The class your child is presently enrolled in is a college preparatory course and is important to their academic future. The class is a comprehensive study of logical problem solving, graphing and interrelating real life events with mathematical models. This course will take a traditional approach to mathematics along with opportunities for investigate learning in which students must explore and discover properties of mathematics.

I will put forth my best effort when teaching, and likewise I will expect my students’ best efforts when learning.

Assignment:Percent of Grade:
Classwork/Homework 5 %
Group Tests15 %
Individual Tests80 % / GRADING SCALE - percentage of total points
90 – 100A
80 – 89B
70 – 79C
60 – 69D
0 – 59F


The district retention policy states that students must maintain a 2.0 (C) average in their overall GPA, in Language Arts, and in Mathematics. If a student receives a grade lower than a C, that grade must be averaged out by improved academic performance or made up during summer school. If the student does not maintain a 2.0 in math during the course of the year, the student will also need to retake the class the following year.


All class notes, warmup activities, and homework will be done in a class notebook. Since individual pages of the notebook will never be collected separately, it is suggested that the notebook be bound or spiral and without perforated pages (which tend to fall out after repeated usage). The notebook is designed to be a study aid for the students and will be allowed on all class assignments (but not during standards testing). Graph paper notebooks are recommended but not required. Students will be expected to bring their notebooks to class every day.

At some point during the year, calculators will be allowed in class. Calculators are not to be used on any assignment without teacher permission. Try completing work at home without calculators to prepare for tests and quizzes. Some calculators can do many steps automatically that are required skills for the class (such as graphing or equation form calculators). Although these calculators may be used for daily assignments, they will not be allowed on regular assessments as they would be an unfair advantage. Students in the Geometry class are expected to bring a scientific calculator, but other classes will only need a calculator with a square root () button.

Any other special materials will be supplied in class.


In order for students to do well in math, it is necessary that they practice skills learned in class and attempt problems on their own. Therefore, a minimum of 15-30 minutes of daily classwork is assigned. Students will check their own answers on classwork and may receive a completion grade.Nightly assignments will be due at the start of the next day’s class. Collected assignments can be turned in one day late for partial credit but will not be accepted after one day unless prior arraignments have been made.

Quizzes will be given on a regular basis. They may also be given unannounced. Tests will always be announced at least two days in advance. Most quizzes are group quizzes and students are allowed to work together in their seating group. Each test is also preceded by a group test. One test or quiz from each group will be graded and the group will share that grade.

Students will then be given a chance to make individual corrections on their quiz or test. Corrections must be done on a separate piece of paper, include the original problem and show the correct work. Answer keys will be posted for the class. If these corrections are turned in with the individual test for that unit and the test grade is higher than the grades on the corrected assignments, the grades for those assignments will be raised to the test grade.

All work must be shown on homework, quizzes, tests, and activities to receive full credit.


The student is responsible to find out and make-up what has been missed. There will be one day for each absence plus one additional day to make-up the work. Extended time may be given for extreme cases but only with parent confirmation. A student who misses a quiz or group activity due to an excused absence will receive their unit test percentage for that missed assignment.

No credit will be given for classroom activities missed due to an unexcused absence. School suspensions count as an unexcused absence for the purpose of this policy.


A weekly participation grade will be given based upon the following criteria: Being to class on time, bringing all needed supplies, materials, and homework with you, and exhibiting on task class and group participation and cooperation. Each class period will be worth two points. Disruptive and inappropriate behavior will result in the loss of a point for the day. Further disciplinary action may be taken if the behavior persists.


1. Each member of the group is responsible for his or her own behavior.

2. Each member of the group must be willing to help any other group member.

3. Make sure to ask all groups members a question before asking the teacher.

4. Talk softly. Only the other group members need to be able to hear the conversation.

A single grade will be given for all group members of any group activity.


Progress reports will be given out after a significant number of assignments have been graded.


Students are expected to use the bathroom before the start of class. Passes out of class will be evaluated on an individual basis. Students who leave during class time are expected to bring their school agendas.


You are tardy if you are not in the classroom with all class materials ready to work at the start of class. Excessive tardiness will result in parental contact and administrative detention.


For extra help, I am available most mornings from 7:30 to 8:00, and most afternoons from 2:40 to 3:10. Please feel free to drop by or make an appointment if you need extra help. Unfortunately, due to schedule differences and I am not able to help most students during their lunch period. If the door’s open, stop on in!

I hope to make my class as fun and interesting as possible. I look forward to getting to know your child both as a student and as a person during their transition into High School. To help your child succeed, I will keep you informed of your child’s progress and would like to keep the lines of communications open. Please let me know what I can do to help your child perform at their highest potential. This will be a successful school year if we all work together. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to meeting you on September 3 at Back to School Night.

Thank you.

Derek Hutchinson

We have read and understand the expectations and rules of the class. We agree to abide by these rules and work with the teacher should any problems occur.



(only return this page, keep the rules for reference)