Manningtree and DistrictRoyal British Legion
Minutes of Branch No 3683 Meeting held on 14th April2015
Item / Opening Address / By Whom1 / The Branch Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting / Branch Chairman
Item / Exhortation / By Whom
2 / The meeting was opened with the exhortation, and a respectful silence was observed. / Branch President
Apologies and Attendance
3 / 17 members of the Branchattended the meeting, with apologies being received from 12others. / Branch Chairman
4 / The minutes of the last meeting were read out.
Proposed: Ann Watson
Seconded: Dave Brown
Agreed unanimously. / Branch Secretary
Chairman’s Report
5 / Veterans Tea Dance
The Chairman stated that a Veterans Tea Dance was being organised by Clacton on Sea Branch & Tendring District Council (TDC) for Saturday 22nd August between 12 noon and 3 pm at the Princes Theatre, which is inside the Town Hall. Initial plans are to invite WW2 veterans within the TDC area with wives to the event, followed by other veterans from the 9 RBL Branches and Military Associations. All Branches and Associations will be limited to the amount of tickets available. It will be free of charge to all invited, once it is know how many WW2 veterans attending then invites will go out to Branches etc. Limited to 160 seated with 10 VIPs in attendance.Finger Buffet on the day with Tea, Coffee and soft drinks, it has been requested that the Bar be open.Initial thoughts are for any organisations wishing to sell any merchandise the proceeds go to the Essex County Poppy Appeal via TDC.
TDC have a budget for this of £2,250 which will fund this event, as a Branch we will push for this event to run through to 2018 to commemorate the end of WW1 and hopefully beyond.
The Chairman and Events Secretary have been asked to manage this event with TDC, with the Clacton Branch President keeping an eye on proceedings.
Honour Packs
The Chairman showed a new Honour Pack called 4 Honour, where it has been extended from an Honour Walk to include a Walk, Run, Ride or Swim or one of them with a twist. He asked for ideas from the Branch if anyone wanted to do something, or collectively as a Branch. All proceeds from these go to the Poppy Appeal.
Door to Door Collectors
On the most recent list only Colchester is being covered this month.
Parade Marshal Course
The Chairman attended this course in March at Haig House and passed with an ‘A’ grade. He explained that it is no longer a pass/fail system, now graded A, B or D. Depending on the grade would then mean what you are able to do.
Lawford Church
Lawford Church are holding a Summer Fete on Saturday 4th July between 11 am and 4 pm. The Branch has been asked if we are interested in having a stall. There is going to be a display in the Church of WW1 and 2 artifacts/articles related to Lawford and the people on their Memorials.
They have been contacted that we are interested and it was suggested that any monies raised would go to the Poppy Appeal.
Volunteers will be required as the Chairman and Events Secretary have to be elsewhere later that afternoon, but would be able to set up.
Chairman & Secretary’s Meeting
This is on Saturday 20th June at Witham RBL, the Chairman, Secretary and Events Secretary will be attending.
County Matters
The Chairman mentioned a number of matters from the last County Committee meeting including that Branch and Committee Member, Steve Shuttleworth had also attended, with a view to becoming the County Training Officer.
Committee Members
The Chairman stated that the Committee can accommodate another 4 members, and asked if anyone was interested to speak to him or the Branch Secretary, or any other Committee Member after the meeting. / Branch
Item / Vice Chair’s Report
6 / N/A / Branch
Item / Secretary’s Report
7 / The Secretary informed the Branch that both the Branch Chairman, Jamie Robinson, and Events Secretary, Sharon Robinson, were presented with Certificates of Meritorious Service at the last County Committee Meeting for their roles as County Recruiting Officers, and passed on congratulations to them both on behalf of the Branch.
Insult to Injury Campaign
A letter had been received from Bernard Jenkin MP with regard to this, it had been emailed to all but was available should anyone wish to read it. Also another email had been received with regard to sending a further letter, however as Parliament has been dissolved, prior to the General Election, technically we do not have an MP, so it was suggested that any further response should be discussed at the next Branch Meeting, which is the week after the General Election. This was agreed.
