Global History Regents
Essay Topics
2001Jan.IndustrializationEvents: French Rev.
Chinese Rev.
Iranian Rev.
2001AugustTurning PointsRole of Women
2002Jan.Geography: Historical EventEconomic Systems
2002JuneGeography: Change in PhysicalHuman Rights
2002AugustLeadersHuman Migrations
2003Jan.Political Revolutions Geography: Features &
Resources in BritainJapan
2003JuneGroups & ConflictsTurning Points:
Neolithic Rev.
Age of Exploration
Fall of Communism
2003AugustGeography: Impacts on SocietiesNationalism
2004 Jan.Leaders: Individuals who have Events: Neolithic Rev.
changed history Scientific Rev. Green Rev.
2004JuneEvents: Turning PointsBritish Imperialism
2004AugustEconomic Systems: ManorialismEpidemics: Black Death
Capitalism Smallpox
Communism H.I.V./A.I.D.S.
2005Jan.Events: 20th CenturyChange: Imperialism/Conquest
Mongols, Spanish &
2005JuneGlobal ProblemsWars: Reasons & Outcomes
2005AugustLeaders: ChangeChange: Changes in Technology
printing press, steam
engine, atomic bomb
2006JuneConflicts: Groups, Causes & ViewpointsIndustrial Rev. & Effects
2006JuneConflicts: Groups, Causes & ViewpointsIndustrial Rev. & Effects
2006 AugustMovement of People & Goods: TradeCold War & Effects
2007Jan.Human Rights ViolationsFrench Rev. Causes & Effects
2007JuneGovernment Changing SocietyEconomic Systems:
2007Aug.Political Systems: Characteristics &Natural Resources: Help or
Effects Hinder
2008Jan.Nonpolitical Revolutions: Changes &Government attempts at Control:
Impacts Hitler, Mao & Peter the Great
2008JuneBelief Systems: Key Beliefs & ImpactsGenocide, Environmental
Problems, Weapons of Mass
2008Aug.Human Changes on EnvironmentHuman Mass Migration: Causes
& Effects
2009Jan.Geography & Cultural DiffusionLeaders: Gandhi, daVinci
& L’Ouverture
2009JuneHuman Rights: Circumstances &Economic/Social Changes:
ResolutionsMiddle Ages, Industrial Rev.
2009Aug.Belief Systems: Key Beliefs & ImpactsControl of Waterways: Economic
and Political Impacts
2010Jan. Philosophers & Their Writings:Revolutions: Neolithic
Historical Circumstances, CentralAgrarian
Points, Influence of TeachingsGreen
2010JuneLeaders/Ideas: HistoricalGeography: Deserts, Monsoons,
Circumstances, Polices & Impacts Cold Climates & Impacts
2010Aug.Nationalist Movements: HistoricalBelief Systems: Christianity,
Circumstances, Goals, MethodologiesIslam, Buddhism/ How system
& Resultsspread & Influence on people
2011Jan.Three Geographic Features & theirNew Ideas: Heliocentrism,
impact on specific civilizationsMarxism, Natural Rights Explain two ideas and discuss their impact on specific
2011JuneTwo Technological Innovations: WhyGenocide: Cabodia, Ukraine
where they important and positive or Rwanda
negative effects
2011Aug.Global Issues after WWII: Describe issue, Conquest: Mongols, Spanish &
Explain solution, Evaluate results Ottoman (imperialism)
ie. H.I.V., deforestation, desertification, Reasons for conquest, how was it
nuclear proliferation achieved, long term impacts
2012Jan.Important Individuals & Ideas:Transportation: Roads, Canals or
Describe Historical Circumstance that Railroads
Lead individual to develop the idea,Explain how specific societies used
Explain action of individual,these systems to control or unify.
Impact of individual and their idea
--Usually uses two examples
--Allows choice in examples
--Not limited to their suggestions
--Cannot use the United States in your main answer
--Usually given 9-11 documents
--Doesn’t offer much choice, pick 2 out of three examples
--Usually must use 4-5 documents in essay
--Must include the document #
--Must used relevant outside information
--Cannot use the United States in your main answer