Elementary Language Arts: FirstGradeFirst Quarter CurriculumMap
Time Frame / Utah State Core Standard / Expected Student Outcome (Objective) / Essential Academic Vocabulary / Assessments (Formative & Summative) / Instructional Learning ActivitiesAugust October / *RL.1.1 / Students will be able to ask and answer questions about key detailsin text / Ask Answer Questions Details Text Information / DistrictAssessments:
Benchmark #1 Fountas andPinnell
Possible Classroom Assessments: Running Records Anecdotal notes Observations Common grade level assessment
● ommon_core/pdf/ela
5.pdf / Samples/Suggestions:
●Literature Questioning Stems
_core/pdf/elateachstratrea dlitk5.pdf
Journeys: TheDot(Unit6,Lesson26)
August October / RL.1.2 / Students will be able toretellstories,including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message orlesson / Retell Details Central MainEventMain Idea Story Problem Sequence / District Assessments: Fountas and Pinnell DIBELS
Possible Classroom Assessments: Running Records Anecdotal notes Observations Common grade level assessment / RL.1.2 Illinois Resources (Page17)
_core/pdf/elateachstratrea dlitk5.pdf
●MainIdeaDetailBrain Pop
● ommon_core/pdf/ela
August October / RL.1.3 / Students will be able to describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details / Describe Characters Settings Plot Problem Resolution
Major Events Key Details Lesson/Moral / DistrictAssessments:
Fountas andPinnell
Possible Classroom Assessments: Running Records Anecdotal notes Observations Common grade level assessment
● ommon_core/pdf/ela
5.pdf / RL.1.2 Illinois Resources (Page18)
_core/pdf/elateachstratrea dlitk5.pdf
August October / RL.1.7 / Students will be able to use illustrations and details in a storyto describe its characters,setting,orevents / Illustrations Characters Settings Events Story Describe Details / DistrictAssessments:
Fountas andPinnell
Possible Classroom Assessments: Running Records Anecdotal notes Observations Common grade level assessment
● ommon_core/pdf/ela
5.pdf / RL.1.7IllinoisResources(Page22)
_core/pdf/elateachstratrea dlitk5.pdf
●TheNewFriend(Unit5, Lesson25)
August October / RL.1.9 / Students will be able to compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of charactersinstoriescompare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters instories / Compare Contrast Adventures Experiences Characters / RL.1.9IllinoisResources(Page23)
● ommon_core/pdf/ela
5.pdf / RL.1.9IllinoisResources(Page23)
_core/pdf/elateachstratrea dlitk5.pdf
●TheBigTrip(Unit4,Lesson 17)
●CompareandContrastTwo Versions
August October / RL.1.10 / Students will be able to with prompting and support, read prose and poetry of appropriate complexityforgrade1 (e.g., shared reading, interactive readalouds, and guidedreading) / Retell Recall Compare Predict Identify Prose Poetry / DistrictAssessments:
Fountas andPinnell
Possible Classroom Assessments: Running Records Anecdotal notes Observations Common grade level assessment
● ommon_core/pdf/ela
5.pdf / RL.1.10IllinoisResources(Page24)
_core/pdf/elateachstratrea dlitk5.pdf
●LittleRabbit'sTale(Unit4, Lesson20)
August October / RI.1.1 / Students will be able to ask and answer questions about key detailsin atext / Question Answer Identify Ask Detail Events Text / District Assessments: Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark#4
Possible Classroom Assessments: RunningRecords /
●Informational Questioning Stems
Anecdotal notes Observations Common gradelevel assessment
RI.1.1IllinoisResource (page16)
● ommon_core/pdf/ela
k5.pdf / ●
_core/pdf/elateachstratrea dtextk5.pdf
●Let'sGototheMoon(Unit4, Lesson16)
August October / RI.1.2 / Students will be able to identify the main topic andretell key details of atext / Identify MainTopicRetell Detail important Text / District Assessments: Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark #2, #4 Possible Classroom Assessments: Running Records Anecdotal notes Observations
Common grade level assessment RI.1.2IllinoisResource (page17)
● ommon_core/pdf/ela
k5.pdf / RI.1.2IllinoisResource(page17)
_core/pdf/elateachstratrea dtextk5.pdf
●RulesandLaws(Unit3, Lesson14)
