CFR 1304.51, 1305
Develop and implement a systematic, ongoing process of program planning that includes consultation with the program’s governing body, policy groups, and program staff, and with other community organizations that serve Head Start or other low-income families with young children. / Program planning includes:
(I) an assessment of community strengths, needs and resources through completion of the Community Assessment in accordance with the requirements of CFR 1305.3,
(ii) the formulation of both multi-year (long range) program goals and short term program and financial objectives that address the findings of the Community Assessment, are consistent with the philosophy of Head Start, and reflect findings of the program’s annual self-assessment,
(iii) The development of written plans for implementing services in each of the program areas covered by this part. / Community Assessments will be conducted every three years and updated annually. / ECS Director, Service Area Managers and Policy Council
Goals and objectives will be developed each year to address Community Assessment findings, Self Assessment findings, and Federal and program monitoring results / ECS Director, Service Area Managers and Policy Council, staff
These goals and objectives are reviewed by staff and parents through various meetings and trainings in the spring and summer.
The final community assessment and strategic plan is presented to the Policy Council and ATCAA Board for approval each fall. / ECS Director, Executive Director, ATCAA Board, Policy Council
All written plans for implementing services, and the progress in meeting them, are reviewed by staff and parents. They are approved by the Policy Council annually. / Update program plans in the following areas:
Early Childhood Development and Health Services, Family and Community Partnerships, Program Design and Management, ERSEA, and Disabilities, Facilities and Human Resources.
Written drafts of service area plans are reviewed by staff and then presented to Parent Policy Council Program Committee for their review, and then to the full PPC for further review and approval. / Service Area Managers, ECS Director, Policy Council
ATCAA Board approves all Service Area Plans Annually / PPC
ECS Director and Service Area Managers (SAMs) review progress on plans throughout the year at bi-monthly SAMs meetings. / ECS Director
Service Area Managers
A Progress Report on meeting planned objectives is presented annually to the PPC and ATCAA BOARD. / ECS Director, Policy Council
CFR 1304.51 b
Establish and implement systems to ensure that timely and accurate information is provided to parents, policy groups, staff, and the general community. / Use a variety of methods to assure that parents receive timely and accurate information. Methods include: Web site, social media, newsletters, flyers and parent meetings. / (i) Parents serve on the Parent Policy Council which meets monthly
(ii) Parent meetings are held monthly at each center
(iii) Newsletters are distributed to parents / ATCAA Exec. Dir., ECS Dir.
Family Services Manager
Family Advocates
Teaching staff
All other staff
(iv) Notices to parents are placed in their child’s cubby and on parent bulletin boards at the centers. Non-custodial parents receive copies of all notices unless otherwise indicated by court order.
(v) Information is posted on ATCAA website and social media. / Teachers
Family Advocates
Provide information to the ATCAA governing board and the Parent Policy Council, including procedures and timetables for program planning; policies, guidelines, and other communications from HHS; program and financial reports, and program plans, policies, and procedures. / Written information is sent to governing board and policy council members in their pre-meeting packets, and is distributed at their meetings. / ATCAA Exec. Dir., ECS Dir.
Secretarial staff
The ATCAA Executive Director and the ECS Director will present reports to the governing board and policy council at their meetings. Reports include information on current enrollment, budget status, community partnerships activities, and program highlights. / ATCAA Exec. Dir., ECS Dir.
Head Start Service Area Plans and Policies and Procedures are reviewed at Program Committee meetings. Copies are distributed to each center as part of the Policy Council packets. / ECS Director, Management Assistant, Family Advocates
CFR 1304.51 c
Ensure that two-way comprehensive communications between staff and parents are carried out on a regular basis throughout the program year. / Communicate in the parents’ primary or preferred language through an interpreter to the extent feasible. / Use an interpreter to communicate with non-English speaking families. Hire bi-lingual staff whenever possible. / ECS Director
HR Coordinator
Conduct home visits at least twice annually to inform parents of children’s progress. / Teachers conduct at least two home visits a year and two parent teacher conferences per year / Teaching staff
Family Advocates
CFR 1304.51 d
Ensure that information is provided regularly to governing bodies and policy groups / Provide, at minimum, the following information to governing bodies and policy groups: procedures and timetables for program planning;
policies, guidelines, and other publications from HHS;
program and financial reports;
program plans, policies, and procedures; and Head Start grant applications / The ATCAA Executive Director and the ECS Director prepare written reports and fiscal information for the governing board and policy council, and give verbal reports regularly at their meetings. All IM’s and PI’s and other information from ACF is included in packets for Board and Policy Council review. / Exec. Director,
ECS Director and Policy Council.
