Ideas / Purpose:
  • Challenging and original ideas consistently focused on purpose and audience
  • Some attempt to include Interesting ideas appropriate to audience and purpose.
  • Little attempt to include appropriate ideas and address purpose and audience.

Rhetorical Devices:
  • A complete sense of ethos, with anecdotes, pronoun choice and credentials woven into speech effectively.
  • A complete sense of logos with case studies, statistics and evidence cited effectively with regard to rhetoric.
  • A complete sense of pathos created with emotive language, rhetorical questions and triple structures used to manipulate the audience
  • Some sense of ethos developed using some language techniques.
  • Some sense of logos developed using some language techniques.
  • Some sense of pathos developed using some language techniques.
  • Little consideration given to develop an appropriate tone to engage audience’s trust.
  • Little attempt to support ideas with factual evidence
  • Little attempt to control audiences’ emotions with language.

Language / Delivery:
  • Controlled and shaped writing with a variety of sentence styles appropriate to an audience.
  • Appropriate posture, movement, gestures, eye contact and voice modulation.
  • A wide range of attractive vocabulary appropriate to audience and context.
  • Some attempt to employ a range and variety of sentence structures with some degree of success.
  • Some attempt to employ appropriate posture, movement, gestures, eye contact and voice modulation.
  • A range of vocabulary effectively employed.
  • Sentence structures mundane and repetitive, but generally accurate in punctuation and grammar.
  • Little attempt to vary posture, movement, gestures, eye contact and voice modulation.
  • A varied vocabulary but with more pedestrian expression

Organisation / Structure:
  • An effective structure with an engaging introduction and clear message at the end.
  • Use of key sentences, repetition and/or semantic field to link ideas throughout.
  • Some attempt to organise ideas around a particular structure.
  • Strong introduction/conclusion.
  • Little attempt to organise ideas.
  • Lacks discernible introduction / conclusion.

Effort: / Mark/20: / Grade: