This record has not yet been accepted by the PASC.

650 Southeast 139th Avenue
Oct 25, 2014

*See the Legend at the end of this document for abbreviations

The Chair calledthemeetingtoorderat2:00pm

TheTwelveTraditionswereread by John

TheTwelveConceptswereread by Ben
11 werepresent
42 answeredrollcall
Last month’s minutes were accepted.
New*GSR/Alt.GSR Recognition

John L.-What’s Really Going On-GSR

Mandi M.-What It is-GSR

Angie V.-It’s in the Book-alt GSR

Nikki B.-Come As You Are-alt GSR

Pable B.-3 No Hands-alt GSR

Bobbi C.-Women of Wisdom-GSR

James L.-Right on Time-GSR

New Group Recognition

Right On Time?

3 No Hands

Pablo C. – alt GSR

Thursday 7pm

Alano Club

Welcome all new trusted servants and welcome all new meetings!!!


Chair­- Brandon B. –

Next month roll call will be at the door, so try to come early.

The Ad-Hoc Committee report is that everything is going well. The most updated draft of the by-laws is posted on the website. Myk H. is going to get an email address for this committee, so you will be able to send feedback. Our RCM- Toni B. is hoping we can make a bid on hosting the RSC in April 2016, which is 18 mo from now. There’s no reason we shouldn’t host it. World has posted the first Chapter of the Traditions Book on the world website. Go to to see the book. A copy of that Chapter will be at Area next month. I’d like to bring our Area into the feedback loop for this book to increase group involvement and unity. The GSR’s will be responsible to take this back to the groups to foster community and group participation.

There is a disconnect between what’s going on here and the groups. Our mission, which is to bring the recovery message to addicts by one addict helping another is not going to happen if this disconnect continues. We have systemic problems. We push people into being GSR’s who are not ready just to have a warm body in the position. There are GSR’s who just take flyers and go. There are GSR’s who stay the whole meeting and do not participate. Then there are GSR’s who stay and participate. We are not a loose collection of individuals. We are united to help the addicts who are still suffering, to bring the message of recovery to addicts. PR is having to take 3 and 4 shifts. This is just not about how much coffee is in the coffeepot. We have a connection to a Higher Power. Events also bring us together, making connections. Why do you do service? Because someone helped you! So I’m going to find some projects for groups to do, like this Tradition’s Project. We are not just making decisions here, but also working on projects to tie the Portland Area together. Then you will, as GSR, pass that project on to your replacement, show someone else how to do it, promote our primary purpose.

So we have a problem in the Portland Area with treatment centers dumping loads of people in mtgs, such as 12-20 people at a time. And everyone needs a sponsor and coffee. We love newcomers. They are the most important people in a mtg. We need feedback from the Groups on this. We are here because we want to be here. These people are forced to be here. Can we talk to the treatment centers? This is an issue for many groups in Portland. It can be financially draining to a mtg. Can you ask them to bring less people, can you ask them to send some money? Sarah, a VOA graduate-what kinds of questions do you want answered? See Open Forum for a continuation of this discussion.

Ray- with the new roll call, is the Secretary going to be earlier? Yes.

Vice Chair-Zach-I was involved with some of the projects we are going to talk about today.

Secretary’sReport–Marybeth N.

Any subcommittee report can be emailed to me at or given to me at the desk up here. Pleaseprovideme with a copy of your event’s flyer to include the event in the Minutes for this month. If you have an event that does not require a flyer, please give me the information and I will put it in the Minutes.

If you did not receive the minutes or are a new GSR or alternate GSR please provide your contact information on the Contact list, which is on the clipboard. Please cross off any inaccuracies for your group and write clearly. Thank you for the opportunity to serve,

Marybeth N.

Treasurer’sReports–Stephanie G. –see report, also see the 2015 budget, which is also attached to the minutes

*RCM-­Toni B.- Thank you for letting me serve. I’m a grateful recovering addict. See my report which is attached to the minutes. Dave asks about the fact that the Regional Handbook is out of date. Handbooks were handed out at Region . They are now updated.

AlternateRCM—Jacob D.- not present

Archivist—Dan G.-nothing to report

Activities–Dave will read report by Ron C.-see attached report

HospitalsInstitutions- Angela D.

Our committee meeting is on 40th and Woodstock. Please see back of Schedule for ALL Committee Meetings!!! Our orientation is filling up. Thanks for the support-we asked for it and we got it! I’m stepping down and our Vice Chair is probably stepping up.

Literature–Maya N.

Inventory is going well with Stephen’s help. He also made a big print order form, but it’s not working yet. We are going to take a Physical Inventory.

Outreach–John H.- see attached report and flyer

PublicRelations – Jesse S.- Doug W. read Jesse’s report.

Good afternoon everyone,
Public relations seems to be running smooth for the most part. We had five in attendance at our business meeting which seems to be about the norm. The website seems to be running smoothly as well if you haven't had a chance to look at it yet please do so we would love to hear your input. The phone line as well we could always use some help there are several shifts available there is a six-month clean time requirement you would also need a working cell phone and Internet access. If you would like to be of service please contact the phone line leave your name and number and we will get back to you.
That's pretty much all I have to report also I need to leave early I have a bunch of bamboo I need to dig up and get planted today thank you for allowing me to be of service,
Jesse S public relations chairman

( You need 6 months to do the phone line and 1 year to be on the Committee.)

Ad-Hocs and Conventions:

PACNA – Dave P. Chair-not present

PACNA- Doug, Treasurer-

We settled all bills, gave $1000 seed money back to Area.

