MONDAY 28 January 2013
PRESENT: Chair: The Mayor – Councillor John Batt
Councillors: I Avery, P Beardsell, A Gallico, M Gallico, T Handley, P Ireland, H McNamara, P McNamara, C Reid, K Sewell,
A Willoughby, C Willoughby and A Wright.
Staff Present: The Clerk and the (new) Deputy Clerk (Maggie Richards)
Also Present: District Councillor Anne Jones, Ms Wendy Sanderson, Mr P Littler, Mr Bixby, Ms Maggie Walker, Mrs McLaughlin and several other members of the public.
Late Arrivals: None
Early Departures: Peta Beardsall 9.05 p.m. Ian Avery 10.00 p.m.
The Mayor opened the meeting by assuring all parties that the Councillors would observe a strict Code of Conduct, speaking and voting according to their own conscience and any member not doing so may be asked to leave the room.
C13/19 ITEM 1 – To receive Apologies for Inability to attend the meeting
Apologies were received from Councillor N Smith.
C13/20 ITEM 2 – Councillors’ Declarations of Interest
All declarations are personal unless otherwise stated.
Councillor P Ireland / Member of HBC – will consider any same item at HBC in the light of any new information.Councillor A Gallico / Item 6 (385) – as a member of the Electoral Roll of Holy Trinity church has a personal interest.
Councillor M Gallico / Item 6 (385) – as a member of the Electoral Roll of the parish of Knaresborough has a personal interest.
Councillor A Willoughby / Item 4b – The neighbours to this property, Mr and Mrs Dixon, are associates.
Item 6 (299) – The neighbours to this property, in Boroughbridge Road are associates.
Item 9c) – prejudicial interest as Councillor Willoughby is named in the complaint.
Item 9d) Councillor Willoughby is Chairman of Renaissance Knaresborough and an associate of Andrew Grinter.
Item 11a) – part of Councillor Willoughby’s household income is from NYCC.
Councillor H McNamara / Item 6 (299) – Councillor McNamara is a friend of the Applicant.
Councillor C Willoughby / Member of HBC – will consider any same item at HBC in the light of any new information.
Item 4b) – A member of the Electoral Roll of the parish of Knaresborough and the neighbours to this property, Mr and Mrs Dixon, are friends.
Item 6 (299) - The neighbours to this property, in Boroughbridge Road are friends.
Item 6 (1351) – The Landlord and Landlady are friends.
Item 9c) – prejudicial interest as Councillor Willoughby is named in the complaint.
Item 9d) – Mr Grinter is an associate.
Item 11a) - possibly prejudicial as Councillor Willoughby is a member of the NYCC pension scheme.
Councillor A Wright / Item 11a) – possibly prejudicial depending on what is discussed re the pension scheme.
Councillor P McNamara / Item 6 (299) – Councillor McNamara is a friend of the Applicant.
Councillor J Batt / Member of HBC – will consider any same item at HBC in the light of any new information.
Member of NYCC – will consider any same item at NYCC in the light of any new information.
Item 9d) – Treasurer of Renaissance Knaresborough.
Councillor T Handley / Item 9d) – Councillor Handley is vice chair of Renaissance Knaresborough, a member of the Chamber of Trade, and Andy Grinter is an associate,
C13/21 ITEM 3 – To consider and if thought fit approve as a correct record the
Minutes of Council meeting held on Monday 14 January 2013
Tabled for the next Council Meeting to be held on 11 February 2013.
C13/22 ITEM 4 – KTC Public Speaking Session
a) Mr D Perry - Item withdrawn
b) Mr P Bixby (Architect) re item 6 Planning Application 6.100.385.L.FUL
Mr Bixby outlined that following comments made in August 2012 a number of changes had been made to the plans for this development – it is now in general a much smaller property, and the issues of fitting in with the general appearance have been addressed.
Mr Littler (The Applicant) - Mr Littler confirmed his desire to move his family
to Knaresborough, and to build a quality dwelling that would stand the test of time.
c) Mrs Dixon re item 6 Planning Application 6.100.385.L.FUL
Mrs Dixon owns a neighbouring property to the proposed development and read out a pre-prepared statement which detailed her objections to the plans claiming that the neighbours have not been considered in the design and that the view from her property will be lost.
d) Mrs Sanderson re item 6 Planning Application 6.100.385.L.FUL
Mrs Sanderson – also read out a pre-prepared statement detailing her
objections to this development on what she views as the most iconic and sensitive plot in Knaresborough.
