
of the

Ethicists Network

May 2011

Dear Colleagues,

I have just returned from the ICN conference in Malta and it was good to meet

colleagues at the nursing ethics session.

In this bulletin there is information about a number of activities and events

likely to be of Interest to you.

There are still spaces for this week’s conference in London on Dignity in

Health and Social Care.

See: Dignity in Health and Social Care conference – London 14th May –

plenary speakers include Baroness Mary Warnock, Malcolm Payne,

Harry Cayton and Barbara Pointon – the final programme is below.

For further Information and registration details see –


Please also note that the deadline for the ICNE conference abstracts is

Approaching – see 2011 ICNE conference – call for papers

Other information of interest relates to the Student essay prize – Nursing Ethics; the Memorial conference for Professor Paul Wainwright on 28th June 2011; A call for papers – Nursing Ethics at the End of Life – Guest Editor, Chris Gastmans; amd Professional ethics courses at the Universities of Surrey and Leuven.

*From this month we are sending you a link to the Bulletin on the ICNE

web-site – http://www.surrey.ac.uk/fhms/research/centres/icne/network/


A collaborative one-day conference organised by the journals Nursing Ethics

and Ethics & Social Welfare, the Royal College of Nursing and the British

Association of Social Work: Dignity in Health and Social Care: Politics,

Policy and Practice will take place in central London on Saturday 14th May.


09.45 Registration and refreshments and poster viewing

10.15 Welcome and opening remarks from: Ann Gallagher, Nursing Ethics Journal, Sarah Banks, Ethics and Social Welfare Journal, Margaret Kelly, Ethics Forum Advisor, Royal College of Nursing, Beverley Prevatt Goldstein, BASW – the College of Social Work

10.45 Perspectives on dignity 1

Dignity, care and social care

Malcolm Payne, Adviser, Policy and Development, St Christopher’s Hospice

11.05 Regulating for Compassion: A contradiction in terms?

Harry Cayton, Chief Executive, Council for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence

11.30 Refreshments and poster viewing

12.00 Perspectives on dignity 2

Why skilful, dignifying care matters for people with dementia: A carer’s perspective

Barbara Pointon, MBE, Retired principal lecturer and former carer, Ambassador for the Alzheimer Society

12.25 Dignity and indignity: A philosophical perspective

Baroness Mary Warnock, Philosopher and life peer

12.50 Summary and discussion

13.00 Lunch and poster viewing

14.00 World café

Small table group discussions with a focus on the overall question:

How can we best achieve dignity in health and social care settings?

Participants will get the chance to move between cafe tables three times. Individual tables will explore this question in relation to the role of specific factors, such as:

1.  Physical environment

2.  Staff attitudes and behaviour

3.  Organisational culture

4.  Politics

5.  Policy

6.  Professional education

7.  Research

15.30 Feedback session from the world café and concluding comments and next steps

16.30 Close of conference


Spaces are limited to you are advised to book as soon as possible.


Call for Abstracts

12th International ICNE conference

Researching Nursing Ethics and the Ethics of Research

7th – 8th September 2011

The International Centre for Nursing Ethics, University of Surrey

Venue: Continuing Education Centre, Senate House, University of Surrey

We invite abstract submissions on the theme of ‘Researching Nursing Ethics and the Ethics of Research’ for the annual nursing ethics conference hosted by the International Centre for Nursing Ethics, University of Surrey, UK. This conference places a special emphasis on research ethics and ethical issues that arise in healthcare research. The scientific committee invites abstracts from those engaged in empirical research and philosophical work on all aspects of ethics research and research ethics in healthcare. The conference will be comprised of plenary presentations and concurrent oral presentations.We welcome and encourage both experienced and first time presenters.

The aims of the conference are to:

·  strengthen the network of researchers, teachers, practitioners and students in the field of nursing and healthcare ethics

·  develop an international dialogue in relation to ethics and research

·  provide a retrospective and the opportunity to reflect critically on nursing ethics as a developing discipline

·  anticipate and prepare for ethical challenges in health and social care research in a global context

A condition of submission is that if accepted one of the authors will present at the conference.

Closing date for submission of abstracts: 15th May 2011

Abstracts are to be submitted to: Ann Gallagher ()

Abstracts should include: Purpose, theoretical/conceptual framework, subjects, method, and results and conclusions, as applicable. The text may not exceed 300 words and should be single-spaced. The abstract should include: title of research; name(s) and credentials of author(s); current position; mailing address, email address and phone number of author who is to be notified regarding selection. Please put this subject for your email submission - ICNE-2011Abstract. Thank you


Commemorative Conference for Professor Paul Wainwright

Institute of Life Science College of Medicine, Swansea University

28th June 2011, 10am-4pm, ILS Seminar Room 1

This conference will commemorate the life and work of the late Professor Paul Wainwright, Muriel Powell Chair of Nursing, Kingston University and St George’s University of London, and will focus on a range of academic perspectives including: health services research, medical humanities, philosophy and nursing ethics.


Professor Martyn Evans,

Professor of Humanities in Medicine, Durham University

Dr Ann Gallagher,

Reader in Nursing Ethics, Surrey University

Professor Helen Kohlen,

Professor of Care Policy, Ethics and Community Nursing, University of Vallendar, Germany

Professor Frances Rapport,

Professor of Qualitative Health Research, Swansea University

Professor Derek Sellman,

Professor of Nursing, University of Alberta, Canada

Further details may be obtained from:

Professor Steven Edwards OR

Professor Frances Rapport

To register, please contact Professor Steven Edwards: email

This event is free of charge and we would like to acknowledge the kind contribution of the Royal College of Nursing, and the International Centre for Nursing Ethics, to this conference".



