MAY 10, 2010


A meeting of the Hector City Council was called to order at 7:00PM with the pledge of allegiance by Mayor Jeff Heerdt. Members present: Mayor Jeff Heerdt Council Members: Ralph Bergsma, Janet Olson and Mark Schwiderski. Staff present: Barbara Hoyhtya, City Administrator and Acting Police Chief Mike Nguyen. Citizens present: Brian Broderius, Stanley Evenson, Lowell Grimm, Mike Grimm, Marlys Hagstrom, Ruth Hamilton, Mike Jacoby, Jason Lange, Penny Macik, Andrew Markgraf, Jill Nezworski, Michelle & Franklin Schafer and Jerome Schueller.

Welcome to everyone by Mayor Heerdt.


Council Member Schwiderski motioned to approve the agenda with the following additions: under the Airport 2. Council Representative, under Police 6. vacation leave and under Administration pay period – work week, with a second by Council Member Olson. Bergsma, Heerdt, Olson and Schwiderski voted to approve the agenda, none voted against, motion carried.


Council Member Schwiderski motioned to approve the minutes of the April 12, 2010 meeting. Council Member Bergsma seconded the motion. Bergsma, Heerdt, Olson, and Schwiderski voted in favor, none voted against. Motion carried.

Council Member Bergsma motioned to approve the minutes of the April 26, 2010 meeting. Council Member Olson seconded the motion. Bergsma, Heerdt, Olson and Schwiderski voted in favor, none voted against. Motion carried.



Karl Koford is back from his tour of duty. The council welcomed him back. Hoyhtya read a letter of commendation he received from his superior officer.

Todd Carlson had asked to be on the agenda and he was not in attendance. This was tabled until he comes.

Dave Keintz introduced a GPS System that the cities of Hector and Buffalo Lake could share. The system would allow you to transfer all information of maps into the computer system. It would also allow you to put age, size, values, type and location of various things such as hydrants, curb stops, valves etc anything you would want to record from your system.The cities could share a receiver saving some money.

The data collected would be inputted by having to go to each site manually and entering it into the receiver which could then be put into the computer directly from the receiver.

Renville County has done the parcel maps and they have it all on GPS. This could be downloaded into the computer unto our system.

This system could save engineering time and money.

There is an annual fee for licensing. The computer would need at least 2 gig of


With Harold retiring in the next year it is important to get this knowledge now down on paper.

This would also be another way the cities can share equipment.

The council would like to think about this and have another meeting to discuss capital expenditures forecast.

Mike Grimm told the council that his son had been beaten up in the Main Park. He feels we need police exposure with all the parks. The police department will talk with Mike Grimm about the incident with his son.

Curfew and park closing hours need to be followed and enforced by the police department.

Andrew Markgraf came to the council with a request to make the crossing at the railroad crossing on Highway 4 safer for walkers. Is there grants available for trails? Hoyhtya explained that there have been meetings about trails in Renville County. Mayor Heerdt and Hoyhtya attended one earlier this year. They continue to talk. The trail ideas to get through Hector would be coming in on County Road 34 and going by the school and down to the park and out around Prairie View and back out to 3rd Street East and out Bryant Avenue to Buffalo Lake. There was discussion about Curt Sampson’s land. Hoyhtya explained that Curt had wanted to have a walking path on his property but the neighbors did not want it. Andrew asked if the police could monitor the truck and car traffic closer in that area.

Heerdt suggested white lines at the crossing.

It was discussed that this would be a good project for the EDA and Planning Commission to look into.


Resolution 10-13 Accepting Donations and Designating Their Use. Motion to approve by Council Member Schwiderski, second Council Member Bergsma. Bergsma, Heerdt, Olson, and Schwiderski voted in favor, none voted against. Motion carried.





WHEREAS, any city may accept a gift or inheritance of money, goods or property from anyone, accept gifts for religious or sectarian uses or gifts that are religious in nature; and

WHEREAS, the City of Hector has received a donation from the Buford Broderius for $250.00.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Hector, that the City accepts the donations in full and designate the funds for the following purposes in the following funds:

1)  City of Hector Donation to be used for the Hector Ambulance.

