
Admission Process…….….………………………..p. 2

Admission Timeline………………………………..p. 8

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)…………p. 9

Scholarship Application…………………………..p. 11

Application Form……………………...... p. 12

Application deadline: June 20, 2008

For further information, please contact:

KSE Office

vul. Dekhtyarivska 51,office34, Kyiv 03113

tel.: (+38-044) 492-8012; fax: (+38-044) 492-8011




Admission Process

Admission exams and interviews will be conducted in Kyiv in July 2008.

Kyiv School of Economics (KSE) strives to attract qualified participants from all regions in Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, and theSouth Caucasus region,and selects participants on the basis of merit and in the spirit of open competition.

Admission to the KSE is based on merit and is open to any citizen of Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgiawho meets the basic eligibility requirements:

  • Specialist’s or bachelor’s degree by the time of entrance from an accredited institution (3rd or 4th level of accreditation)
  • Proficiency in English
  • Strong mathematical skills
  • Submission of required documents for admission by the specified deadlines

A prior specialization in economics is desirable, but not essential.

Selection for admission is based on a review of the application materials, results of the written exams, and aninterview, which is conducted by English-speaking professional economists.

Deadlines and Required Documents:

Kyiv School of Economics has a two-stage procedure for submitting application materials:

Application Stage 1
By June 20, 2008
(KSE Office, vul. Dekhtyarivska 51, office 34)
  • Completed application form
  • Statement of purpose
  • Three recommendation letters
  • Certified transcript (Ukrainian version is acceptable)

Essay or published paper in economics in English (or summary of Ukrainian essay up to 500 words). Other documents, if desired: publications, conference theses, awards, TOEFL certificate, etc.
Application Stage 2
By July 4, 2008
(KSE Office, vul. Dekhtyarivska 51, office 34)
  • Completed registration form (available at the time of registration)
  • Original diploma and its attachment, or notarized copies of both documents
  • 6 photos 3 cm x 4 cm
  • Medical certificate ф-086/о form
  • Passport
  • Identification tax number (Ukrainian applicants only)

The deadline for submitting the first set of documents to the KSE Office is June 20, 2008. This set of documents can be mailed, while the second one must be submitted to the KSE Office in person by July 4, 2008. If the first set is mailed, please be sure to submit all documents (application form, statement of purpose, letters of recommendation, and transcripts) in one envelope and confirm the receipt of the package with the KSE Office by phone/ e-mail. This will ensure that all materials will arrive to the KSE Office by the specified postmark deadline of June 20, 2008. Please be sure that your name appears on all forms submitted. If some of your documents are submitted under any other name, be sure to indicate this by attaching an adequate certified document (e.g., marriage certificate).

1. Application Form

Students are encouraged to apply for admission to the Kyiv School of EconomicsbeginningMarch 2007. Early applications are welcome. Applications may be obtained directly from the KSEOffice or by mail, if requested. Application forms plus additional information can also be obtained through the Internet at

The Application Form lists general personal information, educational background, professional experience, knowledge of English language and is included to the interviewers’ package as the main information about the applicant. Although applicants may submit a resume, they should not complete any section of the application by referring the Admissions Committee to an enclosed resume or vitae or to other portions of the application.

2. Registration Form

Registration Form serves the purpose of initial registration and includes personal data of each applicant. Is to be completed by all applicants.

3. Statement of Purpose

One of the most important parts of the application form is the 250-word statement of purpose on why you wish to study economics and how a master's degree in economics is related to your career goals and intellectual interests. The statement of purpose should be typed, double-spaced on a separate sheet of paper, in English. It should include the purpose of your scientific and professional interests and objectives, and a description of your goals, and how the master’s program can help you meet them. If you are primarily interested in research, also include a description of the research that you wish to pursue and report, if applicable, your research in progress. In general, a good statement of purpose should include answers to the following questions:

  • Based on your personal background, interests, and experience, what do you expect to contribute to the program?
  • What have you already done, at any level that has contributed to the specialty of the program?
  • How does the master’s program fit into your short-term and long-term career goals?

The statement of purpose should be entirely the applicant’s original work. It must be also written in English and NOT in another language, as well as not translated for the applicant by another person.