Special Issue of Nursing Ethics

‘Nursing Ethics at the End-of-Life’

Guest Editor: Chris Gastmans

Submission Deadline: 30th August 2011

This special issue of Nursing Ethics invites scholars, both theoreticians and practitioners, to contribute to a fruitful debate on nursing ethics perspectives on end-of-life care. The assumption behind this thematic issue is that nurses play an important role in end-of-life care. These experiences are reinforced by their patient-centered practice, their provision of continuous 24-hour care, and their experience and expertise in caring for dying patients and their families. During these care processes, nurses are frequently confronted with ethical issues regarding the end of life. By means of empirical and theoretical clarification this special issue aims to contribute to the development of nursing ethics views on end-of-life care in order to voice the nursing ethics perspectives in the debate.

We invite submissions on all aspects of this topic, both using empirical and philosophical research designs. Issues of special consideration include but are not limited to:

- Experiences of nurses involved in end-of-life care

- Attitudes of nurses towards end-of-life decisions (e.g. withholding/

withdrawing life sustaining treatment, pain treatment, palliative sedation, euthanasia)

- Nursing ethics perspectives on end-of-life care

- Nursing ethics perspectives on advance care planning, advance directives..

- Nurses, moral distress and end-of-life care

- Role of nurses in ethics policies on end-of-life issues

- Ethical leadership in end-of-life care

- Ethical perspectives on vulnerability and dignity in end-of-life care

- Nurses and conscientious objections in end-of-life care

- Nursing ethics codes and end-of-life care

- Nursing ethics theories and end-of-life care

- Personal perspectives of patients, healthcare workers, families on death and


- Spiritual approaches to end-of-life care

For information regarding the submission process and notes for authors see: http://www.uk.sagepub.com/journals/Journal201821/manuscriptSubmission

Please submit with note to Editor stating clearly that submission is for the

special issue.


Faculty of Health & Medical Sciences, University of Surrey

Credits / Level of Study 15 Credits / Level M Module Code NURM015

Module Summary / Aims

The overall module aims to provide opportunities for students to critically engage with issues and debates regarding professional ethics in organisational, local and global context. The module will be of particular interest to those engaged in clinical ethics, research ethics and professional education. It will also be of interest to those who wish to study ethics at a higher level.

Required Pre-requisite Study: First degree or ability to work at M Level

Commences 18th to 22nd July, 2011

Location FHMS, Duke of Kent Building, University of Surrey

Module Leader Ann Gallagher

00 44 (0)1483 689462

Module Administrator Kate Jordan

00 44 (0)1483 682957



Intensive Course on Foundational Approaches, Contemporary and Educational Issues in the Field of Nursing Ethics

Date & Location: Leuven, Belgium, 7-9 December 2011

Organised by: Erasmus Mundus Master of Bioethics Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law Faculty of Medicine Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

Coordinator: Chris Gastmans, PhD

Keynote Speaker: Ann Gallagher, PhD International Centre for Nursing Ethics, University of Surrey, UK, Editor Nursing Ethics Staff: / Chris Gastmans, PhD Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law, K.U.Leuven
Bernadette Dierckx de Casterlé, PhD, RN Centre for Health Services and Nursing Research, K.U.Leuven
Joke Lemiengre, PhD, RN Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law, K.U.Leuven
Yvonne Denier, PhD Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law, K.U.Leuven
Linus Vanlaere, PhD sTimul: Care Ethics Lab, Moorsele

Objectives: The objective of the course is to foster exchanges on foundational and methodological approaches as well as on contemporary and educational issues in nursing ethics.

Format: This course works from an interdisciplinary (philosophical, theological, nursing, clinical-ethical) perspective. During the course, national and international experts will give presentations on various topics in the domain of nursing ethics.

Participants: The course is of interest to participants from diverse professional backgrounds, such as nursing, medicine, philosophy and theology, health care administration, and PhD students undertaking courses of study in these areas. The intensive course Nursing Ethics is part of the Erasmus Mundus Master of Bioethics programme organised by a consortium of three European universities, namely the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (The Netherlands) and the Università degli Studi di Padova (Italy). Because of this combination, participants of the intensive course Nursing Ethics, will join Master students from all over the world.

Price: The course fee will be € 650 if you register as a participant before October 15th 2011, € 750 for registration from October 15th 2011 onwards. This fee includes tuition and course materials, as well as refreshments, three lunches, a dinner and a concert in the Concert hall of Bruges. Detailed information on registration and payment can be found at our website www.masterbioethics.org under Intensive Courses.

Information: Chris Gastmans PhD and Chantal De Keersmaecker K.U.Leuven: Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law Kapucijnenvoer 35/3 box 7001 3000 Leuven Belgium

E-mail: Tel. 00 32 16 33 69 26 Fax 00 32 16 33 69 52 www.cbmer.be www.masterbioethics.org



Many of you already have Facebook accounts. This seems to be a good way to engage in discussion and keep up to date with issues of common interest. We agreed at the last Nursing Ethics Editorial Board that we should set up an account so that those interested in nursing ethics can connect and network so…with the help of my colleague, Penny Robinson, a Nursing Ethics at Surrey account has now been set up on Facebook. Do check it out.


An invitation to share your views and news

I am keen to develop our networks and to ensure that innovations, good practices, events and resources in nursing ethics are disseminated as widely as possible

I look forward to hearing from you and developing the Bulletin and the web-site in the light of your responses. Email your responses to me at the email address below. Thank you.

In the meantime, please use this Network to inform colleagues of initiatives, conferences, news or events that you would like to disseminate here or send to the e-mail addresses below.

Please do pass on this Bulletin to colleagues who may be interested. Thank you


I look forward to hearing from you.

Very best wishes

Ann Gallagher