August October / RI.1.5 / Students will be able to know and use various text features to locate key facts or information in atext (e.g., headings, tables of contents, glossaries, electronic menus, icons) / Facts Heading Tables of Contents Glossaries Identify Different / DistrictAssessments:
Fountas andPinnell
Possible Classroom Assessments: Running Records Anecdotal notes Observations Common grade level assessment
RI.1.5IllinoisResource (page20) / RI.1.5IllinoisResource(page20)
_core/pdf/elateachstratrea dtextk5.pdf
● ommon_core/pdf/ela
August October / RI.1.7 / Students will be able to use the illustrations and details in a textto describe its key ideas / Illustration Describe Person Place Details Text / DistrictAssessments:
Fountas andPinnell
Possible Classroom Assessments: Running Records Anecdotal notes Observations Common grade level assessment
RI.1.7IllinoisResource (page22)
● ommon_core/pdf/ela
k5.pdf / RI.1.7IllinoisResource(page22)
_core/pdf/elateachstratrea dtextk5.pdf
●GrowApplesGrow(Unit5, Lesson24)
August October / RI.1.10 / Students will be able to with prompting and support, read informational text appropriately complex for grade1 (e.g., shared reading, interactive readalouds, and guidedreading) / Partner Purpose Individual Contribute / District Assessments: Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark#2
Possible Classroom Assessments: Running Records Anecdotal notes Observations Common grade level assessment
● ommon_core/pdf/ela
k5.pdf / RI.1.10IllinoisResource(page25)
_core/pdf/elateachstratrea dtextk5.pdf
●AtHomeintheOcean(Unit 3, Lesson11)
August October / *W.1.1 / Students will be able to writeopinion pieces in whichthey introduce the topic or name the book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply a reason for the opinion, andprovide some sense of closure. / Opinion Topic Reasons Details Title Conclusion / District Assessments: Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark#1,#2,#3
Possible Classroom Assessments: Running Records Anecdotal notes Observations Common grade level assessment
●1stopinionrubric /
●Lesson Plansand Resources
●Spotlight onStudents
●Family MessageJournals: ManyPurposesforWriting
August October / W.1.2 / Students willbe able to write informative
/explanatory textsin which they name a topic, supply some facts about the topic, and provide some sense of closure. / Information Topic Facts
Explanation Write Details Topic Conclusion / District Assessments: Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark#2,#3,#4
Possible Classroom Assessments: Running Records Anecdotal notes Observations Common grade level assessment
●Informative/Explanat oryRubric /
●Lesson Plansand Resources
●Informative/Explanatory Text Structures
●Informative/Explanatory Text Features
●1st Grade Act. 17: ObservingPlantsThrougha Journal
●1stGradeAct.22:Retelling the TinySeed
●1st Grade Act.24: InteractiveWriting
●TheImportantThingAboutA Family
August October / *W.1.3 / Students will be able to write narratives in which they recount two or more appropriately sequenced events, includesomedetailsregarding what happened,use / Narrative Sequence Events Time Details
TemporalWordsOrder Conclusion / District Assessments: Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark #1, #4 Possible Classroom Assessments: Running Records Anecdotal notes Observations /
●Lesson Plansand Resources
●FirstGradeRangeofWriting NarrativeWritingSamples
temporal words to signal eventorder, and provide some sense ofclosure. / Common grade level assessment
●NarrativeRubric / ●First Grade OnDemand NarrativeWritingSamples
August October / W.1.8 / Students will be able to, with guidance and support fromadults, recall information from experiencesor gather information from provided sources toansweraquestion. / Recall Question Sentence Beginning Ending Punctuation Capitalization QuestionMarkPeriod Exclamation Mark / DistrictAssessments:
Fountas andPinnell
Possible Classroom Assessments: Running Records Anecdotal notes Observations Common grade level assessment /
●AdventuresinNonfiction:A GuidedInquiryJourney
●Eyewitness toHistory
●C.017b Readingthe Research
August October / SL.1.1 / Students will be able to participatein collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 1topics and texts withpeers and adults in small and largergroups. / Conversation Partner
Take turns ListenCarefullyInterrupting Inside voices Topics
