Metcalf Infant Research Laboratory


Professor James Morgan, Director

Cognitive, Linguistic & Psychological Sciences

190 Thayer Street – Room 125

Providence, Rhode Island 02912

Voice: (401) 863-2377

Fax: (401) 863-2255


To park on the visitor lot on Brooke Street, this is a suggested route you may consider taking to the lab.

  • From Route 95N or 95S, take Exit 22A (Memorial Blvd.)
  • Follow the exit ramp onto Memorial Blvd.
  • At the fourth set of traffic lights, take a left onto Washington Street
  • Follow straight and up the hill. The road has now turned into Waterman Street .
  • You'll pass Brown Street on your left and cross over Thayer Street.
  • At the next set of lights take a right onto Brook Street.
  • The entrance to the parking area is almost immediately on your left "Paid- Visitor Lot". Pull into one of the "human research" parking spaces.


~Walking to the building~

When walking to the lab you’re basically following the path you just drove in by.

  • Take a right out of parking lot.
  • At the corner take a left, crossing Brook St. (the street you just pulled in from)
  • Walk 1 block along Waterman St. (Subway Sandwich will be across the street from you).
  • At next corner, continue straight across Thayer St. Our building will now be on your left.
  • Take a left at that corner to walk down Thayer Street, along the front of the building.
  • Enter the building by going up the rampinto the first door on your right.
  • Once inside go through the 2nd door on your left and continue straight through the next glass door until you get to room 125. You’ve found our lab!