Division: ______

As part of completing the Annual Program Review, please review, discuss and analyze:

  1. Findings from course assessment activities and applicable program SLO assessments.

You should have copies of those assessments on hand. However, if you need to obtain copies of specific assessments, please contact the Office of Planning, Policy, and Assessment (OPPA, DA 205, x495, ).

Two reports on the progress SLO assessment have been posted on the Leeward CC Intranet:

SLO Assessments—Status Report 2012 09 01 gives the current percentage of courses at each stage of assessment.

Assessment Progress May 2010 thru May 2012gives the percentages of courses assessed over the last two years.

You can find those reports and other related documents on the Campus Intranet.

a.Go to the Faculty & Staff page of the Leeward CC website:

b.Click on the Campus Intranet link at the top of the page.

c.Login: click on the UH ID login link in the top right corner of the page.

d.Click on Groups in the main menu; then Assessment from the list of g-roups; then Forms, Reports, and Documentsin the sidebar menu on the left. The reports will be the sixth and seventh items listed.

2.The UHCC Annual Reports ofProgram Data (ARPDs)provided by OVPCC.

The data and reports for the current year (due October 31), as well as the previous year are posted on the website

3.The plans and proposals in previous Annual Program Reviews and planning lists. These may be foundin DocuShare.

Additional information and datathat will be helpful.

  1. The Timeline for APR Submissions, Review, and Budget Prioritization has been posted on the Leeward CC Intranet.

Follow the instructions on page 1, get onto the Leeward CC Intranet.

Once you login, select OPPAand PlanningProcessfrom the main menu, then Timelines from the sidebar menu.

Or you can paste this into your browser's URL window:

2.Institutional research data provided by OPPA: reports about enrollment, student/course/program performance (including degree/certificates awarded), System IRO reports as well as other reports dealing with our environment can be accessed throughthe Leeward CC Intranet. Again login to the Intranet, select OPPA, then Institutional Research from the list at the bottom of the page, then IR Data from the sidebar menu.

Or you can try pasting this into your browser's URL window:

3.The Strategic Plan Update is available on DocuShare, and the Strategic Outcomes and Performance Measures, 2008-2015 on the Leeward CC website.

4.Planning List and Budget Request Prioritization Criteria:

Login to the Leeward CC Intranet. Select OPPAand Planning Processfrom the main menu, then References from the sidebar.

Or you can try pasting this into your browser's URL window:

When questions reference course or program SLO assessment, please provide a summative analysis rather than copying the text directly from the assessment templates.

Based on completion of last year’s review, did your Division make any changes? If so, what changes were made, and what were the results?

Area / What in last year’s review (what data, situation, problem) prompted your Division to make a change? / What change(s) was/were made? / What were the results?

add rows if necessary

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  1. Describe major actions taken as a result of course or program assessments. What has been learned from assessments? What plans are there for changes in the future? Please summarize. (Complete reports on past assessments are stored on DocuShare:

Assessed / What was learned from the assessment? / What changes were made or actions taken for improvement? / What future changes are planned?

add rows if necessary

Assessed (CTE only) / What was learned from the assessment? / What changes were made or actions taken for improvement? / What future changes are planned?

add rows if necessary

  1. Using data from course/program SLO assessment, describe 1-2 specific examples of evidence (beyond the awarding of individual coursegrades) that students actually are achieving stated learning outcomes?

Which course or SLO? / To what evidence are you pointing? / How does the evidence show achievement of stated learning outcomes?
  1. Using institutional research data and/or UHCC Annual Report ofProgram Data, discuss any relevant issues concerning retention andpersistence. What could be done to improve student achievement in these areas?

What relevant data has come to your attention? / What retention and persistence issue(s) do the data bring to light? / What could be done to improve retention and persistence?

add rows if necessary

  1. For AAT and CTEPrograms: Complete the table for each AS and AAS Degree in your Division (all Divisions except Language Arts;

Social Science toinclude Substance Abuse Cert.)

Based on prior year annual end-of-academic-year reports / Insert Program Name Here / Insert Program Name Here / Insert Program name Here
Perkins Indicator
Mark as M, E or D (Meets, Exceeds or Deficient)
1P1 Technical Skills Attainment
2P1 Completion
3P1 Student Retention or Transfer
4P1 Student Placement
5P1 Non-traditional Participation
5P2 Non-Traditional Completion
Program Status
Mark as H, C or U (Healthy, Cautionary, Unhealthy)
Overall Program Demand based on
Annual new and replacement positions in State and County
Number of majors
Student semester hours for program majors in all program classes
Student semester hours for non-program majors in all program classes
Student Semester Hours for all program classes
FTE program enrollment
Number of classes taught
Overall Program Efficiency based on
Average class size
Class fill rate
FTE of BOR appointed program faculty
Student/Faculty Ratio
Number of Majors per FTE faculty
Cost per Student Semester Hour
Number of classes that enroll less than ten students
Overall Program Effectiveness based on
Number of Degrees/Certificates
Number of transfers
All core indicators: 1P1, 2P1, 3P1, 4P1, 5P1, 5P2
Program’s Overall Health

4a.(AAT and CTE Programs) If program status is Cautionary or Unhealthy, how do program faculty plan to address the weaknesses?