Texts Groups / DistrictAssessments:
Fountas andPinnell
Possible Classroom Assessments: Running Records Anecdotal notes Observations Common grade level assessment /
●PredictandClarifywithThe OldWomanHerPig
August October / SL.1.1a / Students will be able to follow agreeduponrulesfor discussions (e.g., listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts underdiscussion). / Rules
ListenCarefullyInterrupting Inside voices Topics / DistrictAssessments:
Fountas andPinnell
Possible Classroom Assessments: Running Records Anecdotal notes Observations Common grade level assessment / metaphors
●Doing OurJobs
●Spotlight onStudents
August October / SL.1.2 / Students will be able to ask and answer questions about key detailsin text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media. / Questions Title
Story Ask Author Retell Partner Video Text Details / DistrictAssessments:
Fountas andPinnell
Possible Classroom Assessments: Running Records Anecdotal notes Observations Common grade level assessment /
●First GradePoem
●First DayJitters
●C.014a RetellWheel
August October / SL.1.5 / Students will be able to add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions when appropriate toclarify ideas, thoughts,and feelings. / Voice Illustrations Speaking Clarify Ideas Thoughts Feelings / DistrictAssessments:
Fountas andPinnell
Possible Classroom Assessments: Running Records Anecdotal notes Observations Common grade level assessment /
●DrawaStory:SteppingFrom Pictures toWriting
August October / RF.1.1 / Students will be able todemonstrate understanding of the organization of basic features of print: / Organization Word Sentence Names Beginning Ending
Print Capitalization Punctuation QuestionMarkExclamation Mark
Period / DistrictAssessments:
Fountas andPinnell
Possible Classroom Assessments: Running Records Anecdotal notes Observations Common grade level assessment /
●Read Write ThinkWatermelon
●Poetry Portfolios: Using PoetrytoTeachReading
●UsingaPredictableTextfor HighFrequencyWords
●Punctuatecorrectlywitha periodandquestionmark.
August October / *RF.1.1a / Students will be able to recognize the distinguishing features of a sentence (e.g., first word, capitalization, endingpunctuation). / Organization Word Sentence Names Beginning Ending
Print / District Assessments: Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark #1,#2
Possible Classroom Assessments: RunningRecords /
●Miss Nelson isBack
Capitalization Punctuation QuestionMarkExclamation Mark
Period / Anecdotal notes Observations Common gradelevel assessment /
August October / RF.1.2 / Students will be able todemonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes): / Distinguish Vowel Consonant Sound Segment Blend Syllable Initial Medial Final / DistrictAssessments:
Fountas andPinnell
Possible Classroom Assessments: Running Records Anecdotal notes Observations Common grade level assessment /
●Tap andSay
● (RF.1.2)
●Name Talk:ExploringLetterSound Knowledge
August October / RF.1.2a / Students will be able todistinguish long from short vowel sounds in spoken singlesyllable words. / Distinguish Vowel Consonant Sound Segment Blend Syllable / DistrictAssessments:
Fountas andPinnell
Possible Classroom Assessments: Running Records Anecdotal notes Observations Common grade level assessment /
●Drag andDrop
August October / *RF.1.2b / Students will be able to orally produce singlesyllable words byblending sounds (phonemes), / Distinguish Vowel Consonant Sound Segment Blend Syllable / District Assessments: Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark#1,#2,#3,#4
Possible Classroom Assessments: RunningRecords /
●HoughtonMifflinSpelling Match
●WordsBeginningWithch, sh, th, wh, sl,sn
including consonant blends. / Initial Medial Final / Anecdotal notes Observations Common gradelevel assessment / ●Consonant Blends (pl bl cl fl twgl)
August October / *RF.1.2c / Students will be able to isolateand pronounce initial, medial vowel,and final sounds (phonemes) in spoken singlesyllable words. / Distinguish Vowel Consonant Sound Segment Blend Syllable Initial Medial Final / District Assessments: Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark#1
Possible Classroom Assessments: Running Records Anecdotal notes Observations Common grade level assessment /