We ended up with $32,000, of which $25000 is seed money for the next Convention, $2500 is for a Free Event on Nov 29th, dinner, 6-9. See flyer for details. $2592.00 is going to H&I to buy books and $2500 is going to Area- I have the check today. At our executive Meeting we are looking at the Convention by-laws, as we just borrowed them from other Areas for our first Convention. I will announce the date and time for that mtg.


Proposal 14-15 written by One Promise Many Gifts. Proposal : to change Article 9, Section 9.01 H. Delete this part “The PASC treasurer shall reimburse the RCM/alternate RCM, and all non- income making subcommittees, directly upon presentation of the receipts.


David spoke to the proposal. We think this excludes the Newcomer and other income-challenged people who do not always have the money up-front to do these positions. The RCM, for example presents receipts up to $150.00. We want to work out a mechanism for people without money.(Brandon B. notes that we can’t change the by-laws until we have the by-laws.)

Myk H. said to advance the $150.00

Ron C.- the current by-laws say you have to have the financial means to (part of the by-laws) to have “accountability and responsibility” to take this position. The solution would have to address the by-law description of the position. Brandon B. expressed the responsibility of this position. A vote was taken and the Proposal did NOT pass by Consensus.

Proposal 14-12 written by Stephen regarding the changing of Section 5 was withdrawn as the Ad-Hoc is doing that.

Proposal 13-12 regarding the increase of funds to $200 for PR had passed on 7/28/12 and will be incorporated into the by-laws by the Ad-Hoc Committee.

Proposal 14-16 written to amend the by-laws to reflect increased expenses for H&I up to $200.00 for their rent, supplies, and schedules. This Proposal has been sent to the by-law committee. This Proposal is still before the PASC.

No New Proposals

Open Forum-

Tom asked for clarification of the next Area meeting dates. They are as follows: Dec. 6, 2014,Jan 3,2015 and then Jan 31 2015, which includes the BOD meeting.

Ron C. expresses that he is disgusted that we are having this conversation about treatment centers. That we do not want treatment centers in our meetings is just disgusting. We want all addicts in our meetings. Bring them on! In addition, addicts from treatment centers help regularly with Activities functions and do give back even when they are still in the center.

Sarah-needs some help. $180.00 in their meeting (Full Circle) went missing when in the hands of the Treasurer. This fellow has been Treasurer for 2 years and Stephanie trusts his story about how it went missing. It was in his room and somebody took it. David says that the only way his group handles it is by pressing charges. Jackie says first give him the opportunity to repay the money. Ron C. says that this has happened a lot over the years. Put the money in a lock box, or in a bank account. Also, be careful to put the right person in charge of the money in the first place. The literature talks about how to pick trusted servants. Activities handles a lot of money and awareness is needed all the time. Bob

states he recently started a meeting and somebody took his money. You never know- did they lose it? They had to press charges. Sarah really trusts her Treasurer and does not want to jump to conclusions.

Brandon B. thanks Ron C. for his input on the issue of treatment centers. Also, we cannot deny any group entrance to any meeting. We were thinking of perhaps asking the treatment centers directly to be in on the solution. We can never turn a newcomer away, but they do take up financial resources, such as schedules, literature, IP’s and keytags. There have also been issues at the meeting at 77th and Woodstock, who have reported repeated noise violations and fighting in the parking lot. Brandon B. is just suggesting we should talk about it and see if we can up with a solution. We know a lot of addicts had to be forced to come here until they wanted to come here. There are lots of different issues involved here. Briana says that her meeting deals with this. They make 2 pots of coffee and when it is gone-it is gone. The Church did ask them to be respectful of language, etc. Pat - the Traditions take care of this. Kathryn- asking them for money will guilt and shame them and we can’t give them money. David - (One Promise many Gifts) says we can’t blame the Treatment Centers. We limit our coffee and many of our members put in $5 in donations. What are we willing to do to help another addict? We need to welcome these people!

Doug from PR says that Ryan (our webmaster) has asked for people to stop calling him!! He’s getting calls about meeting changes and other miscellaneous stuff. Please do not call him.

Announcements: see flyers

Sierra Sage Regional Conventional XIX of NA

Nov. 7-8-9, 2014

Reno, Nevada

S.E Serenity and Freedom in the Flats Free Turkey Feed

November 9, 2014


Lents Masonic Hall

We are looking for people who will donate and cook turkeys for the Fellowship!!

See attached flyer


Annual Gratitude Dinner

November 22, 2014


Medford First Christian Church

1900 Crater Lake Ave., Medford

Portland Area Convention Free Event

November 29, 2014

Imagio Dei Church

6-12 midnight Rising From the Flames Retreat Logo Needed

Deadline December 1, 2014

See flyer

Addicted to Recovery

Speaker Meeting

12221 N. Westshore Dr.

Portland, OR

Dec 5th, 2014

Spiritual Breakfast

Rising From the Flames Fundraiser

December 13, 2014

Unity Trinity Methodist Church

3915 SE Steele St.

New Year’s Ball

SE 13th and Ankeny

Imagio Dei Church

NA Bowling


3800 SE 164th Ave.

Portland, OR 97233

Committee of Young People In Narcotics Anonymous

4th Dimension

2410 N. Mississippi

Portland, OR 97205


San Fernando Valley Convention

January 16th, 17th, 18th, 2015

See tri-fold

Pacific Cascade Regional Assembly and Committee Meeting

Rogue Regional Medical Center

2825 E. Barnett Dr.

Medford, OR 97504

Jan.17th, Jan 18th, 2015

Circle of Sisters Women’s Convention XVIII

February 27-March 1, 2015

733 S. Hindry Ave.

Inglewood, CA 90301

Living the Dream


April 2-5, 2015

San Jose, CA 95113


Quality Inn Suites

5188 Wittenberg Ln.

Keizer, OR 91303

May 15-17, 2015