Cedar Class Homework – Autumn Term (1)
Every fortnight you need to choose a task from the ‘task bank’ below and complete it. This work can either be completed in your homework book or kept in a folder of your own choice to be handed in with your normal homework. Just make sure you write a note in your book so I know what you are up to when I collect in your books.
Good luck and have fun. I look forward to seeing what you create!
Challenging / Choose three animals of your choice and explain the similarities and differences between their skeleton and the human skeleton. Present with labelled diagrams to illustrate.
/ Use your knowledge of text types to create an exciting project about Henry 8ths wives. You could write about one wife as a fairytale, another as a fact file, the third as a newspaper article etc…
/ Create a Power Point Presentation that explains how to use Microsoft Excel to add, subtract, multiply and divide.
/ Use a newspaper to make a collage that forms the shape of a famous skyline or landmark.
Medium / Complete a labelled diagram of the bones in the human body. Try to explain the purpose of some of the bones e.g. To protect the brain etc…
/ Complete a visual timeline of the Tudor monarchs.
/ Use Excel to add together a group of numbers. Copy the screen (print screen) on to Microsoft Word and write a short explanation about how you did it.
/ Create a ‘verb collage’.
(This will help with your Literacy skills too)
Straightforward / Keep a food diary for one week. Record the food types that each item comes under e.g. protein, carbohydrate etc…
/ Find out about what Tudor life was like for children and present it in a format of your choice.
/ Use the internet to research one or more of the websites about Tudors that are on the class newsletter.
What did you find out?
/ Make a collage of your favourite animal using a resource of your choice.