4. Recommendation Letters

Recommendation letters are to be from three individuals, such as university instructors or employers (namely from people who have supervised you in either an academic, professional, or community service capacity, and who can comment on your intellectual ability, creativity, initiative, sensitivity to others, and leadership potential).

Recommendations should not be written by friends or family members. When feasible, at least one should be from a university professor familiar with your academic work.

Recommendation letters written in Ukrainian or Russian must be translated into English, and translations must be notarized. Certified English translation is required. Letters of recommendation should include the name, title, address, and telephone number of the person providing the recommendation and should be signed and officially stamped. Unstamped or unsigned recommendations without certified translation are not accepted for consideration.

5. Original Diploma and its Attachment

All applicants should submit the original diploma and its attachment to the KSEOffice not later than July 4, 2008. If there is no opportunity to submit the original diploma and attachment to it to the KSEOffice by the specified deadline, officially notarized copies should be provided.Documents that are not officially notarized will not be accepted.

In case, if you have already completed the full course of study at your home university without any academic arrears, passed all final state examinations and successfully defended your thesis, but for the reasons outside your control you haven’t received your diploma by the time of admission, then you have to submit to the KSE Office the following:

1) certificate from Rector’s or Dean’s office that will acknowledge this fact, and

2) a sample of the diploma and transcript (attachment to diploma) that are expected to be issued to you

These documents have to be printed on the letterhead of your university, signed by university’s responsible administration and officially stamped. Furthermore, you should inform the KSE Office about this situation before June 20, 2008.

If admitted, students who have earlier submitted notarized copies, necessarily submit original diplomas and attachments to the KSE Office not later than August 6, 2008. Without original documents, student will not be officially enrolled.

6. 6 photos 3 cm x 4 cm

Photos can be either color or white & black, but should meet the requested size parameters (3cm x 4cm).

7. Medical Certificate ф-086/о form

All applicants are requested to submit an original medical certificate corresponding to the form ф-086/о. Though the title of this form may differ from country to country, the content is the same. Such certificate is issued to a person for the purpose of admission to the educational institutions and lists examination statements by major doctors (therapist, oculist, neuropathologist and others).

If medical certificate is issued in the native language, its English translation should be submitted as well (regards international students only).

8. Passport

Passport should be available during the registration and documents submission process, as well as during all admission exams for purpose of person’s identification.

9. Identification tax number

Identification tax numbers should be submitted by Ukrainian applicants only.

Entry Examinations:

*** Samples of admission exams for several years are available at the KSE website:

Criteria for admission include meeting minimum scores on written exams in mathematics, economics, English, and Ukrainian. An overall score, in which the personal interview will have a preponderant weight, will be assigned to each applicant admitted to the interview.

Maximum number of points an applicant can receive is 100, among which:

Ukrainian Language Exam– 10 points

English Language Exam– 10 points

Mathematics Exam– 25 points

Economics Exam –25 points

Interview – 30 points

The English Examinationmeasures the command of three main language skills: listening comprehension, reading comprehension, and writing.

1. “Listening Comprehension” examines the applicant’s ability to perceive information of monologue and dialogue
patterns orally.

2. “Reading Comprehension” examines knowledge of grammar and vocabulary (intermediate level).

3. “Writing” consists of writing a brief essay (10-15 sentences) on a suggested topic that examines the applicant’s
ability to write logically and grammatically correctly.

Note: All applicants are required to take the English exam. High TOEFL scores do not exempt applicants from taking the English exam.

Recommended literature:

1. Academic Writing Course / Jordan, R. Edinburgh: Longman, 1996;

2. Advanced Language Practice / Vince, M. Oxford: Heinemann English Language Teaching, 1994;

3. First Certificate Language Practice / Vince, M. Oxford: Heinemann English Language Teaching, 1996;

4. Speaking Effectively / Kayfetz J. Heinle & Heinle Publications, 1997.

The Ukrainian Examinationis designed to measure the level of fluency in modern literary Ukrainian and intends to examine the command of the Ukrainian language: digestion of orthoepy and orthography norms, grammatical and syntax features of Ukrainian language, particularity of the Ukrainian business language, and basics of practical stylistics.

