I will send the assignment via e-mail, at the end of Week 5. You will hand in your midterm answer on [for fall 2013] Wednesday, Oct. 9, at the beginning of class.

The purpose of this take-home exercise is to provide meaningful feedback—in an environment promoting learning and exposure to a legal practice environment. This exercise will:

(a) count ten (10) points, to be added to the final raw point score on your final exam (which
will be about 60 points—for a total of about 70 points); ......
(b) help you to prepare for the increasingly realistic course Problems and Final Exam;
(c) prepare you for a special form of essay testing that over 60% of the states (and a growing
number of hiring partners) are administering via their bar exams; and ......
(d) in tandem with the course Problems, be more closely associated with what lawyers do in
actual practice.

I will ultimately add the raw points from your midterm exam to the raw point score from your Civ Pro 1 final exam. For example, if your final exam’s total raw points were “48,” and your midterm grade were “7,” I would then combine them—for a raw score of 55 points as your raw point course total. (There will be no multiple choice questions on the final exam.)

The midterm exercise is also designed to prepare you for the final exam. Another objective for this course is to have you ready for a Civ Pro bar question, when you walk out of my Civ Pro I final exam.

The TJSL Honor Code will apply. You can discuss this assignment with other students; however, what you turn in, as your midterm exam answer, cannot be the same answer as another student(s). You will sign it at the end, with your student exam number (not name), within a paragraph stating as follows:

I, student exam number _____, hereby submit this takehome midterm examination, in accordance with: (1) the TJSL Honor Code; and (2) the Professor’s related e-mail instructions.

You should turn in your exam answer in class—not directly to me, but into the box I will bring to class to collect the midterms. A paper with your actual name, or other identifying information, on it, will not receive any credit......
Last rev: 09/26/13