed by principal to be the designee. Make sure teachers understand that only principals can appoint LEAs. Teachers cannot just take it upon themselves to be the LEA.

·  Attend quarterly training sessions.

·  Conduct monthly department meeting/training sessions at local school and send copies of sign-in sheets and agenda/minutes, if available, to your Central Office Resource Teacher.

Referral Process

The IEP Team Leader will:

·  Receive initial referrals and create a folder for the referred student in SETSWeb. The referral process in SETSWeb must be started so the psychometrists can access it.

·  Immediately schedule an IEP Team meeting for evaluation. Send a written Notice of Proposed Meeting/Consent for Agency Participation and Special Education Rights Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act to parents. The scheduled meeting date should reflect 10 days prior notice.

·  Invite appropriate IEP Team members (at least the first five members listed on Notice of Proposed Meeting/Consent for Agency Participation form) to the meeting to determine if the referral will be accepted for evaluation.

·  Conduct the IEP Meeting to Determine Evaluations and ensure all required forms are completed at the meeting. Make sure the LEA Representative is present for the entire meeting.

à  Initial referrals not accepted for evaluation; make sure parents are given a copy of:

Notice of Intent Regarding Special Education Services

*  IEP Team Minutes (Appendix B)

*  Refer to PST using local school procedures.

NOTE: Change status in SETSWeb to “inactive” and choose one of these reasons from the drop down menu –

·  Exited

·  Not accepted for evaluation

·  Not Eligible after initial eligibility

·  Parent refused services/Revoked consent

à  For Initial referrals accepted for evaluation, one of the following things will need to occur:

1.  If parent gives permission to evaluate:

*  Get Notice and Consent for Initial Evaluation signed. Be sure to enter the date consent was received in the student folder in SETSWeb,

*  Copy and disseminate the Initial Referrals/Initial Referrals/Reevaluations Data Neededform (Optional Form 2), along with the materials to be requested, to the appropriate people,

*  Send referral packet to psychological services within 5 school days of receipt of consent,


2.  If parent does not give permission to evaluate, give parents a copy of:

Notice of Intent Regarding Special Education Services

*  IEP Team Minutes

§  Change status in SETSWeb to “inactive” and indicate the reason as “Parent refused services/Revoked consent ”

·  Schedule the eligibility meeting; invite all team members.

·  Before the eligibility meeting review the psychological report and Notice and Eligibility Decision Regarding Special Education Services for accuracy. Be familiar with the reports and make note of any errors. If errors are found on the psychological report, contact the local school psychometrist so a corrected report can be sent to the school within 5 days. If assistance is needed for interpreting test data, contact your psychometrist.

·  Use the newest Alabama Administrative Code to ensure required data for the suspected area(s) of disability is listed on the eligibility report.

·  Give parents copies of:

Notice and Eligibility Decision Regarding Special Education Services

*  IEP Team Minutes

*  Psychological Report

Notice of Intent Regarding Special Education Services (if appropriate).

·  Make sure the Notice and Consent to Provide Special Education Services form is signed before services begin. This form may be signed at the eligibility meeting however; services do not begin until an IEP is developed.

·  Add all needed data to SETSWeb to complete the process and change status to “active”. Case Manager will create the paper special education folder.

Reevaluation for Eligibility Process

Reevaluation needing additional evaluations

The IEP Team Leader will:

·  Conduct the IEP Team meeting to determine evaluations. Make sure the LEA Representative is present for the entire meeting.

·  Assist in determining the need for additional evaluations and complete the following forms:

IEP Team’s Decision Regarding Reevaluation

Notice of Intent Regarding Special Education Services, if appropriate

*  IEP Team Minutes

*  Notice and Consent for Reevaluation (or make two documented attempts)

·  Collect requested data from teachers and/or parents and send to psychological services within 5 school days of receipt of consent or two documented attempts

·  Receive the psychological report from the principal (write date you received it in top right corner)

·  Schedule the IEP Team meeting for eligibility determination and inform Case Manager of the date and invite all team members.

·  Before the IEP Team Meeting to determine eligibility, review the psychological and eligibility reports for accuracy. Be familiar with the reports and make note of any errors. If errors are found on the psychological report, contact the local school psychometrist so a corrected report can be sent to the school within 5 days. If assistance is needed for interpreting test data, contact your psychometrist.

·  Use the newest Alabama Administrative Code to ensure required data for the suspected area(s) of disability is listed on the eligibility report.

·  Give parents copies of:

Notice and Eligibility Decision Regarding Special Education Services

*  IEP Team Minutes

*  Psychological Report

Notice of Intent Regarding Special Education Services, if appropriate

·  Update all data in SETSWeb

Reevaluation not needing evaluations

IEP Team Leader will:

·  Conduct IEP Team meeting. Make sure the LEA Representative is present for the entire meeting.

·  Assist with the review of all existing data. This includes but is not limited to - current psychological report, eligibility report, grades, behavior, CRT’s, state assessments, social skills. Consider teacher, parent, and student (when appropriate) input.

·  Use the newest Alabama Administrative Code to ensure all required evaluations are included on the existing eligibility report.

·  A new eligibility report must be completed on all reevaluations. It is a local school decision as to who enters the data on the new eligibility report in SETS but the IEP Team Leader has the responsibility for ensuring it is completed properly and is in compliance.

·  Complete the following forms:

Notice of IEP Team’s Decision Regarding Reevaluation form

Notice and Eligibility Decision Regarding Special Education Services

*  IEP Team Minutes

·  Make sure eligibility date is changed in student folder in SETSWeb.

·  Make sure parents receive copies of the following forms:

Notice of IEP Team’s Decision Regarding Reevaluation

Notice and Eligibility Decision Regarding Special Education Services

*  IEP Team Minutes

IEP Team Meetings

Preparation for Meetings

IEP Team Leader will:

·  Be prepared for the meetings so they can begin on time. Remember, everyone’s time is valuable.

·  Have all paperwork ready.

·  Ensure all team members have been notified ahead of time and have confirmed that they will attend.

·  Include all related service providers (i.e., speech, OT, PT, nurse) in the meeting. Any related service providers you anticipate needing at the meeting should be listed on the Notice of Proposed Meeting/Consent for Agency Participation. Remember, permission is needed for transition agency participants and Early Intervention (EI) agencies.

·  Arrange for class coverage, if necessary.

·  Allow enough time for the meeting.

Notice of Proposed Meeting/Consent for Agency Participation

A.  How to complete it properly

·  Type in date (include year), time, and location.

·  Check all purposes, which may need to be addressed at the meeting, before sending the notice. It is okay if the IEP Team does not address each purpose checked, but it is inappropriate for the Team to address an issue for which parents had not been provided prior notice. However, do not check everything when you know there is no chance it will be addressed.

·  Check who will attend the meeting. Rule of Thumb: Always invite the first five people listed. Remember that the school is required to inform parents of all possible participants in the meeting. Therefore, if you intend to invite a resource teacher or anyone else, indicate that on the Notice.

·  If a child is transitioning from Early Intervention, the EI agency should be invited.

·  Transition agencies need to be invited if the student is 15 years old or older on the day of the IEP meeting. You must obtain parent permission before inviting outside agencies.