Adopted by the Council this 10th day of May , 2010.


Jeff Heerdt, Mayor



Barbara M. Hoyhtya, City Administrator

Resolution 10-14 Approving Closure of Trunk Highway #4 on Saturday July 10, 2010. Motion by Council Member Bergsma, second by Council Member Olson. Bergsma, Heerdt, Olson, and Schwiderski voted in favor, none voted against. Motion carried.



WHEREAS, participants and event officials will obey all Minnesota Laws pertaining to the use of Highway Rights of Way; and

WHEREAS, the event officials will notify the Minnesota State Patrol of the proposed event and will provide law enforcement officers to control and/or detour trunk highway traffic affected by the event; and

WHEREAS, the City of Hector agrees to assume entire responsibility and liability for all damages or injury to all persons, whether employees or otherwise and to all property, arising out of, resulting from or in any manner connected with the operation of the event.

The City of Hector agrees to indemnify the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MN/DOT), its agents and employees from all such claims including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing claims for which the Department may be or may be claimed to be liable, and legal fees and disbursements paid or incurred to enforce the provisions of this paragraph.

The City of Hector further agrees to obtain, maintain and pay for such general liability coverage as will ensure the provisions of this paragraph.

WHEREAS, the City of Hector will be responsible for any damage done to the highway property as a result of the event activities, damages payable upon receipt of invoice.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Hector permits Trunk Highway #4 to be closed for the Hector Corn Chaff Days Parade on July 10th from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Passed this 10th day of May 2010.


Jeff Heerdt, Mayor



Barbara M. Hoyhtya, City Administrator



Jill Nezworski, Chairman of the Hector Airport Advisory Committee was present to go over the airport items on the agenda.

A.  Master Key Lock the Airport Committee is recommending a master key. Each hanger renter would have their own key to their hanger. Countrywide Lumber gave Nezworski a price of $39.99 for the lock set and $25.00 to redo the master key.

Motion by Council Member Schwiderski to approve the lock set and master key system, second by Bergsma. Bergsma, Heerdt, Olson and Schwiderski voted in favor, none voted against. Motion carried.

Motion to approve Ralph Bergsma as the council representative on the Airport Advisory Committee by Council Member Olson, second by Council Member Schwiderski. Heerdt, Olson and Schwiderski voted in favor, Bergsma abstained. Motion carried.


Motion to approve a new member to the ambulance service, Samantha Ebbers, after completing a background check and physical, by Schwiderski, second by Council Member Bergsma. Bergsma, Heerdt, Schwiderski voted in favor. Olson abstained Motion carried.


Motion to approve the contract with Honey-DO Lawn Service with a raise of 3% increase over last year coming to $762.72 per mowing by Council Member Bergsma, second Council Member Olson. Bergsma, Heerdt, Olson, and Schwiderski voted in favor, none voted against. mOtion carried.


The EDA discussed the handicap parking at Prairie View. Another spot has been added. Also discussion on the Hector Industrial property, a revolving loan, Hummingbird Court agreement with Richard Loftness and no meetings in the summer.


Motion to appoint Janis Weilke, and Judy Ovitt to the Library board by Council Member Olson, second by Council Member Bergsma. Bergsma, Heerdt, and Olson voted to approve, Schwiderski abstained. Motion carried.

Motion to approve a Proclamation for 25 years of service for the library by Council Member Olson, second by Council Member Bergsma. Bergsma, Heerdt, Olson and Schwiderski voted in favor, none voted against. Motion carried.

Office of the Mayor

City of Hector


Whereas, the Hector Public Library is celebrating 25 years of service, and

Whereas, the Library plays an important role in the

Hector – Buffalo Lake communities, and

Whereas, the Library makes the world of knowledge and

ideas accessible to the communities we serve by providing

resources for their educational, informational, cultural

and recreational needs in a safe and respectful environment, and

Whereas, the City of Hector, wishes to congratulate the

Hector Library on their 25th Anniversary, May 8, and

Whereas, the Hector Library will be celebrating the Anniversary

on May 13th.

