RiccardoCastiglia born in Rome on 12-oct-1969. He carries outhis entireacademic careerat the Department ofAnimal and Human Biology, now Department of Biologyand Biotechnology"CharlesDarwin", Universityof Rome "LaSapienza".
He graduated inBiological Sciencesin 1994 andobtainedhis PhDin Animal Biologyin 2000.Since 2006he is a researcher scientist.Since 2003 he’s assistant professor of Comparative Anatomyof Vertebratesforthe undergraduate degreein Biological Sciencesand since 2010 he’s assistant professor of EvolutionaryHistoryof Vertebratesfor themaster's degree in Ecobiology. Since 2007 he’s a member ofthe facultyof the PhD inAnimal Biology. He has doneconsulting forAgriconsultingspaandthe IEA(Institute of Applied Ecology) in relation to the preparation of the management plansof theTuscanArchipelagoNational Parkand of the GarganoNational Park (amphibiansand reptiles).He is a memberof the editorial board of the peer-reviewed journals ISRNZoologyandThe Scientific World Journal and Biodiversity Data Journal. He’s referee for more than twenty different journalswithimpact factor. His linesof research arethe cytotaxonomy and chromosomalevolutioninrodents andreptiles,phylogeography ofsmall mammalsin the Mediterranean region, and evolutionary biologyofchromosomalracesofthehousemouse(Musmusculusdomesticus). In addition to Italy, he took part infield research inAfrica(Ethiopia,Tanzania, Kenya, Zambia)andin Mexico (Jalisco andChiapas). He authoredmore than 60articles in scientific journals"peer reviewed"(including: Biological invasions, Biological Journalof theLinneanSociety,ChromosomeResearch, Evolution, Heredity,Journal of Zoology, Journal of Evolutionary Biology, Molecular Phylogeneticsand Evolution,Proceedings of the RoyalSociety B-Biological Science, Mammal Review) and five book chapters(including threefor the book "Fauna of Italy.MammaliaII.Erinaceomorpha-Soricomorpha-Lagomorpha-Rodentia").


  1. Castiglia R (2013) Sympatric sister species in rodents are more chromosomally differentiated than allopatric ones: implications for the role of chromosomal rearrangements in speciation. MAMMAL REVIEW In stampa.
  1. Castiglia R, Bezerra AMR, Munoz A, O Flores-Villela, Gornung E (2013) Comparative cytogenetics of two species of ground skinks: Scincella assata and S. cherriei (Squamata: Scincidae: Lygosominae) from Chiapas, Mexico. ACTA HERPETOLOGICA in stampa.
  1. Gornung E, Mosconi F, Annesi F, Castiglia R (2013) The first cytogenetic description of Euleptes europaea (Gené, 1839) from Northern Sardinia reveals the highest diploid chromosome number among sphaerodactylid geckos (Sphaerodactylidae, Squamata). COMPARATIVE CYTOGENETICS 7: 153-161.
  1. Solano E, Franchini P, Colangelo P, Capanna E, Castiglia R (2013) Multiple origins of the western European house mouse in the Aeolian Archipelago: clues from mtDNA and chromosomes. BIOLOGICAL INVASIONS 1-11 doi:10.1007/s10530-012-0322-x


  1. Castiglia R, Annesi F (2012) Cytotaxonomic considerations on the sex chromosome variation observed within Acomys ngurui Verheyen et al. 2011 (Rodentia Muridae). ZOOTAXA 3493: 35-38.
  1. Mortelliti A., Castiglia R, Amori G, Maryanto I, Musser GG (2012) A New Species of Margaretamys (Rodentia: Muridae: Murinae: Rattini) from Pegunungan Mekongga, Southeastern Sulawesi, Indonesia. TROPICAL ZOOLOGY 25: 74-107.
  1. Castiglia R, Annesi F, Cattaneo C, Grano M, Milana G, Amori G A new mitochondrial lineage in the edible dormouse, Glis glis (Rodentia: Gliridae), from Alonissos island (Sporades Archipelago, Greece) FOLIA ZOOLOGICA 61: 177-180.
  1. Castiglia R, Solano E, Makundi RH, Hulselmans J, Verheyen E, Colangelo P. (2012) Rapid chromosomal evolution in the mesic four-striped grass rat Rhabdomys dilectus (Rodentia, Muridae) revealed by mtDNA phylogeographic analysis. JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGICAL SYSTEMATICS AND EVOLUTIONARY RESEARCH 50: 165-172.


