Problem 6.1.1: Surviving the Extremes


Throughout the Human Body Systems course, you have explored the amazing structure and function of the human machine. You have seen how organ systems communicate and interact to direct all of your daily activities. One system could never work alone. But what happens to the human body when it is pushed to the limits? Some environments on Earth (and beyond) truly test the limits of our body systems and our ability to survive in the extremes.

Let’s imagine that you are a physician who has worked for years helping adventurers prepare and train for the demands of extreme environments. You have helped men and women survive in the desert, climb incredible mountain peaks, and even journey into space. Your job is to adequately inform these travelers of the stresses they will encounter in this new environment and to offer tips to help protect the human body.

You have recently been asked to join a team of physicians andengineersin the design of a new product to increase survival rates and to improve quality of life in a designated extreme environment. This intervention, a measure whose purpose is to improve health or alter the course of disease,should directly relate to the demands of the external environment and to the human body’s ability to react and respond to these demands. How can this new inventionhelp to conserve the body’s resources and to protect the human body from internal and external damage?Be sure to think about temperature, climate, predators, and other factors unique to your destination. Use what you have learned in the past year to investigate how each of the body systems we have discussed plays a role in maintaining homeostasis even when the body is pushed to the absolute limit.


  • Computer with Internet access and presentation software
  • Body systems graphic organizers
  • Laboratory journal
  • PLTW Biomedical Science Presentation rubric


  1. Work with your group to investigate survival in one of the following environments:
  • Jungle
  • High Seas
  • Desert
  • Under Water
  • High Altitude
  • Space
  1. In your laboratory journal, list each body system you have investigated over the course of the year and how this system may be affected by the extreme environment. Take notes and be prepared to discuss the chapter with your team.
  2. With your team, brainstorm the biggest threats to human health in this new environment. Discuss ways to protect individuals in this environment from disease, injury and death. Keep detailed notes of your group discussion in your laboratory journal.
  3. Based on your discussion, create a proposal for a new invention that will help protect those who travel to this environment. This invention can be used during normal exploration or during an emergency situation.Ideas for new products can range from a redesigned raincoat to a new medication. The invention should directly relate to maintaining health and overall homeostasis of the human systems. How will this medical intervention protect the human body?
  4. Research items, devices, treatments, and medications that are already available for travelers to this harsh environment. Expand on an existing idea or come up with something completely new. Propose an idea for how this new product will increase survival rates and will have a positive impact on body systems.
  5. With your team, draw or create a prototype for your product. Identify specific construction needs as well as design parameters.
  6. Obtain a copy of the PLTWBiomedical Science Presentation rubric from your teacher. Review the assessment criteria.
  7. Present your idea to the class in a 5-10 minute presentation. Your presentation must accomplish two tasks:
  • Describe the stress this environment will place on the human body as well as show how the human body systems will attempt to maintain homeostasis. Mention at least five human body systems. Describe at least three precautions that a person can take to help survive in this environment.
  • Thoroughly describe the product you have designed. How will this invention protect travelers and save lives in an extreme environment? How is your invention unique? Show how this intervention directly relates to health in the human body. Describe and showcase your invention. Make the audience believe in the product.
  1. As a class, vote on the invention that will have the greatest impact on human survival and overall wellness.


  1. Explain how at least three human body systems help humans respond and react to changes in the external environment.
  1. Describe the greatest barrier to survival in the environment you have researched. How will your invention/intervention lead to increased survival rates and overall better health?

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Human Body Systems Problem 6.1.1 Surviving the Extremes – Page 1