MEETING DATE: October 31, 2013


Susan Hoyne Betty Peace-Gladstone

Gillian Lewis Lori Stephens

Alicia Zweifach* Anna Sterner*

Claire Murata Vacant (Science)

Don Christensen* Vacant (Science)

Kristen Marra *

(*Members Present)


Vacant, Dean, Prof-Tech Edu

RESOURCE: Sharon Wines*

GUESTS: Shana Calaway, Ron Carnell, Rachel David, Kathie Hunt, Jonathan Ursin

Co-Chair Don Christensen opened the meeting. He held the proxy for Claire Murata and Betty Peace-Gladstone. Anna Sterner held Lori Stephens’ proxy.

1. Approval of Minutes

The October 17, 2013 minutes were approved.

2. Status of Follow-up Items

(a)  Review of 131 unfinished MCOs. Sharon reported the 131 unfinished MCOs are now up to 144. Don investigated unfinished MCOs in his division. John Backes was asking us to make sure those courses are in process. Please look to see if you have courses in your program area. Sharon has an excel list she can send out.

3. Faculty Senate Update

The Faculty Senate is still working on policy matters. Their agenda included providing input on the presidential search.

4. MCO Completion Status

Sharon reported the total completed MCOs are down to 1,017 from 1,024.

5. SECOND READING ANTH 295 Special Topics in Anthropology

CONSENSUS was reached to accept for second reading ANTH 295 to be in effect Winter Quarter, 2014

6. FIRST READING MATH 096 Intermediate Algebra, Individualized-Modules

MATH 086 Elementary Algebra, Individualized-Modules

MATH 070 Introduction to Algebra

MATH 080 Intermediate Algebra I

Shana Calaway explained MATH 80 is actually a “new” course. It received temporary approval to offer it in Winter 2014. MATH 80 received significantly changed content. MATH 70, 86 and 96 have cosmetic changes in the title or description. MATH 80 contains the topics from the old MATH 80 and the old MATH 99 needed for MATH 107 and MATH 146. The more complicated algebra skills from both courses are pushed into the second quarter (MATH 099), for the students who need them.

Shana explained there is not enough time to change the MATH 80 number and get it into the catalog. They expect to change the number for MATH 80 when they bring in MATH 99. They are only doing this one quarter with the MATH 80 number. The transcripts should say Intermediate Algebra. MATH 80 will not be the number that is a prerequisite for other college level courses.

CONSENSUS was reached to accept for first reading MATH 080, MATH 070, MATH 086 and MATH 096 to be in effect Winter 2014.

7. FIRST READING ART 144 Beginning Photography

ART 244 Studio/Lighting/Digital Imaging

ART 146 Advanced Photography

ART 145 Intermediate Photography

ART 246 Documentary Photography

Kathie Hunt presented these revised courses for first reading. ART 144 is revised to become standard with all other Studio Art Courses and had to change the contact hours. The description changes are based primarily in moving from film to film and digital. ART 144 will cost more due to the increase in IFTEF as a result of instructor contact hours. Kathie noted they may end up offering more of these kinds of classes to match the demand. They are working on developing an online version. Kathie will double-check which transfer type boxes to check on the last page of the MCOs. ART 244 and 246 are already set up as studio classes. They added in the digital pieces.

Sharon informed Kathie of the need to have Mary Bonar follow through on the correct CIP codes for VCT 215, 216 and 217. They are rejecting in MIS and we are losing FTEs.

CONSENSUS was reached to accept for first reading the above listed ART courses to be in effect Spring 2014. Kathie will double-check which transfer type boxes should be checked.

8. FIRST READING GWS 288 Introduction to LGBTIQ Studies

Rachel David presented this new course for first reading. She has an innovation leave next quarter. Her main project is to develop and be prepared to teach this class. It will be offered in the Spring with one of her part-time instructors in the discipline. It is a class that brings SCC into the cutting edge a little bit. We are ahead of the UW with this one. It was noted the “I” in the title is not listed as such in all places. A word in Outcome 1 needs to be revised.