Note: Students from Belarus, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgiawill be exempted from the Ukrainian admission exam, but will be asked to pass an international students’ exam in Ukrainian after a 4-month course during the academic year 2008-2009.


1. Головащук С.І. Російсько-український словник сталих словосполучень. – К., 2001;

2. Орфографічний словник української мови. – К.:Довіра, 2002;

3. Пентелюк М.І. Культура мови і стилістика. – К.:Вежа, 1994;

4. Український правопис. – К., 2003;

5. Ющук І.П. Практикум з правопису української мови. – К., 2000.

The Mathematics Examinationcovers, in general, such topics as:

  • Linear algebra: algebra of vectors, scalar multiplication of vectors; matrix algebra: addition of matrices, matrix multiplication, transpose of a matrix, rank of a matrix, inverse matrix; the determinant of a square matrix: main properties of the determinant, computing the determinant; systems of linear equations, homogeneous systems, systems of linear equations in matrix form; Gaussian elimination and Cramer’s rule.
  • Principles of operations research: linear programming.
  • Calculus: sequences, limit of a sequence; one-variable calculus: polynomials, rational functions, exponential functions, logarithms, trigonometric functions, limit of a function, continuity, differentiability, Taylor polynomial of a function, Maclaurin polynomial of a function, graphs; integral calculus, integration by substitution, integration by part; series: number series, Taylor series; calculus of several variables: graphs and level curves, the total derivative, directional derivatives and gradients.
  • Probability theory and mathematical statistics: probability of an event, conditional probability, Bayes’ rule; random variables, expected value, variance, standard deviation, covariance of two random variables, probability density function, fundamental probability distributions; fundamental limit theorems; distribution parameters estimation.

Recommended literature:

1. Дубовик В.П., Юрик І.І. Вища математика: Навч. Посібник. –Київ, А.С.К., 2001;

2. Данко П.Е., Попов А.Г., Кожевникова Т.Я. Высшая математика в упражнениях и задачах. В 2-х частях. - 5-е
издание. –М.: Высш. шк., 1997;

3. Колемаев В.А., Староверов О.В., Турундаевский В.Б. Теория вероятностей и математическая статистика:
Учебное пособие для экономических специальностей ВУЗов. –М.: Высшая школа, 1991;

4. Хэмди А. Таха. Введение в исследование операций, 6-е издание. Издательскийдом "Вильямс", 2001.

TheEconomicsExaminationserves as a basis for the personal interview and is designed to measure the applicant’s ability to:

  • understand basic concepts in economics;
  • interpret simple economic graphs; and
  • apply basic economic reasoning to everyday issues.

Previous specialization in economics is not required for admission to the master’s program.

Recommended literature:

1. Rudiger Dornbusch, Stanley Fischer, Richerd Startz, Macroeconomics, 7-th edition // Irwin, McGraw-Hill, 1998;

2. N.Gregory Mankiw, Macroeconomics, 2nd edition // Worth Publishers, 1994;

3. Robert N. Pindyck – Daniel L. Rubinfeld, Microeconomics, 4-rd edition // Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ
07632, 1994;

4. Hal R.Varian, Intermediate Microeconomics. A Modern Approach, 4-th edition // Norton, 1996.


Based on the results of the preceding admission exams, applicants may be invited to an interview in English with two professional economists. The interviewers will ask questions about the applicant’s educational and professional background, academic and career goals, English-language proficiency, as well as about applicant’s familiarization with KSEMA Program’s curriculum. The interview may also include a discussion of the economics exam and the candidate’s application essays.

Preparatory Courses

English Language Courses

The NationalUniversity “Kyiv-MohylaAcademy”,Department of English Language offers intensive preparatory courses in English. Intensive preparatory courses run within the period of one month and cost ≈ 500 UAH. For additional information and group registration, contact the NaUKMA Department of English Language: tel. (+38-044) 463-6930.

Furthermore, Kyiv International House offers for-fee preparatory courses in English language. International House operates on 6-8 week terms, and students are able to join a class at the commencement of any term after taking a placement test prior to week one. To register, or to get more information about the courses, please contact International House directly: vul. Vandy Vasylevskoyi 7; tel. (+38-044) 238-9870; (+38-044) 238-9796.

