Economics Project: Planning Spring Break

Your budget for the trip is $3,500.00

Plan a vacation to a destination you would like to visit during Spring Break. Decide where you will go, how long you can go, and how much money you can afford to spend in each area. Then, develop an itinerary or a travelplan for your trip. Your itinerary needs to include the following information:

  • Mode of transportation
  • Routes of transportation (if driving)
  • Hotel/Lodging
  • Food
  • Sites to visit
  • A detailed breakdown of your daily plans

ITINERARY: A complete cost breakdown of all expenses. Attach all documents and contacts you make to find information. Print webpages of flight info, hotel quotes and any brochures, correspondence, and copies of websitesshould be included with your itinerary. Also included with your itinerary are costs of the trip. All costs must be exact, to the penny, except where noted below.Template for this is on my website:

Costs should include:

  • mode of travel
  • food
  • hotel/lodging
  • attractions
  • other entertainment (may be estimated)
  • souvenirs (may be estimated).

PAPER: When the itinerary is complete write a 1.5-2page double-spaced typed paper in MLA format in 12 font with the appropriate headers. The first paragraph will discuss why the location was selected for your vacation. What attracted you to this location? The second paragraph will detail the comparison of costs and discuss how you can afford the trip. Where will you spend your money? What aspects are most important? The next paragraph is the conclusion where you will discuss any challenges you had the project. What did you like best? What did you like least? Did you learn anything new? The final paragraph will include any suggestions on how to improve the project. Would you change or add anything if you were the teacher?

FAQ: You may NOT stay with friends/relatives in this project. Also, if you go over budget you must redo parts of the trip to get under budget. This is an individual project and must be done independently. With that said, several students may go to the same locations HOWEVER each person must turn in their own project, print outs, itinerary and individual paper. Sample itinerary and paper are available on my webpage and Edmodo. These can be used as templates as well to ensure your formatting is correct.

Guidelines: You must plan to stay for at least 5 days and 4 nights anytime from March 2014-June 2015. In order for the websites to give you quotes you will have to put your age as over 21. Use a fictional name such as Fred Example if needed. Remember - do not enter your real information into the websites! This is for learning purposes only!

The following are some ideas where to get information:

  • Internet: Travelocity, Expedia,, etc
  • MapQuest, Yahoo Maps
  • Airlines, Bus Depots, Train Stations
  • City Department of tourism

***Do NOT put your actual personal info - you don’t want solicited calls!

Your project should be organized as follows:

1. Itinerary with totals and specific daily breakdown

2. 1.5-2 Page Paper

3. Flight Printout

4. Hotel Printout

5. Car Rental Printout

6. Places to Visit Printouts

Sample Itinerary

Name: Fred Example February 24, 2014


Dates? June 7th – 13th, 2014


Flight: SouthwestAirlines Round-trip $305

Hotel: Disney's Caribbean Beach Resort $1,129.02

Rental Car: Enterprise Full Size Vehicle $381.00

Disney Park Tickets: 5 Day Hopper Pass w/ Water Park $415.30


10 a day for breakfast

15 a day for lunch

10 a day for various snacks & drinks

30 a day for dinner

65 a day for 5 days = $325

Sites to visit: $200 (include printouts and detail in daily plans)

Entertainment: $200 (include printouts ticket cost and details in daily plans)

Souvenirs: $200 (can estimate)

TOTAL COSTS: $3,155.37

Daily Breakdown: June 7th – 13th

Day 1:


Columbus to Orlando:

Southwest flight 927 nonstop to Florida

Depart: 9:25 am - Arrive 2:35(Include print out)


Disney's Caribbean Beach Resort

I Drive and Sea World and Universal: Universal Orlando Resorts

5800 UNIVERSAL BLVD Orlando, FL 32819


Check into hotel

Walk around Downtown Disney and shop

Eat at Chef Mickeys for dinner

Shop more

Dance club at night

Day 2:


Take rental car to Disney land for the day

Ride rides, see sights and buy souvenirs


Disneyland/Magic Kingdom


Ride rides and see shows

Breakfast at hotel

Lunch at the park

Dinner at Hard Rock Cafe - then continue with day 3 etc

Fred Example

February 24, 2014

Spring Break Project

Mrs. Ellwanger

Spring Break Project - Sample Paper

The first paragraph will discuss why the location was selected for your vacation. List the location and why you picked this spot as well as any relevant information. This paragraph needs to be 4-5 sentences.

The second paragraph will detail the comparison of costs and discuss how you can afford the trip. Summarize the costs of the trip. How did you come to the decision to allocate your budget in specific areas? This paragraph needs to be 4-5 sentences.

The next paragraph is the where you will discuss any challenges you had the project. What did you like best? What did you like least? Did you learn anything new?

The final paragraph is where you include any suggestions on how to improve the project. If you were the teacher would you do anything different? If so, what would you change? This paragraph needs to be 4-5 sentences.