January 10, 2007 FEMA Emergency Management Higher Education Project Activity Report


Received note from Dr. Sheila J. Dynan at the College of St. Elizabeth noting that, with the support of College's Chief Academic Officer, she is investigating the development of an emergency management major.Provided several recommendations. Dr. Dynan can be reached at:


Congressional Research Service (Steven Maguire and Shawn Reese).Department of Homeland Security Grants to State and Local Governments:FY2003 to FY2006. Washington, DC: CRS Report for Congress (RL33770), December 22, 2006, 59 pages. Accessed at:


I am informed that a description of the Emergency Management Associate Degree that is being developed at LakeshoreTechnicalCollege has now been uploaded to the "Programs Being Investigated/Proposed Section" of The College List on the EM HiEd Project website --


FEMA. "Fact Sheet: NIMS Standards Activities (FY06)." FEMA, NIMSIntegrationCenter, January 3, 2007 Update. At:


The Project Assistant informs me that the description of the new Masters in Disaster Risk Management at Nepal Engineering College, Kathmandu, Nepal, has now been uploaded to the "Emergency and Disaster Management Programs in Other countries" section of The College List on the Projectwebsite:


Gilmore, Gerry J. "NORTHCOM Agency Helps Civil Authorities Prepare For WMD Events." American Forces Press Service, January 10, 2007. Accessedat:


During the holidays we received from Phil Politano, Program Coordinator of the Emergency Management Program at OnondagaCommunity College, the following course syllabi to add to the Syllabi Compilation on the EM HiEd Project website:

Disaster Response and Recovery

Emergency Exercise Program Management

Emergency Management Leadership

EmergencyOperationsCenter Management

Emergency Response Planning

Incident Command System, Intermediate

Incident Command System, Advanced

Introduction to Public Safety Response

Public Information Officer Basic Course

Resource and Donation Management

These course syllabi (about 5 pages each) have been uploaded to the Syllabi Compilation on the Project website -- just scroll down to Onondaga after clicking on Syllabi Compilation --

For additional information Phil Politano can be reached at:


SARS Commission: SARS Commission Report. OntarioCanada: The Independent Commission to Investigate the Introduction and Spread of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), December 2006. Accessed at:

["The independent Commission to Investigate the Introduction and Spread of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) was created by the Government of Ontario in June, 2003, to investigate how the SARS virus came to the province, how the virus spread and how it was dealt with. It looked at all aspects of the outbreak, including measures taken to protect the public and health workers."]


Birkland, Thomas A. Lessons of Disaster: Policy Change After Catastrophic Events. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2006, 216 pages. For a brief description, go to:

IAEM Bulletin (Newsletter of the International Association of Emergency Managers). In looking back through Vol. 23, No. 12, December 2006 prior to filing, I saw a note that may not have been noted in this activity report before. On page 8 is a note to the effect that colleges and university libraries can now request free subscriptions to the IAEM Bulletin. Every institution of higher education which has one of the more than 130 emergency management programs in existence should seek this subscription if without one now. Contact IAEM Membership Director Sharon Kelly at . Be sure to tell her I said "hello."


The Project Assistant received an update note from Dr. John, J. Kiefer, College of Urban and Public Affairs at the University of New Orleans relating to the existing Master of Public Administration Hazard Policy Track within the Department of Political Science. Dr. Kiefer asked that the following paragraph be inserted into the description of the UNO program currently found in The College List on the EM HiEd Projectwebsite:

"Undergraduate seniors and graduate students may also earn a Certificate in Hazard Policy Studies. Students take four 3-credit hazard-related courses as electives while earning their Bachelors, Masters or Ph.D. in their primary academic discipline. The intent is to produce public administrators, political scientists, sociologists, urban scholars, civil engineers and other graduates who understand the complexities of public policy, public service delivery, social issues and intergovernmental relationships in disaster situations."

For additional information, Dr. Kiefer can be reached at:

B.Wayne Blanchard, Ph.D., CEM

Higher Education Project Manager

Emergency Management Institute


Federal Emergency Management Agency

Department of Homeland Security

16825 S. Seton, K-011

Emmitsburg, MD21727

(301) 447-1262, voice

(301) 447-1598, fax

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