  1. Gornung E, Castiglia R, Rovatsos M, Marchal JA, Díaz de la Guardia-Quiles R, and Sanchez A. (2011)Comparative cytogenetic study of two sister species of the Iberian ground voles, Microtus (Terricola) duodecimcostatus and M. (T.) lusitanicus (Rodentia, Cricetidae). CYTOGENETICS AND GENOME RESEARCH 132: 144-150.
  1. Castiglia R, Gornung E, Cividin M, Cristaldi M. (2011)High diversity of centric fusions with monobrachial homology in an area of chromosomal polymorphism of Mus musculus domesticus. BIOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY 103: 722-731.
  1. Castiglia R, Annesi F. The phylogenetic position of Lygodactylus angularis and the utility of using the 16S rDNA gene for delimiting species in Lygodactylus (Squamata, Gekkonidae). ACTA HERPETOLOGICA 6: 35-45.
  1. Gornung E, Bezerra AMR, Castiglia R. Chromosomal differentiation in the Microtus savii complex (Rodentia, Cricetidae). COMPARATIVE CYTOGENETICS 5: 247-258.


  1. Acosta MG, Marchal JA, Fernández-Espartero C, Romero-Fernández I, Rovatsos MT, Giagia-Athanasopoulou EB, Gornung E, Castiglia R, Sánchez A. (2010) Characterization of the satellite DNA Msat-160 from species of Terricola (Microtus) and Arvicola (Rodentia, Arvicolinae). GENETICA 138: 1085-1098
  1. Gornung E, Bizzoco D, Colangelo P, Castiglia R. (2010) Comparative cytogenetic and genetic study of two Italian populations of the garden dormouse Eliomys quercinus L. (Sciuromorpha: Gliridae). ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY 77: 137-143.
  1. Castiglia R, Annesi F, Bezerra AMR, García A, Flores-Villela O.(2010) Cytotaxonomy and DNA taxonomy of lizards (Squamata, Sauria) from a tropical dry forest in the Chamela-Cuixmala Biosphere Reserve on the coast of Jalisco, Mexico. ZOOTAXA 2508: 1–29
  1. Colangelo P, Herwig L, Castiglia R, D'Aes M, Verheyen E. (2010) New data on the distribution and phylogenetic position of Mastomys awashensis (Rodentia, Muridae). MAMMALIAN BIOLOGY 75: 463-465
  1. Colangelo P, Castiglia R., Franchini P, Solano E. (2010) Geometric morphometrics define skull shape differences in genus Gerbilliscus (Rodentia, Muridae) from eastern Africa: historical and adaptive processes. MAMMALIAN BIOLOGY 75: 302-310
  1. Franchini P, Colangelo P, Solano E, Capanna E, Verheyen E Castiglia R. (2010) Reduced gene flow at pericentromeric loci in a hybrid zone involving chromosomal races of the house mouse Mus musculus domesticus. EVOLUTION 64: 2020 -2032
  1. Veyrunes F, Chevret P, Catalan J, Castiglia R, Watson J, Dobigny G, Robinson TJ, Britton-Davidian J (2010) A novel sex determination system in a close relative of the house mouse. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE 277 1049-1056.


