Industrial FFA Officer Application
Address: ______
Cell Phone Number: ______
Email address: ______
Parent’s Name: ______
Grade:______Years in High School FFA: ______
Shirt Size ______
Election Process:
A.) Test: 1/3
B.) Interview: 1/3
C.) Popular Vote: 1/3
Positions for 2014-2015:
Vice President
Student Advisor
Responsibilities for elected officers:
- Attend allIndustrial FFA Chapter Meetings
- Attend all scheduled officer meetings
- Participation in aLDE or a CDE
- Sell at least 15 items of fruit and meat for the FFA fundraiser
- Maintain a 70 in all classes on 6 weeks report cards
- No Suspensions, ISS, or AEP
- KNOW your opening ceremony part
- Be in an Agricultural Science class
- Attend the District III Leadership Camp in June
All officers will be on a “3 Strikes Your Out” policy. The first time an officer fails to meet a responsibility he/she will receive a warning. The second time an officer fails to meet a responsibility he/she will have a private conference between FFA Advisor and officer. The third time an officer fails to meet a responsibility he/she will be replaced on the officer team.
Mrs. Holub understands that many FFA members participate in other extra curricular activities and have jobs. The FFA Advisor wants you to excel in whatever you choose to do. However, she wants you to prioritize your activities and if you can not give being a chapter officer the work it desires please reconsider running.
Position Desired: ______
Your Signature: ______Date:______
Your Name (printed): ______
Parent’s Signature: ______Date:______
FFA Advisor: ______
Please have signed and returned to Mrs. Holub by: April 15, 2016; 3:35 pm.
All candidates will need to have a Resume submitted with this application.
Officer interviews will take place on Wednesday, April 27th. Candidates will need to wear official FFA dress. At 4:00 candidates will draw numbers for the interview and begin taking the quiz.
A mandatory meeting will be held after the 18th, during Activity Period, to hand out study guides and go over expectations.
All offices will be announced at banquet.