Chapter 5 - Consciousness

Web Resources

The Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness

A rich site that includes transcripts of seminars on various topics in consciousness research, journal articles, bibliographies, and links that cover current and historical issues in consciousness.

Worried about your sleep?

This site provides a self-test for sleep related problems, links to finding sleep services in your community, recent updates in the field, and other vital information.

Everything you wanted to know about sleep but were too tired to ask!

SleepNet is an educational, noncommercial site developed to improving sleep health worldwide. It contains a sleep test, forum on sleep issues, as well as, many links to sleep lab sites and to sleep disorders.

Worried about your drug use?

Each of these organizations offers basic information and advice on how to deal with problem drug abuse and use. If you want more information, try Sponsored by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, this website contains comprehensive, up-to-date information and national statistics on drug use and related links.

Want more information about MDMA or Ecstasy?

This website is dedicated to promoting health and safety within the rave and nightclub community. Click on the link, "Your Brain on Ecstasy," and you will discover an incredible slide show detailing precisely how Ecstasy creates its effects. Also try, This website provides additional information on Ecstasy, as well as GHB, Rohypnol, and other popular psychoactive drugs.

Interested in Hypnosis?

This commercial site offers extensive information and services related to hypnosis, including free ebooks and free articles.

American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH)

The largest U.S. organization for health and mental health care professionals using clinical hypnosis, this site provides information and links for the general public, as well as for members of the organization. A good first stop for researching possible referral services.

National Institute on Drug Abuse

This is the homepage of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. It contains a very thorough and readable collection of pages about all the major drugs of abuse. For each drug, there is a “capsule” that summarizes the drug, its effects, and its abuse profile. There is also a list of more scientific articles related to that substance.


Concerned about your alcohol consumption? Take the self-scoring Alcohol Check-up. This Web site was constructed to provide information about addictive behavior.

Drugs, Brains and Behavior by C. Robin Timmons & Leonard W. Hamilton

This Web site is an excellent resource. It features a complete online textbook about the brain, drugs, and various related mental disorders.


This Web site provides free online news about narcolepsy for patients, physicians, and researchers.

Sleep Medicine Home Page

This is a comprehensive site for information on sleep and sleep disorders.

Web of Addictions

This is another site providing facts about alcohol and drug abuse, guides to treatment resources, and links to related sites.

MedLine Plus Sleep Disorders

The United States National Library of Medicine provides links to sources on the causes, types, and treatments of sleep disorders.

PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Consciousness

From the homepage: “PSYCHE is a refereed electronic journal dedicated to supporting the interdisciplinary exploration of the nature of consciousness and its relations to the brain. PSYCH publishes material relevant to that exploration from the perspectives afforded by the disciplines of cognitive science, philosophy, psychology, physics, neuroscience, and artificial intelligence. Interdisciplinary discussions are particularly encouraged.”

Schaffer Library of Drug Policy

This Web site contains a brief history of the major events that have brought us to the current drug policies in the United Sates. Readers are invited to submit verifiable historical items for inclusion in the library.

The Drug Reform Coordination Network

This Web site presents information and coordinates activities focused on the reform of North American drug laws.