1. Name : Mrs. Madhumita Chatterjee .
  2. Husband’s Name : Mr. Anjan Chatterjee
  3. Date of birth : 26th May 1964.
  4. Permanent address : 503, Gokul, Sector 1, Kalamboli

Cidco Colony , Navi Mumbai , 410218.

  1. Nationality: Indian .
  2. Domicile : Maharashtra
  3. email:
  4. Educational qualifications :

Name of Examination / University/ Board . / Year of Passing / % of marks / Grade
Computer Sc. / I.I.T,
Powai . / Jan 1999 / 8.33*
B.Sc.(Tech) Computer
Tech. / Watumull Institute, Bombay / June 1987 / 64.5 / First Class .
B.Sc.(Physics) / Bombay / June 1984 / 70.37 / First Class.
H.S.C / Pune Div Board / June 1981 / 78.33 / Distinction.
S.S.C / Pune Div Board / June 1979 / 84.33 / Distinction.

* The IIT gives CPI in the scale of 10 .

  1. Employment Profile:

Assistant Professor: (1/1/2000 till date) MGM’s College of Engineering & Technology (Computer Engineering Department) Kamothe Navi Mumbai

Currently employed as an Assistant Professor in Computer Engineering Department. Job includes teaching students from 1st year to final year Engineering, as well as overall administration of the department. Developed Association of Computer Technocrats (ACT) for increasing awareness of computer among students and to provide them with a platform for co-curricular activities. Arranged Quality Improvement Programs and Seminars for Staff and Students. Have acted as an internal guide for several projects done by final year students. Am an approved examiner of Mumbai University.

Also worked as part-time faculty for IBM-ACE courses conducted by MGM Infotech and Research Center, a sister organisation.

Visiting faculty for PG course Management IMSR.

Lecturer: (17/8/92 till 31/12/1999) MGM’s College of Engineering & Technology (Computer Engineering Department) Kamothe Navi Mumba

Some of the subjects taught by me during the tenure of Lecturer and Assistant Professor are Computer Organisation, Systems Programming, Theoretical Computer Science, Compiler Constructions, Data Structures, Operating Systems, Advanced Computer Architecture etc.

Visiting Lecturer : (From Sept 1991 till July 1992)

I joined MGM’s College of Engineering and Tech in September 1991 as a visiting lecturer . Subsequently I appeared for UGC interview held at that institute on 25th March 1992 and topped amongst the Computer candidates.

Consultant For Rhino Plast Pvt Ltd: (From 1988 to 1991)

From 1988 to 1991 , I worked as a consultant with Rhino Plast Pvt. Ltd., developing projects for the company’s own use and for other companies

Industrial Training :

As a part of the B.Sc. (Tech) degree course requirement I underwent 1 semester industrial training with M/s Larsen & Toubro Ltd Powai.


·  Skewed Associativity to Improve Programme Performance .

Area : Advanced Computer Architecture.

Here I discussed a new organisation for multi-bank cache viz. Skewed associative caches, which have better behavior than set associative caches .

·  Cascade Correlation Learning Architecture .

Area : Neural Networks .

Here I discussed a new architecture of supervised learning algorithm for artificial neural networks , wherein instead of adjusting weights in a network of fixed topology , Cascade-correlation begins with a minimal network , then automatically trains and adds new units one by one creating a multi-layer structure .

·  Security in distributed systems .

Area : Networks .

In this seminar I discussed all four aspects of network security viz. : secrecy , authentication , non-repudiation and data integrity focussing mainly on authentication techniques based on cryptographic concepts .


i) Verification of Authentication Protocols.

This was my main M.Tech. Project. Here I modeled authentication protocols like Needham Schroeder and others using an equational logic based on Rewrite Rules. This is a completely new way of modeling such protocols. Then I used RRL , a Rewrite Rule Laboratory , previously used to verify certain hardware circuits , to verify the essential properties of these protocols . Experiments with several well known protocols yielded positive results.

ii) Course mini projects .

·  Automation of Department Library using Java.

Course : Object Oriented Programming.

·  Implementation of Multifunction Arithmetic Pipelines using VHDL.

Course : Advanced Computer Architecture.

·  Implementation of Dana Angluin’s Learner for unknown context free grammars in Chomsky Normal form.

Course : Pattern Recognition.

·  Implementation and Solution of the Vertex Cover NP-complete problem using neural nets.

Course : Neural Networks.

Consultancy Projects:

i) An RS 232C interface for pH controller, used in electro-floatation for Rhino Plast Pvt Ltd(RPPL).

ii) Financial accounting package for RPPL including inventory control and management , payroll , accounts receivable and accounts payable.

iii) Design of RS 232C interface for Memolog PLC at Larsen and Tubro Ltd.

iv) Debugging & modification of LED programmer software at Larsen and Tubro Ltd.

12.  Platforms Worked on:

Windows NT/2000, Unix , Linux, DRS-6000, Novell 4.11.

13.  Languages Known :

Pascal ,C , C++ , Java , Haskell , Unix tools like shell programming, Language tools like lex, yacc, Web programming including HTML/DHTML, Java Script, VBScript, CGI-PERL, ASP etc.

14.  Packages familiar with:

Visual Basic / VHDL / FoxPro
Lotus 123 / RRL / SNNS

15. Networking: Familiarity with Novell Netware and TCP/IP

16.  Technical Publications:

i) Presented a paper on “Smartcard a solution for Network Security” at the Northern Regional Conference organised by CSI at Indore in March 2000.

ii)  A modified version of the above paper was presented at CSI symposium at Ahmedabad.

iii)  Paper titled “ Three Party Transaction and Authentication Protocol for Online railway reservation using smartcard” published at ICSCI 2004 at Hyderabad on 14th Feb 2004

17.  Software Training:

Undergone training as faculty for IBM-ACE with IBM at Bangalore in E-commerce modules including Web Application and Development, Net- Commerce etc.

18.  Life Membership:


Date: 24/04/2002

Mrs. Madhumita Chatterjee.

Place: Kalamboli, Navi Mumbai.

Phone: 022 27423278

Mobile: 9821867202