CONSENSUS was reached to accept for first reading the new course GWS 288 to be in effect Spring 2014. Changes in italics above will be made.

9. FIRST READING P-CMP 135 Access 2010: An Introductory Course +50

P-CMP 140 Microsoft PowerPoint +50

10. FIRST READING P-BUS 190 Strategies to Increase College Funding +50

P-BUS 294 Selling for the Non-Sales Person +50

P-BUS 195 Intro to Entrepreneurship +50

P-BUS 196 Entrepreneurship: Nature or Nurture? +50

P-BUS 197 Values-Based Entrepreneurship +50

P-BUS 198 Brand You 50+

P-BUS 199 Your Key to Free Startup Resources 50+

P-BUS 290 Business Planning with QuickPlan +50

P-BUS 291 Making Money +50

P-BUS 292 Executive Business Plan +50

P-BUS 295 Introduction to Finding Funding +50

P-BUS 296 Art of the Strategic Start +50

P-BUS 293 Introduction to Business Leadership Tools +50

Ron Carnell introduced the +50 classes for first reading. John explained these are non-credit classes. The curriculum has already been created by a group in Washington DC focused on adults who lost their jobs. The way these are constructed is very different than anything we do in the credit world. They have basic skills, assessment and learning outcomes, but we need to keep track of them in the curriculum because we have students take these classes, then may move into the college. There could be a prior learning assessment for different approaches student might take to enter into a credit path.

There will be ten 1-hour workshops. (There is an MCO for each hour). Three of them will be “lab launches” which will be a 3-hour course that happens on a different day. Sharon voiced her concern about knowing the exact number of contact hours faculty will be with the students.

Don Christensen said the format is different than what we are used to. Ron didn’t get a lot of advice what we expect when these come to us. Normally the course outcomes are split out. That would be one generic change we need on all of them. Don said he is willing to meet with Ron before next Thursday and go over some general changes. Descriptions will need to be clear.

Ron is hoping P-CMP 135 and 140 could be for Winter Quarter.

John responded we are talking two different things. What has happened is there is national curriculum called 50+. It appears Ron is trying to take some new curriculum that is not nationally based but written by Tiffany McVeety to advance as a set of curriculum in the 50+ program, to either replace or add on to the curriculum.

Kristin noted this is a great idea, but wondered if we had to have all these separate MCOs or could we combine them? John said one way to look at it, is the MCOs are the official record of the college and what the college offers. If we blend these, it would only work to pull in perhaps three 1-hour classes on Entrepreneurship. If the basic course outcomes for all three classes were the same, then we can probably pull that off. Otherwise, if they are different, then we have to have separate MCOs. If we can consolidate some and keep it straight, that is okay. John will leave it to Ron and Don to work on.

Don wondered if rather than 12 different MCOs, is there a way of treating the whole series like a course and doing one MCO. Kristin noted almost each class looks like an outcome.

Sharon pointed out common corrections that need to be made. For P-BUS the division code is SI (no SO). Ron and Don need to talk about grading. Signatures need to be added from David Cunningham and potentially impacted divisions.

CONSENSUS was reached to accept for first reading the above listed P-CMP and P-BUS courses. Ron Carnell will be required to be present during the time of the second reading.

11. MATH – DTA

The committee reviewed the AA-DTA course list revised as a result of the changes in Math requirements. Kristin Marra recommended the proposed note read, “Students planning to transfer to the University of Washington must consult Math Advising, .” The committee agreed with the change.

Anna noted it will be confusing for Nursing students (if they are pre pre-Nursing). Shana said it would be helpful if Nursing faculty send information as to what the requirements are going to be. It will help for Math advising to have. Shana recommended sending the information to .

12. Criteria for Math/Science Distribution


Meeting adjourned 3:45 pm

Minutes by Kerry Fondren

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