What in your program has been identified as Cautionary or Unhealthy? / What has caused this less than Healthy condition? / How do program faculty plan to address the weakness(es)?

add rows if necessary

4b.(AAT and CTE Programs) Looking at the program data over a three year period, discuss any significant trends (marked improvements orcontinuing weaknesses).

Which Program? / To what data are you referring? / What significant trend (marked improvement or continuing weakness) does the data reveal?

add rows if necessary

4c.(AAT and CTE Programs) Based on analysis of program data, list each Program’s strengths and weakness in terms of demand, efficiency,effectiveness.

Which Program? / In which Area? (Demand, Efficiency, Effectiveness) / To what data are you referring? / What strength or weakness are you noting?

add rows if necessary

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Plans for Improvement Student Learning and Achievement

Provide a list of activities, initiatives, changes that your Division would like to implement to improve Student Learning and Achievement.

Improvement Sought
What will be achieved? / Proposed Change
What do you plan to do? / Assessment/Measurement
How will you know if what you did worked? / Will new funds be needed?
(Yes or No)*

*NOTE: “New” funds would be a request for funding above your current operational budget. Please place any item that requires additional funding into the appropriate budget category in the Planning Lists.

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1.Summarize and interpret course and program assessments completed in the Division, and apply results to the continuous improvement of instruction and services provided to students. From analysis of your assessment results, do you plan to or have you made any adjustments to your learning outcomes, methodologies, course or program structure, curriculum, etc.? If yes, describe. If no, explain.

2.Summarize curriculum development in your Division; include additions, deletions and modifications of courses, any program development (new or modifications), articulation with other institutions and other relevant issues. For AAT and CTE Programs: List any significant curricular actions (new certificates, program modifications)

3.Discuss any innovations in teaching methodologies implemented in the Division. How are faculty tracking the effects of new pedagogical methods? Summarize types of delivery systemsand modes of instruction that are used in the Division (based on core outlinein Curriculum Central), and discuss their appropriateness in relation to student achievement of SLO.

4.Discuss any changes to class scheduling in the past year. Has anything new been attempted to meet student needs and the level of student demand for course offerings? Refer to IR Data on Classroom Utilization to help move discussion.

5.Discuss the assessment and analysis of course and/or program breadth, depth, rigor, sequencing, time to completion, and synthesis of learning (course information included on core outline in Curriculum Central).

6.Based on data such as projected job openings, articulation agreements, data on the needs of in-coming student and DOE Senior Exit Surveys, what new programs, curriculum, or certificates would be appropriate for the College to offer?

ACADEMIC SUBJECT CERTIFICATES [all Divisions except Voc Tech]

7.How does your Division determine that academic subject certificates are presented with appropriate breadth, depth, rigor, sequencing, time to completion, and synthesis of learning?

7a.Discuss the number of Academic Subject Certificates awarded in the past three years in your Division.

Plans for Improvement Curriculum

Provide a list of activities, initiatives, changes that your Division would like to implement to improve effective teaching and learning.

Improvement Sought
What will be achieved? / Proposed Change
Item or Activity / How it will be measured?
How will you know if it worked? / Will new funds be needed?
(Yes or No)*

*NOTE: “New” funds would be a request for funding above your current operational budget. Please place any item that requires additional funding into the appropriate budget category in the Planning Lists.

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1.Discuss the adequacy and appropriateness of faculty & staff professional development activities as they relate to Division and College goals. Are there any professional development activities that would aid in improving student learning?

2.What percentage of Division faculty and staff participated in assessment training or workshops? What types of assessment training would be most helpful for your Division?

3.Describe any special projects, grants, professional organizations, presentations or contributions to the College by faculty and staff.

4.Based on enrollment data (registrations, courses offered, SSH production), are Division faculty and staff sufficient in number to provide effective instruction and to contribute to institutional effectiveness? If your Division intends to request additional staffing, the request must indicate enrollment growth, documented workload increase, or projected needs of a new program or certificate.

Plans for Improvement Faculty and Staff

Provide a list of activities, initiatives, changes that your Division would like to implement to improve the effectiveness of Faculty and Staff.

Improvement Sought
What will be achieved? / Proposed Change
Item or Activity / How it will be measured?
How will you know if it worked? / Will new funds be needed?
(Yes or No)*

*NOTE: “New” funds would be a request for funding above your current operational budget. Please place any item that requires additional funding into the appropriate budget category in the Planning Lists.

