Work Instructions Logistics Insights Corporation – Flat Rock MSC Version: 1.4

WI-51 Dunnage Date: 03/29/2007

Subject: This work instruction describes the actions of the Dunnage positions.


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Work Instructions Logistics Insights Corporation – Flat Rock MSC Version: 1.4

WI-51 Dunnage Date: 03/29/2007

1)  Mule

2)  Mule Key

3)  Industrial Power Equipment Vehicle Inspection Form

Page 1 of 1 Printed: 3/29/2007

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Work Instructions Logistics Insights Corporation – Flat Rock MSC Version: 1.4

WI-51 Dunnage Date: 03/29/2007

Special Requirements:

·  For daily work assignments which require power equipment- the operator must be PMHV (Powered Material Handling Vehicle) qualified with certificate.

·  WI-104: Work Instruction for scanner operation.

Broadcast Dunnage Process: / Pictures /
1)  Start of shift drive over to axle and take full Dunnage gondolas to the designated trash area. Return empty gondolas to the designated spots once emptied.
2)  After axle is completed, empty the Dunnage gondolas from the broadcast area. (Note: must empty garbage cans in work cells into gondolas, broadcast includes main dock as well)
3)  Continuously repeat steps 1 and 2 throughout the shift.
4)  Empty the trash and sweep the floor in Broadcast break area.
5)  Inventory Tire Management-Every 30 minutes the tire mule operator completes the pick as directed by the Autocall Scanner. Take only tires that are called for. See WI-104 for scanner instructions.
6)  Deliver completed tire dollies to the axle tire drop zone.
7)  Retrieve empty tire dollies from the end of tire line to the tire work area doors-MG & ME. / None
Options Dunnage Process: / Pictures /
1)  Drive full Dunnage containers in options to the designated Dunnage area. (Note: options includes the card market, body repack, control arms, container room and W-dock areas)
2)  Return empty gondolas to the designated areas.
3)  Dump all trash cans into designated area’s gondolas.
4)  Continuously repeat steps 1, 2 and 3 throughout the shift.
5)  Empty the trash and sweep the floor in Options break area. / None

I acknowledge that I have read, been trained on, and fully understand the above work instructions and will follow them at all times unless otherwise instructed by my supervisor.


Employee Name (Print)


Employee Signature Date


Supervisor Signature Date

Page 1 of 1 Printed: 3/29/2007

Printed copies of this document are considered uncontrolled as of the time of printing.