●Build a Word log
●BuildAWord Tent
August October / RF.1.2d / Students will be able to segment spoken singlesyllable words into their completesequence ofindividualsounds(phonemes). / Distinguish Vowel Consonant Sound Segment Blend Syllable Initial Medial Final / DistrictAssessments:
Fountas andPinnell
Possible Classroom Assessments: Running Records Anecdotal notes Observations Common grade level assessment /
●Catch TheSpelling
●Head,Shoulders,Knees,and Toes A Phoneme SegmentationLesson
August October / RF.1.3 / Students will be able to know and apply gradelevel phonics andword analysis skills in decodingwords: / Decode Syllable Sounds Silent Vowel Consonant Pattern Endings Digraphs / DistrictAssessments:
Fountas andPinnell
Possible Classroom Assessments: Running Records Anecdotal notes Observations Common grade level assessment /
August October / *RF.1.3a / Students will be able to knowthe spellingsound / Decode Syllable Sounds / District Assessments: Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark #1,#2 /
correspondences for common consonantdigraphs(two letters that represent one sound). / Silent Vowel Consonant Pattern Endings Digraphs / Possible Classroom Assessments: Running Records Anecdotal notes Observations Common grade level assessment /
●WordsBeginningWiththe Digraph"Th"
August October / *RF.1.3b / Students will be able to decode regularly spelled onesyllablewords. / Decode Syllable Sounds Silent Vowel Consonant Pattern Endings Digraphs / District Assessments: Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark#1,#2,#3,#4
Possible Classroom Assessments: Running Records Anecdotal notes Observations Common grade level assessment /
August October / *RF.1.3c
Take off of Benchmark
#1 / Students will be able to knowfinal
–e and common vowel team conventions for representinglongvowelsounds. / Final –e LongVowelsDecode Syllable Sounds Silent
Vowel Consonant Pattern Endings Digraphs / District Assessments: Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark#1,#2,#3,#4
Possible Classroom Assessments: Running Records Anecdotal notes Observations Common grade level assessment /
●P.049 VowelSlide
●CVCandFinaleword patterns
August October / *RF.1.3g / Students will be able to recognize and read gradeappropriate / Decode Syllable Sounds Silent Vowel / District Assessments: Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark#1,#2,#3,#4 /
●1stGradeAct.12:The LittleHouse
irregularlyspelledwords. / Consonant Pattern Endings Digraphs / Possible Classroom Assessments: Running Records Anecdotal notes Observations Common grade level assessment / ●1stGradeLanguageArts SkillBuilders
August October / RF.1.4 / Students will be able to read with sufficientaccuracyand fluency to support comprehension (e.g., shared reading, guided reading, and independent reading): / Fluency Accuracy Expression Recognition Comprehension Reread Punctuation Period
Comma / DistrictAssessments:
Fountas andPinnell
Possible Classroom Assessments: Running Records Anecdotal notes Observations Common grade level assessment /
●Book Sorting:Using Observation and Comprehension to CategorizeBooks
●Reader’sTheatersabout animals
August October / RF.1.4a / Students will be able to readonlevel text with purpose andunderstanding. / Fluency Accuracy Expression Recognition Comprehension Reread Punctuation Period
Comma Text / DistrictAssessments:
Fountas andPinnell
Possible Classroom Assessments: Running Records Anecdotal notes Observations Common grade level assessment / teacher.scholastic.com
●Clifford's Interactive Storybooks
August October / RF.1.4b / Students will be able to readonlevel text orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings. / Fluency Accuracy Expression Recognition Comprehension Reread Punctuation Period
Comma Text / DistrictAssessments:
Fountas andPinnell
Possible Classroom Assessments: Running Records Anecdotal notes Observations Common grade level assessment FluencyRubric /
●Fluency Passages to practicewithandResources by GradeLevel
August October / RF.1.4c / Students will be able to usecontext to confirm or selfcorrect word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary. / Fluency Accuracy Expression Recognition Comprehension Reread Punctuation Period
Comma SelfCorrect / DistrictAssessments:
