Join Us for the conference...

Each year, the South Carolina Association for Hazard Mitigation (SCAHM) brings together hazard mitigation professionals in engineering, planning, all levels of government, private business, academia, conservation organizations and concerned citizens to learn about and share the latest research, techniques and programs designed to better understand and manage the many problems caused by disasters.

This Spring SCAHM will join others interested in hazard mitigation across the state for our annual conference to be held on March 6-8, 2017, at the Embassy Suites Myrtle Beach at Kingston Plantation in Myrtle Beach, SC.

Please complete the registration form and return to us ASAP. Any registration forms received after February 15, 2017 will be charged a late fee of $50.00. The conference and lodging is at the Embassy Suites Myrtle Beach at Kingston Plantation, 9800 Queensway Boulevard, Myrtle Beach, SC. Please note that all attendees are responsible for making their own reservations. Reservations can be made by calling the hotel at 1-800-876-0010 or you may make them online at The rate is $136, including resort fee, per room plus tax. Please reference the South Carolina Association for Hazard Mitigation (SCAHM) Conference with the code HAZ. Reservations must be made no later than February 15, 2017. If you have not updated membership dues for 2017, please do so as soon as possible.

The CFM® exam will be offered at the conference. Those wishing to take the exam must register through ASFPM. The CFM® exam application and a prep guide for the exam can be downloaded from the ASFPM website at

This will be an excellent opportunity for you to meet new people from throughout the state. Bring your business cards, and don’t miss this event, March 6-8, 2017, at the Embassy Suites Myrtle Beach at Kingston Plantation in Myrtle Beach, SC. We look forward to seeing you there!!


Terri Hancock

Terri Hancock, CFM

Chair, South Carolina Association for Hazard Mitigation

2017 Annual Conference

Registration Form


Name Badge Name


Title Phone




Address (Street)


City, State, Zip



SCAHM Member Registration Fee ____ $175.00

Non-Member Registration Fee (Includes membership fee) ____ $215.00

Late Fee (for registrations received after February 15, 2017) ____ $50.00

Single Day Registration Fee ____ $75.00

Please mail the form and payment to: SCAHM, c/o Angela McJunkin, City of North Charleston, P.O. Box 190016, North Charleston, SC 29419. Registration forms may be sent to Angela via fax at (843) 745-1022. Attendees are eligible for 12 continuing education credits toward their Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM®) status.

Questions? Contact Terri Hancock at 843-719-4266 or ; or Daryle Fontenot at 704-499-4506 or

_____ Check Enclosed – Make Checks payable to: SCAHM

_____ Credit Card payment Card Number: ______

Expiration Date: ______Security Code: ______

I, ______(name on card), authorize card to be charged for Registration Fee ______.