  1. Amori G, Gippoliti S, Castiglia R (2009) European non volant mammal diversity: conservation priorities inferred from mitochondrial DNA. FOLIA ZOOLOGICA 58: 270-278.
  1. Castiglia R., Annesi F, Krystufek B, Filippucci MG, Amori G (2009) The evolutionary history of a mammal species with a highly fragmented range: the phylogeography of the European snow vole. JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY 279: 243-250
  1. Solano E, Castiglia R, Capanna E (2009) Chromosomal evolution of the Robertsonian races of the House mouse Mus musculus domesticus in the Aeolian Archipelago (Sicily, Italy). BIOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY 96: 194-202.
  1. Castiglia R, Annesi F. Sichilima AM, Hutterer R. (2009) The phylogenetic affinities of the moonshine shrew, Crocidura luna Dollman, 1910 and the description of a new remarkable karyotype. MAMMALIA 73: 56-59.
  1. Castiglia R, García A, Bezerra AMR, Flores-Villela O, Gournung E (2009) Karyotypic diversification due to Robertsonian rearrangements in Phyllodactylus lanei Smith, 1935 (Squamata, Gekkonidae) from Mexico. 2009 RENDICONTI LINCEI CLASSE DI SCIENZE FISICHE, MATEMATICHE E NATURALI. RENDICONTI LINCEI. SUPPLEMENTO, 20: 77-82.
  1. Rebuzzini P, Castiglia R, Nergadze SG, Mitsainas G, Munclinger P, Zuccotti M, Capanna E, Redi CA, Garagna S (2009) Quantitative variation of LINE-1 sequences in five species and three subspecies of the subgenus Mus and in five Robertsonian races of Mus musculus domesticus. CHROMOSOME RESEARCH 17: 65-76.
  1. Gornung E, Cristaldi M, Castiglia R (2009) Comparative Cytogenetic Analysis in the “Sylvaemus” Group of Apodemus (Rodentia, Muridae): A. sylvaticus from Sicily and A. flavicollis from the Central Apennines. ACTA THERIOLOGICA, 54: 267-275.
  1. Capanna E, Castiglia R, Solano E (2009). Men and mice: mouse population genetics in the Aeolian archipelago. In: Casellato S, Burighel P. Minelli A. LIFE AND TIME: THE EVOLUTION OF LIFE AND ITS HISTORY. p. 59-74, Padova: Cleup
  1. Castiglia R (2009). Musmusculus linnaeus, 1758 Topo domestico. In: Amori G, Battisti C, De Felici S. I MAMMIFERI DELLA PROVINCIA DI ROMA. DALLO STATO DELLE CONOSCENZE ALLA GESTIONE E CONSERVAZIONE DELLE SPECIE. p. 178-179, Rome: Stilgrafica Roma.


  1. Franchini P, Castiglia R, Capanna E (2008). Reproductive isolation between chromosomal races of Mus musculus domesticus in a parapatric contact area revealed by multiple unlinked loci. JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY21: 502-513.
  1. Castiglia R, Annesi F, Aloise G, Amori G (2008). Systematics of the Microtus savii complex (Rodentia, Cricetidae) via mitochondrial DNA analyses: paraphyly and pattern of sex chromosome evolution. MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS AND EVOLUTION46: 1157-1164.
  1. Castiglia R, Oguge N (2008). Karyotype divergence between two subspecies of the typical striped grass mouse Lemniscomys striatus (Linnaeus 1758) (Rodentia Muridae). MAMMALIA 72: 57-70.
  1. Gornung E, Volleth M, Capanna E, Castiglia R (2008) Comparative cytogenetics of moles (Eulipotyphla, Talpidae): chromosomal differences in Talpa romana and T. europaea. CYTOGENETIC AND GENOME RESEARCH121:249-254.
  1. Castiglia R, Corti M (2008). Mus musculus Linnaeus, 1758. In: A Amori G., Contoli L., Nappi A. FAUNA D’ITALIA. MAMMALIA II. ERINACEOMORPHA - SORICOMORPHA - LAGOMORPHA - RODENTIA. p. 633-645, Bologna: Calderini.
  1. Contoli L, Nappi A, Castiglia R (2008). Caratteri generali dei Microtus (Terricola) del "gruppo savii". In: Amori G., Contoli L., Nappi A. FAUNA D’ITALIA. MAMMALIA II. ERINACEOMORPHA - SORICOMORPHA - LAGOMORPHA - RODENTIA. p. 525-535, Bologna: Calderini.
  1. Castiglia R, Corti M (2008). Genere Mus Linnaeus, 1758. In: Amori G., Contoli L., Nappi A. FAUNA D’ITALIA. MAMMALIA II. ERINACEOMORPHA - SORICOMORPHA - LAGOMORPHA - RODENTIA. p. 632-633, Bologna: Calderini.