Now therefore, the City Council of Hector would like to dedicated

May 13th as


And urge all citizens of Hector to recognize the value of the

Hector Library.

In witness whereof, I have set my

Hand and cause the seal to be



Jeff Heerdt

Date May 10, 2010

Motion to approve the Proclamation thanking The Friends of the Hector Public Library by Council Member Bergsma, second by Council Member Olson. Bergsma, Heerdt, Olson and Schwiderski voted in favor, none voted against. Motion carried.

Office of the Mayor

City of Hector


Whereas, The Friends of the Hector Public Library is an organization

in Hector, and

Whereas, The Friends of the Hector Library have been in existence since

April of 1987, and

Whereas, The Friends of the Hector Library have played an important

role in the library, providing support and enrichment to library services,

volunteer help and promotion of the library, and

Whereas, The Friends of the Hector Library offer their support through funding, volunteer help and general promoting of the Hector Library so that everyone can take advantage of the Hector Library.

Now therefore, the City Council of Hector would like to thank The Friends of the Hector Library for their dedication to the Hector Library, community and patrons of the library.

In witness whereof, I have set my

Hand and cause the seal to be



Jeff Heerdt

Date May 10, 2010


Reviewed the report.


Council member Schwiderski motioned to appoint Marie Walls to the Planning Commission, second by Council Member Olson. Bergsma, Heerdt, Olson and Schwiderski voted in favor, none voted against. Motion carried.


The council reviewed the Evidence and Storage Room items and Council Member Bergsma motioned to have the police department deal with the items as laid out, second Council Member Schwiderski. Bergsma, Heerdt, Olson and Schwiderski voted in favor, none voted against. Motion Carried.

Motion to approve the Worthless Check Program with Financial Crimes Services (FCS) by Council Member Olson, second by Council Member Schwiderski. Bergsma, Heerdt, Olson and Schwiderski voted in favor, none voted against. Motion carried.

Motion to remove Adam Crain from the part time roster by Council Member Schwiderski, second by Council Member Olson. Bergsma, Heerdt, Olson and Schwiderski voted in favor none voted against. Motion carried.

Council Member Schwiderski motioned to advertise for a full time Police Chief, second by Council Member Olson. Bergsma, Heerdt, Olson and Schwiderski voted in favor, none voted against. Motion carried.

The advertising will be in the local paper, League of Minnesota Cities web site and the Minnesota POST Board.

Motion to hire John Reigstad and Sarah Nelson as part time officers by Council Member Bergsma, second by Council member Olson. Bergsma, Heerdt, Olson and Schwiderski voted in favor. None voted against. Motion carried.

Blight from last year is being picked up where it left off from last year. After the 30 day notice the city will have the items removed. Police will work on the logistics of the removal.

Acting Police Chief Mike Nguyen has a goal for the police department of more visibility. Make sure everyone knows who they are and that the public, the businesses and residents know who they are.

Administrator Hoyhtya asked for some clarification on the vacation policy.


The personnel committee completed Harold Carstens and Adrian Schiebel’s evaluations.

The personnel committee is requesting Adrian get a $.50 per hour raise. He has taken on more duties this past year and will start working the weekend shifts doing the rounds in the water/wastewater department.

Council member Olson motioned to give Adrian Schiebel a raise of $.50 per hour on a three month probationary period working towards improving his skills, second by Bergsma. Improving his skills:

1.  Cross training

2.  Weekend work

There was discussion about giving a raise before the skills are improved.

Bergsma, Heerdt, and Olson voting in favor, Schwiderski voted against. Motion carried.

The hail damage estimates from the insurance company from last fall were reviewed. Council Member Schwiderski motioned to fix the list as listed with the insurance values only, second by Council Member Olson. Bergsma, Heerdt, Olson and Schwiderski voted in favor none voted against. Motion carried.

They would also like to have the fire hall roof checked.