Quorum in attendance: Caroline Cross, Carole-Anne Centre, Dennis McClary, Cliff Oster, Gina Beach, Michael Kmiec , Andrea Cheeney

Acknowledge Guests: Ellie Vanderpool

Minutes read: Feb. 2012 min. approved by all

Treasurer’s report: Katie sent in treasurers report: LHC checking account = $21,353.60 there are 2 outstanding checks ; 1. NH DES septic permit = $300 2. CA Centre mailer reimbursement = $69.97 once checks deposited total =$20,983.60

To be deposited checks received from FOLH membership = $130. Plus LCHIP when arrives $10.725.

Correspondence: CA, Dennis & Jay Grant attended the NH Preservation Alliance workshop on Town Owned Buildings on Feb 22. All felt is was a very worthwhile experience and networked with other groups in the preservation communities. Good feedback on our work to date. Lots of grant sources and suggestions for funds that was shared with the commission. Maggie Stier emailed resources for our files.

Received a copy of a letter from the Selectboard from a concerned citizen regarding authorization for the LHC to install a bathroom. The board stated it is within their authority to address town owned buildings needs. The letter also noted the 1994 Warrant as an indication the townspeople want a bathroom. With no need for tax dollars or a warrant they decided to proceed with the authorization.

We have received a letter from the Langdon School indicating the minimal use of the Meetinghouse by school children thereby exempting the building from the most stringent lead paint removal laws. Dennis will make sure town has a copy for their records.

Meetinghouse Rehab update: Lon Livengood, our septic designer and tank installer has submitted the plans for state approval. Lon received the $300 check for the NH DES Septic permit and submitted the design. Jay Grant has been coordinating activities with Lon and with Cushing and Sons the well driller. Jay expects the tank to be installed before the end of April. After that we drill for water. Then we contract Griffin to build the bath room. Scheduled plans to have a septic tank buried by the end of April. Cushing to drill well afterwards.

Dennis suggests to the board that we pursue the minimal bathroom plan in order to conserve funds for the furnace installation. All members agree.

A reassessment of the furnace plans is needed. Dennis contacted Rick Monahon who has access to a heating engineer, Kohler & Lewis, in order that we get heating plan for the building along with a estimate we can use for a grant application. All members voted to authorize Dennis to hire the heating engineer to come up with a plan that is practical, efficient, and up to code. Information is needed to be used in the next Moose Plate grant round.

Suggestions to meet with fire marshal to discuss safety codes for historic buildings

Town Meeting Preparations Handouts of bathroom plans will be available for attendees. Katie will announce date of Restoration Run and present Caroline to pick winner of the raffle for her painting.

Archival update: Katie & Carole-Anne had a meeting at The Historical Society of Cheshire County with Alan Rumrill, Executive Director on Feb. 24, Alan recommended: Past Perfect Museum software, cost $700-$900 , plus additional programs available along with training programs. http://www.museumsoftware.com/.

Alan would like to come for a tour of the Meetinghouse and see items in our archival room and give his suggestions. We need to set up a time when a few of us are available.

He recommends the Nomenclature 3.0, a hierarchically organized list of object terms used for the cataloging of museum objects. You can find some information about this system on http://aaslhcommunity.org/nomenclature/

Alan showed us the storage room and we got a few ideas how to store some items. He recommended 2 companies for supplies ; University Products www.universityproducts.com and Hollingers http://www.hollingermetaledge.com .

We inquired about interns: Allan will keep a lookout and pass along any names and offers. Allan offered to be an advisor and Katie told him she has a degree from UNH in history so between the 2 of them we can offer 100 hours of work and the intern could earn 3 credits. Keene State History department, and Simmons College are 2 names he recommended.

Scanner: He uses an Epsom model and recommends getting one that will has the largest scanning bed you can afford.

Future activities: Cliff will contact “Work on Paper “ in Bellows Falls to see of the paper archival expert can come to a LHC meeting and give us any suggestions on archiving and preserving some historical items. Gina made a suggestion to contact Bruce Bellows, Alstead Historical Society to see if he can be helpful and we can share ideas.

Web Site update: “Web Committee” stated once some more old photos are scanned we need to select some to put on the site. Run/ event info need to be put on the site once date is established.

Fund Raising update: CA provided the “Grant Writing Committee” new potential sources of grants. Dennis to try for April 20 Moose plate grant to fund the furnace installation. At the NHPA meeting it was suggested that reaching out to families who live out side of Langdon with family ties to Langdon or school alumni might be potential donors. Spring or Summer Social planed to celebrate installation of septic, well & bathroom.

Old Business: Andrea working on application to State for inclusion on the Registry of Historic Places. Dennis compiling information for Moose Plate grant, April 2o deadline.

New Business: Carole-Anne will research if there are any other historic town meetinghouses that have hosted the more annual town meetings than Langdon . Dennis brought up the Community Division Block Grant opportunity from the Federal government. Concept of historic village; ie Town Hall, Salt Shed, Cemetery, School, Parish House, Church,

NHPA suggested having a power point presentation about our projects to present to business, banks & foundations for fundraising purposes.

Need to set up dates for Alan Rumrill to visit / tour TH. Caroline & Carole-Anne plan to visit the NH Historical Society for a meeting/tour with the director. FOLH welcome letter needs to be sent out asap along with a spring update.

Adjourn: Andrea motioned to adjourn, Caroline second