“War on Cancer” and Accountability for Outcomes:

A Transatlantic Dialogue on How and Why of Success

April 16, 2007

2-6 pm

University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Medicine and Public Health

Health Sciences Learning Center

750 Highland Avenue

Auditorium (Room 1325)


2 pm – 3 pm Informal Gathering

(Food will be provided)

3 pm Opening Remarks: Dean Bob Golden (School of Medicine and Public Health), Prof. Jonathan Zeitlin (Director of European Union Center of Excellence)

3 pm - 4 pm Population Health Perspectives


Dr. Michel Coleman

(Professor of Epidemiology and Vital Statistics, Non-communicable Disease Epidemiology Unit, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)

“Differences in survival between rich and poor - canthe "war on cancer" be won?”

(He will address the issue of accountability for outcomes from both a national perspective in relation to socio-economic differences in survival, and from an international perspective, bringing together cancer survival results from a range of countries around the world, including of course the US and Canada. They expect to be publishing material relating to this international comparative analysis (the CONCORD study) about that time. He would also welcome the opportunity to address the issue of the "war on cancer" in the context of these survival patterns, in so far as they reflect the healthcare perspectives that we have asked him to address)

Dr. Phyllis Wingo (INVITED)

(Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia)


Prof. Patrick Remington

(Department of Population Health Sciences at the UW School of Medicine and Public Health (UWSMPH) and Associate Director for Population Sciences at the UW Comprehensive Cancer Center (UWCCC)

Dr. Mark Wegner

(Chronic Disease Medical Director at the Wisconsin Division of Public Health; Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Population Health Sciences at the UW School of Medicine and Public Health (UWSMPH); Participant at the Cancer Control Program at the UW Comprehensive Cancer Treatment Center (UWCCC)

4 pm – 5 pm Health Care Perspectives


Dr. Peter Boyle

(Director WHO/IARC)

“Health Promotion and Health Education in Cancer Prevention; European Code Against Cancer; Impact of the ‘Europe Against Cancer’ Programme; and New EU/EFTA Cancer Mortality Atlas”


Dr. Jim Cleary

(Program Leader of the Cancer Control Program at the UWCCC; Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, UW School of Medicine and Public Health (UWSMPH)

Dr. Gordon Ridley

(Asssociate Dean, UWSMPH)

5 pm – 6 pm Politics of Cancer and Role of Governance: How and why is it changing?


Dr. Michael Huebel

(EU Commission “Health Determinants” Unit)

(He will address how the EU envisions its role in governance)


Prof. Pam Herd

(Assistant Professor of Public Affairs and Sociology and Faculty Affiliate, Institute for Research on Poverty, UW-Madison)

Prof. Graham Wilson
(Professor of Political Science and Public Affairs, UW-Madison)

Prof. Louise Trubek

(Clinical Professor of Law, UW-Madison Law School and Director, Health Law Project)