W254Church Street – Heating and Hot Water Replacement Works

Frequently asked Q&A’s

Meeting Date 12 January 2015

Q1. What are the proposed works?

  1. To replace/repair; the communal hot water storage units, all plantroom controls, defective and leaking communal pipework an associated electrical works. The communal ventilationfans are to be replaced and the system cleaned and minor boiler overhaul works carried out.

Block energy meters are also to be fitted to allow block billing and accountability.

Q2. Why are these works necessary?

  1. The works are necessary to keep the equipment and site operational for the next 5 to 10 years until the area is to be redeveloped.

Hot Water Storage units - These are approximately 47 years old and is at the end of their serviceable life. The units are costly to maintain and are extremely inefficient.

Plantroom Controls – These are 20+ years old and operating using out of date York software. The central head end system is not compatible with this software. Some of the panels are defective and non-operational and the maintenance team have confirmed they are not repairable due to their age.

Pipework - The existing communal heating pipework is approximately 47 years old and corroded and leaking from some sections.

Electrics – Some old wiring remains which is reported to still be live. The incoming electrical switchgear in Blackwater house is extremely corroded and requires replacing. The lateral mains are also part of the original build and age expired and need replacing.

Communal Ventilation - The existing roof mounted communal extract fans are at the end of their serviceable life and are required to be replaced. They are costly to maintain and are extremely inefficient.

Boiler Overhaul Works - The boiler plant refit was carried out in 2001, however other works and water leaks have caused the boiler casings and insulation to become damaged. It is recommended to carry out a boiler overhaul which will include replacing the casings.

Q3. Are the works needed if the blocks are due to be redeveloped?

  1. Yes the works are needed to keep the systems operational and the maintenance cost reasonablefor the next 5 to 10 years. The works listed have been identified as the minimum works which can keep these systems operational within the time scale stated.

Q4. Will the heating in my property be changed/modified?

  1. Due to the redevelopment works it has been decided not to changed/install new heating and hot water services within the individual properties .

Q5. How long will the work take?

  1. The works will take approximately 5 months.

Q6. When will the works be carried out.

  1. The summer of 2016.

Q7. How much will the work cost the leaseholders?

  1. The cost is currently unknown but the work shall be tendered at the end of this year at which point the cost will be known and Leaseholders notified.

Q8. What is the next step?

  1. To complete the initial consultation and to issue the notice of intention to the Leaseholders.