Math and Ukrainian Courses

From June 23, 2008 through July 4, 2008, the Kyiv School of Economics will offer applicants complimentary intensive preparatory courses in Math and Ukrainian. Classes will run every day for 1 hour and 20 minutes. To register for these courses, please contact the KSE Office:vul. Dekhtyarivska 51, office 34, Kyiv 03113; tel. (+38-044) 492-8012.Early registration is encouraged.


The library is located at the KSE(vul. Dekhtyarivska 51,room 37) and is open to all KSE applicants in preparation to the admission exams in July. Applicants may use the library resources free of charge while remaining in the KSE facilities.


During admission exams and preparatory courses, all out-of-town applicants have the option of living in the dormitory provided by the Kyiv School of Economics. Residence at the dormitory is covered by applicants from their personal funds and is available only for the period of the admission process and preparatory courses. More detailed information regarding accommodation can be obtained at the KSE Office.

Contacting admissions

For further information regarding admission to the Kyiv School of Economics please contact:

KyivSchool of Economics Admissions Office
room 34
vul. Dekhtyarivska 51
Kyiv, 03113

Telephone: (+38-044) 492-8012; Fax (+38-044) 492-8011



ADMISSION TIMELINE(* Timeline is subject to change)

Date / Activity
June 20, 2008 / First set of application documents due to the KSE Program
July 4, 2008 / Second set of application documents due to the KSE Program
June 23-July 4, 2008 / Intensive preparatory courses in Math and Ukrainian
July 5-July 8, 2008 / Admission exams
July 10-11, 2008 / Interviews
July 14, 2008 / Announcement of accepted students
July 15, 2008 / Deadline for scholarships applications
July 21, 2008 / Announcement of scholarship recipients
July 23, 2008 / Deadline for accepting KSE's offer and giving KSE the contract request letters
Scholarship students complete their part of the contract with KSE
August 6, 2008 / Deadline for non-scholarship students to sign the contract with KSE
August 15, 2008 / Deadline for non-scholarship students to pay tuition - €4,000
August 4-August 22, 2008 / Summer orientation courses in English and Math
August 29, 2008 / KSE registration and orientation meeting
September 1, 2008 / Classes begin

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Q: When can I apply?

A: Starting March 2008. Early applications are encouraged. Applications submitted after the deadline of July 4, 2008 are not considered for admission.

Q: Can I send my application documents by mail?

A: KSE has a two-stage documents’ submission procedure. At the first stage, applicants are submitting the completed application form, statement of purpose, letters of recommendation and a certified official transcript. These documents, in case of emergency, can be mailed and will be accepted based on the post mark. Faxed or e-mailed documents are not considered. While the first set of documents may be mailed, the second one has to be submitted only in person.

Q: Who can write the letter of recommendation?

A: Letters of recommendation should be written by the university professor or an employer, namely people who have supervised you in either an academic, employment, or community service capacity, and who can comment on your intellectual ability, creativity, initiative, sensitivity to others, and leadership potential.

Q: Which educational institutions correspond to the 3rd and 4th levels of accreditation?

A: According to the lastproject on higher education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Ukrainian institutions of higher education are categorized by the following levels of accreditation:

Universities, Academies (4th level of accreditation);

Institutes (4th or 3rd level of accreditation);

Colleges (2nd level of accreditation)

Technical Schools (1st level of accreditation)

Q: If I have passed the TOEFL Test earlier and the results are still valid, will I be requested to pass the admission exam in English?

A: All applicants are requested to take the English exam. High TOEFL scores do not exempt applicants from taking the English exam.

Q: What should I do if by the time of the admission exams I will not have my diploma technically issued yet?

A: In case, if you have already completed the full course of studyat your home university without any academic arrears, passed all final state examinations and successfully defended your thesis, but for the reasonsoutside your control you haven’t received your diploma by the time of admission, then you have to submit the following:

1)certificate from Rector’s or Dean’s office that will acknowledge this fact, and

2) a sample of the diploma and transcript (attachment to diploma) that are expected to be issued to you