Victor Jory Scholarship

$1,000 Talent Scholarship for Acting or Directing

Department of Theatre

Applications accepted for 2016-2017 ATP BFA and BA declared Theatre Majors, Juniors, or Seniors (your year status according to Theatre Major, not U of U) whose primary interest is in Acting or Directing. You must have a minimum GPA of 3.0.

There may be a screening audition. Approximately eight students will be chosen to compete for the scholarship. Please check the audition board for sign up times for the screening audition – date, time, place TBA.

Please check the audition board to sign up for an audition slot after the screening audition. This audition will be for both the Jory and the Wilson scholarships, or just one of these. The auditions will be held Sunday, April 17, 2016, beginning at 9:00AM.

Applications due: Friday, April 8, 2016 by 4:00 PM in PAB 206.

Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted.

Student's name

Student ID

Current Local Address


Telephone numbers (cell) (home)

Cumulative GPA

Year as Theatre Major 2016-2017 Circle one: Junior Senior

• Attach a photo and a resumé.

• Attach one letter of recommendation from a person who knows your acting or directing work, other than Department of Theatre faculty, if possible. The letter must be personal and specific, rather than a form letter, which is unacceptable.

A copy of this application will be forwarded to representatives of the Jory family for review prior to the audition.

Actors: You will present two contrasting monologues—not longer than two minutes each. In addition you may sing 16 bars of a song. A CD player will be provided, but no accompanist. Directors: You will present your portfolio. All will have an interview.

Privately Funded

Scholarships, Fellowships, or Other Financial Aid

Certain privately funded scholarships are exempted from the general state law that requires certification of U.S. citizen or lawfully present non-citizen status. If a student graduated from a high school within the state of Utah and is applying for only privately funded awards that are administered by the University of Utah, no certification is required.

Please indicate below your high school graduation status:

I graduated from a Utah High School

I did not graduate from a Utah High School

Print Name Student ID


If You Marked “I Did not graduate from a Utah High School” please complete and sign below:

Any student who did not graduate from a Utah high school and who receives a scholarship, fellowship, or other privately-funded financial aid administered by the University of Utah is required by state law to certify that they are eligible to receive the scholarship as a U.S. citizen or a citizen of another country who is lawfully present in the U.S. The student’s status will also be verified with the Department of Homeland Security. If students do not know whether they are in the U.S. lawfully, they should seek the advice of an immigration attorney before accepting a scholarship award that requires certification and verification.

Student Citizenship Status (Check one of the following):

o  U.S. Citizen

Lawfully Present, Non-Citizen of the U.S.

By selecting above either “U.S. Citizen” or “Lawfully Present, Non-Citizen of the U.S.” and by signing this application, I certify under penalty of perjury that I am either a U.S. citizen or a citizen of another country who is lawfully present in the U.S. I understand that my status and eligibility for financial aid/scholarship within the U.S. will be verified through the Department of Homeland Security prior to an award of this scholarship/financial aid. This federal agency may have the legal right to share the information with other government agencies.

Applicant Signature

State or Federally-Funded Scholarships, Fellowships, or Other Financial Aid

Any student who receives a scholarship, fellowship, or other state or federally-funded financial aid administered by the University of Utah is required by state law to certify that they are eligible to receive the scholarship as a U.S. citizen or a citizen of another country who is lawfully present in the U.S. If students do not know whether they are in the U.S. lawfully, they should seek the advice of an immigration attorney before accepting an award of financial aid that requires certification and verification.

Student Citizenship Status (Check one of the following):

o  U.S. Citizen

o  Lawfully Present, Non-Citizen of the U.S.

Prior to the disbursement of any scholarship/financial aid, the University of Utah is required by law to verify with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) the lawful presence in the U.S. of students who are not U.S. citizens. Once the University submits a student’s information to DHS for verification, this federal agency may have the legal right to share the information with other government agencies.

Print Name Student ID

By signing this application, I certify under penalty of perjury that I am either a U.S. citizen or a citizen of another country who is lawfully present in the U.S. I understand that my status and eligibility for financial aid/scholarship within the U.S. will be verified through the Department of Homeland Security prior to an award of this scholarship/financial aid.

Applicant Signature