Feasibility Template
for Proposed New Programs
Proposed ProgramTitle:
Sponsoring School, College, orDivision:
Sponsoring Academic Department(s) orUnit(s):
Classification of Instructional Program Code:[SB1]
Min/Max Credit Hours Required to EarnDegree:
Proposed BeginningTerm:[SB2]
Program Type (check all thatapply):
☐ / Associate of Applied ScienceDegree (AAS)☐
☐ / Associate of ArtsDegree (AA)
Associate of ScienceDegree (AS)
Specialized Associate Degree (specify awardtype)
Other (specify awardtype) / )
☐ / Bachelor of ArtsDegree (BA)
Bachelor of ScienceDegree (BS)
Professional Bachelor Degree (specify awardtype)
Other (specify awardtype) / )
☐ / Master of ArtsDegree (MA)
Master of ScienceDegree (MS)
Professional Master Degree (specify awardtype)
Other (specify awardtype)
☐ / Doctoral Degree (specify awardtype)
☐ / K-12 School PersonnelProgram
☐ / Out of Service Area DeliveryProgram
☐ / Certificate of Proficiency ☐Entry-level CTE CP ☐ Mid-level CP
Certificate of Completion
Graduate Certificate
K-12 Endorsement
☐ / New Emphasis for Regent-Approved Program
Credit Hours for NEW Emphasis Only:
Current Major CIP:
Current Program Title:
Current Program BOR Approval Date:
☐ / Out of Service Area Delivery Program
Feasibility Template[MA3]Program Description
Section I: TheRequest
The (Department Name) in the (School/College Name) at Utah Valley University requests approval to offer (name of program) effect (starting semester).
Section II: ProgramProposal
Present a complete, formal programdescription.
Consistency with InstitutionalMission
Explainhowtheprogramisconsistentwiththeinstitution'sRegents-approvedmission,roles,andgoals.Institutionalmissionand roles may be found at higheredutah.org/policies/policyr312/ .
Section III: NeedsAssessment
Labor MarketDemand[SB5]
Providelocal,state,and/ornationallabormarketdatathatspeaktotheneedforthisprogram.Occupationaldemand,wage,andnumberofannualopeningsinformationmaybefoundatsourcessuchasUtahDWSOccupationInformationDataViewer (jobs.utah.gov/jsp/wi/utalmis/gotoOccinfo.do)andtheOccupationOutlookHandbook(
Provideevidenceofstudentinterestanddemandthatsupportspotentialprogramenrollment.UseAppendixDtoprojectfive years'enrollmentsandgraduates.Note:Iftheproposedprogramisanexpansionofanexistingprogram,presentseveralyearsenrollmenttrendsbyheadcountand/orbystudentcredithoursthatjustifyexpansion.
AresimilarprogramsofferedelsewhereintheUSHE,thestate,orIntermountainRegion?Ifyes,identifytheexistingprogram(s)andcitejustificationsforwhytheRegentsshouldapproveanotherprogramofthistype.Howdoestheproposedprogramdifferfrom or compliment similarprogram(s)?
Collaboration with and Impact on Other USHEInstitutions
External Review andAccreditation
Indicatewhetherexternalconsultantsor,foracareerandtechnicaleducationprogram,programadvisorycommitteewere involvedinthedevelopmentoftheproposedprogram.Listthemembersoftheexternalconsultantsoradvisorycommitteeandbrieflydescribetheiractivities.Iftheprogramwillseekspecialprofessionalaccreditation,projectanticipatedcostsandadatefor accreditationreview.
Additional Questions for Feasibility Template for Proposed Undergraduate and Graduate Programs:
Estimated Number of Students Enrolled in Program Per Year _____
Estimated Number of Graduates from Program Per Year ______
Additional Questions for Feasibility Template for Proposed Graduate Programs:
Does UVU currently offer an undergraduate program in the same field as the graduate program? If so, how will the graduate program be distinct from the undergraduate program?
What faculty, staff, or other resources from the department’s undergraduate programs will be needed to support the proposed graduate program? Explain.
Expected number of FTE faculty, if any, reassigned from teaching undergraduate courses to teach graduate courses?
Will the program charge differential tuition?
If yes, what is recommended tuition rate per credit hour?
If yes, what is the justification for the differential tuition rate?
[SB1]To find CIP codes please go to the National Center for Education Statistics.
[SB2]Programs must be approved through NWCCU 6 weeks prior to registration for the semester you wish to start. For meeting dates of reviewing bodies please see your college/school curriculum committee chair.
[MA3]Please use the third person when responding to each section in the template. Cite all sources referenced.
[SB4]The first paragraph of this description will be the official description in the UVU catalog.
[SB5]Please request information for this section and the following two sections from Shannen Robson () in IRI.
Provide the following employment information for the program SOC code.
1. Labor demand forecasting from the Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Growth rate in Utah
- Median annual wage in Utah
- Comparison of median annual wage for occupation with median annual wage in Utah
- Mean annual wage trends for past three years
- Typical education for occupation
2. Burning Glass Report on the following:
- Job Postings for the Provo-Orem, Utah Metropolitan Statistical Area
- Job Postings for the State of Utah
- Job Postings for the Top Industry Sectors in Utah
- Job Counts by Year for past three years in Utah
- Education and Experience for Job Postings in Utah
- Mean Real-Time Salary for Job Postings in Utah
1. Provide the following Economic Development and Employer Planning System (EDEPS) information for the program’s SOC code:
- Number of degree completers in Utah
- Most frequently awarded degrees in Utah
- 5 year data for Utah of existing degree supply
2. Provide the following UVU information:
- Enrollments in existing core courses that will be part of the program.
- For graduate programs, undergraduate program completion rates at UVU for programs where students may be interested in the graduate program.
[SB7]Provide the following information for the program’s SOC code:
1.Similar USHE and other Utah program enrollments (You will need to contact other institutions on your own to get this. IRI does not have this information, but they can provide a list of the IRI offices in the State if needed)
2.Similar USHE and other Utah program graduates (provided by IRI)