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Discuss needs or initiatives identified by the Program/Division that will improve student learning, services for students, and/or institutional effectiveness, and require Support Area response or collaboration. Include supporting data to substantiate needs or initiatives. These items will be addressed in applicable Support Area Annual Program Reviews.

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1.Discuss the impact of trends in higher education, specific disciplines and community issues on your Division. See, for example, the environmental scan information available on DocuShare: [

2.What input on student learning has been provided by advisory boards, the community, employers, transfer institutions? For CTE Programs, list the date of the last Advisory Board meeting.

3.Have there been any significant changes in enrollment, retention, success rates, or environmental demographics that impact your Division? If so, please explain.

4.Discuss any involvement with Community Groups (High Schools or community agencies; other forms of community involvement)

5.Do you have any external assessment of the Division, i.e. employer survey, student follow-up surveys, advisory board surveys? If yes, please summarize:

Plans for Improvement External Factors

Provide a list of activities, initiatives, changes that your Division would like to implement to improve institutional effectiveness and community connections.

Improvement Sought
What will be achieved? / Proposed Change
Item or Activity / How it will be measured?
How will you know if it worked? / Will new funds be needed?
(Yes or No)*

*NOTE: “New” funds would be a request for funding above your current operational budget. Please place any item that requires additional funding into the appropriate budget category in the Planning Lists.

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Division SWOT Analysis

Overall analysis of Division’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Prompt Questions on next page.


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Prompt Questions for SWOT Analysis


What advantages do you have?

What do you do well?

What relevant resources do you have access to?

What do other people see as your strengths?

Describe any particularly successful aspects of the Division as well as any honors, awards, or achievements.

What’s the best “selling point”

What competitive advantages does your Division have?

Consider these questions from both an internal and external point of view. In looking at your strengths, think about them in relation to competitors,
for example, if all competitors provide “high quality,” then high quality is not a strength in the market, it is a necessity.


What could you improve?

What should you avoid?

Where does your Division lack resources?

Where are we losing money?

Where are we vulnerable?

Again, consider this from an internal and external perspective. Think about competitors, internal quality, what’s holding us back?


What trends can your Division take advantage of?

How can we take advantage of the impact of technology breakthroughs?

What niches have our competitors missed?

Are there local events that may have an impact on what we do or how we do it?

Dream and consider possibilities for the Division based on audience, standards in education, market demand.

A useful approach to looking at opportunities is to look at your strengths and ask yourself whether these open up any opportunities. Alternatively, look at your weaknesses and ask yourself whether you could open up opportunities by eliminating them.


What obstacles do you face?

What is your competition doing?

Describe any particularly difficult obstacles that influence the effectiveness of the Division courses and programs.

What are, if any, negative political, economic, or social trends affecting your Division?

Who is the competition?

Consider discussing why you consider these things as “threats” and what could be done to counteract “threats.” Talk about specific threats with emphasis on solutions

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Tactical Implementation of Strategic Plan

Summarize the assessment of your tactical plan. College Strategic Plan link:

Action Outcome,
College Strategy
(Connect to SP) / What tactic will be or has been implemented to achieve Action Outcome? / How will we know if tactic is working? / Was tactic implemented as planned? / Is tactic working? / What are you going to do next to achieve orcontinue to achieve desired Action Outcome? / Resources required (provide $ estimate for each item)
ExampleI.A3.A / Two new counselors were hired and assigned to work with the Native Hawaiian students in the Developmental Ed program. / We will survey students to see how they respond to additional support. We will compare retention and persistence rates before and one year after tactic is implemented. / The tactic was partially implemented. We were not able to hire second counselor. The counselor we hired worked full-time with instructors in developmental ENG and MATH courses in AY 2007-08. She provided academic advising, coached students in study skills, and helped familiarize them with college and community resources. / Attaching a counselor full-time to the developmental program seems to have some positive effects. Questionnaires show that students seemed to have much more confidence about being in school and were favorable about interaction with counselor (include data). The retention rate in the classes which the counselor visited and worked with went up compared to the previous fall rate (include data). The fall to spring persistence rate, however, did not change very much from the previous year’s (include data). / We intend to continue to have the counselor work with faculty and students. We are also going to try to hire a second counselor as we had originally planned. / (Include estimated amounts needed to maintain counseling in program.)

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Division Summary

1.Provide a brief analysis of your Division based on: Alignment with College mission; Evidence of quality; Evidence of student learning; Resource sufficiency; Recommendations for improving outcomes.

2.What are the Division Goals in terms of operational efficiencies (e.g. SSH, fill rate, courses offered)?

3.What additional data that is currently not available would have been helpful to effectively evaluate your Division?

4.List of faculty/staff who participated in completion of Annual Program Review

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Planning List Instructions: Biennium