All Head Start grant application summaries are approved by the Policy Council and submitted to the Board for their approval prior to submission to ACF. / ECS Director, Policy Council
CFR 1304.51 e
Have mechanisms for regular communication among all program staff to facilitate quality outcomes for children and families. / Hold regularly scheduled staff meetings and in-services, including core managers meetings and all staff meetings. / Hold SAM meetings twice monthly / ECS Director, Service Area Managers
  • Staff meetings are held at least monthly.
  • All ECS staff meet together twice a year.
  • Program policies, procedures, plans, and forms are published on a web site that is accessible from all ECS locations
/ Family Engagement and Services Manager, SAMS & Family Advocates
Program reports will be prepared for Parent Policy Council and the governing body. Child Outcome reports will be shared with teaching staff and parents three times per year. / ECS Dir.
SAMs, Family Advocates
Financial and program reports will be prepared for tracking expenses and budget management and given to the ATCAA Board and the Policy Council monthly. A budget committee comprised of the ECS Director and interested parents, meets bi-monthly to review the budgets and make recommendations to the Policy Council. / ECS Director, Management Assistant, Fiscal Director, Budget Committee members.
Keep information current and readily accessible to all program staff / Reports will be prepared as required. All reports are distributed to all staff through Policy Council packets. / ECS Director
CFR 1304.51 g Establish and maintain efficient and effective record-keeping systems to provide accurate and timely information regarding children, families, and staff; and ensure appropriate confidentiality of this information. / All confidential records will be kept in locked files and in password protected database. / Conduct regular on-site monitoring of service areas. Train staff annually in confidentiality requirements. / ECS Director
Management Assistant, all staff
CFR 1304.51 h
Establish and maintain efficient and effective reporting systems. / Generate monthly reports of financial status and program operations in order to maintain program quality, maintain accountability, and advise governing bodies, policy groups, and staff of program progress.
Official reports for Federal, State, and local authorities as required by applicable law and/or regulatory requirement are generated and shared with staff and parents. / Case Reviews are done 3x a year and the results are discussed at SAMs meetings.
Budget reports including credit card expenditure reports are produced and reviewed monthly.
Staff training plan and status Is reviewed 3x a year.
Attendance and enrollment reports are produced monthly and reviewed by SAMs at least quarterly. / Admin. Staff,
ECS Director
SAMs, Budget Committee and Policy Council
CFR 1304.51 I
At least once each program year, with consultation and participation of the policy groups, and as appropriate other community members, the program conducts a self-assessment of their effectiveness and progress in meeting program goals and objectives, and in implementing Federal guidelines. / Conduct annual assessment of operations, using policy council members, Board members, representatives from other community agencies or groups, and staff, including direct service staff. / Late Winter/Early Spring
Assessment tools are reviewed and chosen
Training(s) on the Self-Assessment process are held for parents, staff and program partners
Each manager takes the lead in a Service Area and puts together a team of reviewers for that area
ECS Director works with Executive Director and Board President to do Management systems review
ECS Director works with Fiscal Director to do Fiscal review
ECS Director works with HR Coordinator for HR Review
After all teams have finished the review , all results are compiled and reviewed by SAMS. Other data as available may be added such as ECRS scores, and other monitoring results. / ECS Director, SAMs, Staff, Community Partners, Parents, ATCAA Board,
Executive Director,
Fiscal Director,
HR Coordinator
Annual Self-Assessment Draft is generated and taken to Program Committee for comment and review. / ECS Director, Program Committee, SAMs
No later than August, Self-Assessment is sent to Policy Council and ATCAA Board for approval.

PPC Approved 11-18-11

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