C13/23 ITEM 6 – To consider the following Planning Application:
Ref: / Applicant: / Details of Application12/04888/FUL
6.100.385.L.FUL** / Mr P Littler / Erection of 1 dwelling (site area 0.05ha) (Revised Scheme). Land west of Parish Hall, The Parsonage, Knaresborough. E343671 N457157
Much discussion ensued concerning this Application, with Councillors questioning Mr Bixby on specific items in the plans, to which Mr Bixby responded.
The Mayor moved the meeting to debate:
Councillors put forward their various view points and a proposal was made to object due to:
· increase in size
· level and size of terrace
· possibility of overlooking various neighbours
· the sensitive nature of the site, permitted development rights be removed if HBC are minded to give permission to this Application.
The Mayor used his casting vote and this motion failed
It was therefore:
RESOLVED: That KTC object due to the negative impact on the visual amenity and overbearing effect on the neighbour and request that if HBC are minded to give permission to this Application that permitted development rights be removed.
C13/24 ITEM 4 – KTC Public Speaking Session
4d) Ms Maggie Walker re ITEM 6 Planning Application – 6.100.299.C.FUL
Mrs Walker read from a pre-prepared statement, representing several members of the public, and outlining their objections to this proposed development on the grounds of road safety, size and scale of the plot, development out of character with the local surrounding area, and tandem build.
Mrs McLaughlin (the Applicant) attended the meeting and was able to answer specific Councillors’ questions regarding this Application.
C13/25 ITEM 6 – To consider the following Planning Application:
Ref: / Applicant: / Details of Application12/04485/FUL
6.100.299.C.FUL** / Mr and Mrs McLaughlin / Erection of 1 detached dwelling (site area 0.05 ha) Revised Scheme). 36 Boroughbridge Road Knaresborough. E435059 N457883
It was:
RESOLVED: that KTC oppose this Application because of tandem development and road safety issues, on an extremely narrow road. KTC request that if HBC are minded to approve that a condition is added that sufficient onsite parking is provided.
C13/26 ITEM 5 – Business Remaining from Previous Meeting(s)
RESOLVED: To defer this Item to a later meeting, at Mr Perry’s request.
C13/27 ITEM 6 – To consider the following Planning Applications relating to
Knaresborough and make such observations as may be appropriate.
Ref No.
/ Applicant / Details of Application / KTC Comments12/04882/FULMAJ
6.100.49.J.FULMAJ** / Graycliffe Homes / Erection of 14 dwellings (site area 0.19ha). Land West of 19 Halfpenny Lane, Knaresborough. Grid Ref E435644 N457508 / A proposal to object on grounds of lack of detail. For 6 Against 7
The Mayor used his casting vote.
Resolved - No Objections
6.100.299.C.FUL** / Mr and Mrs McLaughlin / Erection of 1 detached dwelling (site area 0.05ha) (Revised Scheme). 36 Boroughbridge Rd, Knaresborough E435059 N457883 / that KTC oppose this Application because of tandem development and road safety issues, on an extremely narrow road. KTC request that if HBC are minded to approve that a condition is added that sufficient onsite parking is provided.
6.100.385.L.FUL** / Mr P Littler / Erection of 1 dwelling (site area 0.05ha) (Revised Scheme). Land west of Parish Hall, The Parsonage, Knaresborough. E343671 N457157 / That KTC object due to the negative impact on the visual amenity and overbearing effect on the neighbour and request that if HBC are minded to give permission to this Application that permitted development rights be removed.
6.100.1351.B.LB* / Samuel Smith Old Brewery (Tadcaster) / Listed building application for internal alterations to include removal of bar and installation of oak panelling and flooring, blocking up of openings and installation of replacement window. The Borough Bailiff 64 – 70 High St, Knaresborough, HG5 0EA. E434965 N457143 / No Objection
6.100.1505.G.TPO* / Mr Bentley / Crown thinning, removal of crossing branches and deadwood to 1 beech tree T1 of Tree Preservation Order 12 2006 Spitalcroft Green, Spitalcroft, Calcutt, Knaresborough HG5 8JB. E435091 N456306. / No Objection
6.100.2029 / Mr and Mrs Ng / Erection of single storey extension, 3 The Chase, Knaresborough HG5 0SY E436276 N456853. / KTC object and would like to draw to the attention of the planners at Harrogate Borough Council the fact that number 7 The Chase, Knaresborough comes within a metre of the boundary of number 3. The boundary of number 5 The Chase is marked on the plans but not the boundary of number 7.