Fountas andPinnell
Possible Classroom Assessments: Running Records Anecdotal notes Observations Common grade level assessment /
●What's in theBag GuidedReading
August October / L.1.1 / Students will be able todemonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar andusage when writing or speaking. / Conventions Writing Speaking / DistrictAssessments:
Fountas andPinnell
Possible Classroom Assessments: Running Records Anecdotal notes Observations Common grade level assessment /
●AlphabetBooksandChildren Who ReadThem
●SentenceQuest:UsingParts of Speech to Write DescriptiveSentences
August October / *L.1.1a / Students will be able to print ALL upperlowercaseletters. / Print Uppercase Lowercase / District Assessments: Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark#1
Possible Classroom Assessments: Running Records Anecdotal notes Observations Common grade level assessment /
- Between theLions
●UpperandLowerCase Letters &Nouns
August October / L.1.1e / Students will be able to use verbsto convey a sense of past, present, and future (e.g., Yesterday I walked home; today Iwalk / Verb Past Present Future / DistrictAssessments:
Fountas andPinnell
Possible Classroom Assessments: Running Records Anecdotal notes Observations /
●Present,Past,andFuture TenseVerbs
home; TomorrowI will walkhome). / Common gradelevel assessment
August October / L.1.2 / Students will be able todemonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. / Capitalize Punctuate Sentence Period Exclamation Mark
QuestionMark / District Assessments: Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark #3,4
Possible Classroom Assessments: Running Records Anecdotal notes Observations Common grade level assessment /
August October / *L.1.2b / Students willbe able to use end punctuation for sentences. / Capitalize Punctuate Sentence Period Exclamation Mark
QuestionMark / District Assessments: Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark#1,#2,#3,#4
Possible Classroom Assessments: Running Records Anecdotal notes Observations Common grade level assessment /
●Captain Cluck:End Punctuation
●TheElectricCompanyMayI Ask a Question? (Punctuation)
August October / *L.1.2e / Spelluntaught words phonetically,
drawing on phonemic awareness and spelling conventions. / District Assessments: Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark#1,#2,#3,#4
Possible Classroom Assessments: Running Records Anecdotal notes Observations Common grade level assessment /
Spelling ideas
August October / L.1.4a / Students will be able to use sentencelevel contextasaclueto / Picture Understand Meaning Prefix Suffix / DistrictAssessments:
Fountas andPinnell
Possible Classroom Assessments: /
● PicturesInMyMind:Using
the meaning ofa / RunningRecords / AdjectivestoCreateVivid
word orphrase. / Anecdotalnotes / Imagery,Day1of2
Common gradelevel
August / L.1.5 / Students willbe / Synonym / DistrictAssessments: /
●IntroductiontotheBridge Map
●LearningtoRecognizeand Use StrongVerbs
October / able towith / Antonym / Fountas andPinnell
guidanceand / Partner
support fromadults, / Group / PossibleClassroom
demonstrate / Explantation / Assessments:
understandingof / WordMeanings / RunningRecords
wordrelationships / Anecdotalnotes
and nuancesin / Observations
wordmeanings. / Common gradelevel
August / *L.1.5a / Students willbe / Sort / DistrictAssessments: /
October / able to sortwords / Categories / Fountas andPinnell
into categories(e.g., / Benchmark#1
colors, clothing)to
gain a sense ofthe / PossibleClassroom
conceptsthe / Assessments:
categories / RunningRecords
represent. / Anecdotalnotes
Common gradelevel
August / L.1.5b / Students willbe / Definition / DistrictAssessments: /
October / able to definewords / Category / Fountas andPinnell
by category andby
one or morekey / PossibleClassroom
attributes (e.g.,a / Assessments:
duckis a birdthat / RunningRecords
swims; atiger isa / Anecdotalnotes
large catwith / Observations
stripes). / Common gradelevel
August / *L.1.5c / Students willbe / Connections / DistrictAssessments: /
●V.006a AboutMe
October / able toidentify / Fountas andPinnell
reallifeconnections / Benchmark#1
between wordsand
their use (e.g.,note / PossibleClassroom
places at homethat / Assessments:
arecozy). / RunningRecords
Common gradelevel