Proposal for Contribution to the ANZEA Conference 2015

Abstracts Due: 10 April

Submit your proposal via the following link:


We invite you to submit a proposal for a conference presentation. ANZEA welcomes proposals related to the conference theme from:

·  evaluation providers

·  evaluation commissioners and users

·  policy, operational management, community sector and philanthropic professionals, and

·  others with an interest in evaluation in the public and private sectors in Aotearoa New Zealand and across the world.

Conference theme

Please ensure that your proposal demonstrates a connection to the conference theme.

Navigating evaluation: Making waves in Aotearoa and across the Pacific.

The navigational metaphors and questions below invite you to begin exploring, connecting and exchanging ideas as you prepare your conference abstracts and presentations.

•  Finding a compass: What are the ethical, theoretical or methodological approaches that help us stay on course? What is the destination?

•  Turning tides: How is evaluation contributing to social justice, equity and sustainability?

•  Making waves: Are we being heard? How can evaluation make a bigger contribution to government policy and decision-making?

•  All at sea: How do we anchor theory and practice in a world where change is a constant and complexity is the norm?

•  Choppy waters, stormy seas: What are the evidence challenges in evaluation? What counts as credible evidence in Maori, Pacific, community and policy contexts?

•  Sailing the Pacific: How do we give momentum to Pacific led evaluation theory, practice and capability across Aotearoa and the Pacific?

•  Distant horizons: What is on the evaluation horizon? How are you navigating evaluation waters to bring new knowledge, values and practice together?

•  Casting the net: How do we weave evaluative thinking into the fabric of organisations in across Aotearoa and the Pacific.

Submission process: Abstracts due 10 April

To submit an abstract please click on the following link:

You will be asked for the information listed on the attached page.

The conference committee is happy to help you to frame a proposal around your topic.

For any further information and assistance, contact .

ANZEA Conference 2015 Proposal Information Requirements

Presenter details

Email address
Postal address

Proposal type

Format of contribution (choose one)
¨ Mini workshop
¨ Seminar
¨ Group discussion
¨ Panel discussion
☐ Paper presentation
¨ Poster presentation
¨ Other (describe)

Time required: 20, 45 or 90* mins

* Please note that there are limited 90 minute sessions available and presenters may be asked to reduce to 45 minutes.

Abstract (max 200 words)



Equipment needs

Standard equipment available: laptop, data projector, whiteboard, flip chart, pens, and blutac.
If you require extra equipment, you will be asked to specify this.
To submit your proposal, please click the following link: Abstracts due 10 April

For any further information and assistance, contact .