6.100.2143.B.FUL* / Mr Ted Bednarczyk / Erection of gable end to replace hipped roof, dormer window to front and dormer window with balcony to rear (Revised Scheme). 5 Scotton Drive, Knaresborough HG5 9HG E432929 N458419 / No Objection
6.100/2312.Y.FULMAJ / Vertu Motors Plc / Erection of garage comprising motor dealership, showrooms, workshops, office, valet and MOT bays with associated parking area (Revised Scheme). Plot M St James Business Park, Grimbald Crag Rd, Knaresborough E436818 N456436 / Support this Application - unanimous
6.100.2847.A.FUL* / Mr Tilburn / Erection of 1.85m high timber fence. 1 Borrowbydale Avenue, Knaresborough HG5 0NF. E436204 N457242 / KTC object to this as the fence takes away the visual amenity of the area.
6.100.2869.FUL* / Mr H Anderson / Erection of single storey extension. 5 Boroughbridge Rd, Knaresborough. HG5 0LT E434902 N457596. / No Objection
6.100.2870.FUL* / Mr and Mrs M Mannikee / Erection of single storey side extension, 24 Florin Drive, Knaresborough HG5 0WG. E435820 N457874 / No Objection
C13/28 ITEM 7 – Planning Correspondence
a) Planning Enforcements:
i) Confidential Papers - None
ii) Outcome of Investigations
Ø Location: Subway 3 – 4 Castle Court, Market Place
Complaint: Alleged change of use from retail outlet to cafe
Outcome: “The limited seating available for customers is considered
to be ancillary to the take away use and does not constitute a
material change of use that would require planning permission.
In view of this no further action will be taken in this matter and
the case will be closed”.
Ø Location: Knaresborough Railway Station
Complaint: Siting of advertising boards (on to Grade II Listed Building)
Outcome: “The unauthorised signs that were displayed have now been removed. In view of this no further action will be
taken in the matter and the case will be closed”.
Ø Location: 74 Pasture Crescent
Complaint: Erection of 2 storey wooden structure
Outcome: “The two storey timber structure has now been removed - case closed “
RESOLVED: Receive and Note
b) Pre-Application Consultation: Proposed Development at Hollybank, Stockwell Lane – letter dated 10 January 2013 from DPP One Ltd.
Councillor Wright declared an interest in the item above as he lives close by.
RESOLVED: that Councillors make their own comments – Receive and Note.
c) Withdrawn Application: 6.100.554.I.LB – Listed building application for erection of single storey extension, pitched roof to two storey extension, replacement chimney and installation of 2 replacement windows and internal alterations to form en suite bathroom – 23 Bond End.
RESOLVED: Receive and Note
d) Notice of Appeal against HBC’s refusal of planning permission: 6.100.1496.G.FUL 12/00125/HOUSER – Erection of two dormer windows and alterations to garage roof to form first floor living accommodation - Dene Holme, Forest Moor Rd. (Revised Scheme).
RESOLVED: Receive and Note
Councillor P Beardsell left the meeting at this point.
C13/29 ITEM 8 – To note the date of the HBC Planning Committee – Tuesday
29 January 2013, 2 pm at Crescent Gardens, Harrogate at which the
Following application for Knaresborough is to be discussed:
Item numbers to be discussed:
Number / Address / Description / KTC decision / Officer recommendation6.100.2865.RG3
12.04647.RG3 / 54 Pasture Crescent, Knaresborough / Erection of 2 storey rear extension / No objection / That the Application be approved subject to conditions.
12.04484.FUL / Land at Cass Lane, Calcutt / Retention of two caravans / KTC object strongly to this proposed change of use of land which is agricultural land and in the Green Belt. / That the Application be refused.
12.04524.RG3 / Fisher Gardens, Knaresborough / Formation of and repairs to car parking bays / No objection / That the Application be approved subject to conditions.
6.100.2826.B.FUL – Land at Cass Lane, Calcutt
Amendment to temporary permission for five years. Councillor Ireland informed the meeting that there was to be a site visit on the morning of 29 January.
RESOLVED: that Councillor A Willoughby would represent KTC at the HBC Planning Committee Meeting and re the new information above - stating “that KTC
objects to a temporary permission for the same reasons as it was objecting to the permanent change of use, but would urge Harrogate Borough Council to produce a gypsy and traveller assessment as soon as possible”.
C13/030 ITEM 9 - To consider the following Correspondence:
a) Councillors’ Use of Personal Email Addresses – email dated 11 January 2013
from Local Councils Officer, YLCA
A proposal to object to this was put forward, but not seconded.
RESOLVED: Receive and Note - unanimous
b) YLCA Training Progamme Feb – March 2013
RESOLVED: Receive and Note - unanimous
c) HBC General Purposes Committee – Standards Panel Decisions – Complaint
Number SB2012-3 – Mr A Butler (note: this item includes some confidential papers)
Meeting moved to confidential session at 9.20 p.m. and came out of confidential