VE Day Stories
The Secretary asked that if anyone knew of persons who were around at the time (and have a connection to TRBL) and would like to share them, then this can be done online of be passed onto the PR team.
Manningtree History Group
Philip Cunningham of the Manningtree Museum & History Group has done further research into the three local men who were killed at Gallipoli and has produced a leaflet (copies available for all) which he has suggested can be handed out on Sunday 26th April prior to the service.
Colchester Headgate Theatre
A ‘Dads Army’ production will be on at this venue between 6th and 9th May to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the end of WW2, with half of the proceeds being donated to the RBL. Tickets are £10, Concessions £8. The full details will be emailed to all. / Branch Secretary
Treasurers Report
8 / Monies Received:
Trizfoil Guild – LIC Donation: £25
Trizfoil Members- Donation: £12
Membership Fee: £15
Total: £52
Expenditure: Nil
Current Account: £2,042.29
WW1 Account:£274.39
Branch Gazebo:£200
Total: £2,516.68 (as at 14th April) / Branch Treasurer
Item / Branch Welfare
9 / Nothing to report / Branch Welfare Officer
County Welfare Report
10 / N/A / County Welfare Officer
A Group
11 / Still awaiting the minutes and the next meeting is on Saturday 25th April at either Walton RBL or Walton YMCA. / A Group Reps
Parade Marshals Report
12 / Plans are going well for Sunday 26th April and we are hoping for a good turnout on the day. Service will be officiated by Branch Chaplain, Reverend Chris Hills, with the Mayor of Manningtree doing the reading. The Branch President will carry out the exhortation, with the Branch Chairman doing the Kohima epitaph.
The Service Sheets are now complete and can be picked up from Alan Saddington, whom we again thank as he has kindly agreed to print them for each Ceremonial Event this year.
Volunteers will be required for the road closures which will go in for 10 am and be removed by 12 noon. Parade will muster in the High Street junction with South Street at 10.50 am. Order of Dress is Suits etc Medals to be worn.
The War Memorial will need a tidy up, the old Wreaths have been cleared away and donated to Acorn Village for their show, so volunteers required.
Also the chain across the Memorial has been examined, and it is though that a 20mm link chain would be most appropriate, so that the centre chain can be removed for the laying of wreaths, which will avoid anyone tripping over it.
Wooden Crosses, both new Pins, VE Day 70 and 1915-2015, will be available. All of the above also applies to the Parade/Service on Sunday 10th May, VE Day Anniversary. / Branch Chairman
Membership Secretary Report
13 / The Membership Secretary reported that there was no change from last month, as the new Database will be coming on line in May. There will be a new application form coming out. Also in May all members will be receiving a letter explaining the new renewal process, and also to complete a new Direct Debit Mandate as there is a change in Banks. / Membership Secretary
Events Committee Report
14 / The Events Secretary reported that the Coffee Morning on Saturday 27th June was now all sorted, between 11 am and 1-1.30 pm. The Coop Area Coordinator had been approached and they would be donating Coffee, Tea etc at no cost to the Branch.
The Poppy Picnic will be on Saturday 25th July at Acorn Village between 12 noon and 4 pm. Raffle Prizes will be required, including things suitable for children.
Royal Albert Hall – Tickets for this will be available on 1st July so monies due for this will be required by the June Branch Meeting. / Events Secretary
Press Relations Officer
15 / The Press Relations Officer stated that she wanted to do a full page spread for the Press and had contacted Head Office to see what can be used. / Press Relations Officer
Poppy Appeal / By Whom
16 / The total to date stands at £9,017.04 / PAO
Kohima Epitaph
18 / The meeting closed at 20.20with the Chairman reading the Kohima Epitaph / Branch
Jamie Robinson BranchChairman Andy BakerBranch Secretary
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