PforR Initial ISR

Tab 1: Overview and Performance

Basic Information
Operation Name / National Morocco National Initiative for Human Development (INDH)-Phase 2 / Project Stage / Seq.No / 1 / Status
Team Lead / Mohamed Medouar (TTL)
Andrea Liverani (Co-TTL) / Requesting Unit / MNC01/ MNAVP / Created by / Sophie Hans-Moevi
Product Line / IBRD/IDA / Responsible Unit / MNSSO/ MNAVP / Modified by / Mohamed Medouar
Country / Morocco / Approval FY / 12
Region / Middle East and North Africa / Lending Instrument / Program-for-Results
Program Development Objectives
Improve access to and/or use of enhanced participatory local governance mechanisms, basic infrastructure, social services and economic opportunities
in the Program Area.
Summary Ratings
Rating / Previous Rating / Current Rating / Comments
Progress towards achievement of PDO / N/A / S
Overall Implementation Progress (IP) / N/A / S
Overall Risk Rating / N/A / S
Performance Ratings
Program Status for Public Disclosure
Implementation Status Overview
The Loan was approved by the Board on June 28, 2012; signed by the Bank and the counterpart on July 27, 2012 and became effective on September 7 of the same year. The Launching workshop was held on September 25, 2012 under the Presidency of the deputy Minister of Interior, with the participation, of three other Minister, e.g Health, Social Development end General affairs and Governance, the Governor, National coordinator of INDH, the staff of the National Coordination, some Chefs de DAS (Division of Social Action at the provincial level) and representatives of the civil society.
The INDH National Coordination started to work on the systems and procedures to put in place in order to implement the Program Action Plan as well as to monitor RIs and DLIs. The first implementation support mission is scheduled on November 2012.
Key Decisions for Disclosure
The Program is effective since September 2012 and a first disbursement of 41.5 million euro (or 18% of total amount) was made on October 3rd, 2012, as an advance for results to be achieved in 2012 and 2013.
Financing (as of November 30, 2012)
Key Dates
Program / Loan No. / Status / Approval Date / Signing Date / Effectiveness Date / Closing Date
116201 / IBRD-81810 / Effective / 28-Jun- 2012 / 27-Jul-2012 / 7-sept-2012 / 30-Jun-2016
Disbursements (in Millions)
Program / Loan No. / Status / Currency / Original / Revised / Cancelled / Disbursed / Undisbursed / % Disbursed
116201 / IBRD-81810 / Effective / Euro / 227,000,000.00 / 227,000,000.00 / 0.00 / 42,067,500 / 184,932,500 / 18.53%

Tab 2: DLIs

DLI / Scalable Disbursement / Unit of Measure / Value1 / DLI Baseline / Previous / Current / Target
DLI #1:% Girls who reside in the educational dormitories (Dar Taliba) graduating to the next grade. / X / % / Value / 50% / N/A / TBD First semester of 2013 / 70%
Date / 12/31/11 / N/A / 11/8/12 / December 31, 2015
Comments / No previous ISR / An advance of 15,150,000 euro or this DLIs was granted on 10/3/12
DLI#2: % Population provided with access to improve water supply in targeted rural communes by the Program. / X / % / Value / 50 % (702 Rural communes) / N/A / TBD First semester of 2015 / 77 %
Date / 12/31/11 / N/A / 11/8/12 / December 31, 2015
Comments / No previous ISR
DLI#3:% Income-generating activities implemented by cooperatives, associations or companies (sociétés de personnes), which are viable two years after having benefitted from financing under the program. / X / % / Value / 25 % / N/A / TBD First semester of 2015 / 40 %
Date / 12/31/11 / N/A / 11/8/12 / December 31, 2015
DLI#4: % Infrastructure projects financed under the Program, judged by the auditors as conforming to technical specifications, after final commissioning. / X / % / Value / 60 % / N/A / TBD First semester of 2015 / 70 %
Date / 12/31/11 / N/A / 11/8/12 / December 31, 2015
Comments / No previous ISR
#5.1:% Women in the following local governance bodies: CLDH and CPDH. / X / % / Value / 17 % / N/A / TBD First semester of 2013 / 20 %
Date / 12/31/11 / N/A / 11/8/12 / December 31, 2012
Comments / No previous ISR / An advance of 11,350,000 eurofor this DLIs was granted on 10/3/12
#5.2: % Youth (18-35 years old) in the following local governance bodies: CLDH and CPDH. / X / % / Value / 12 % / N/A / TBD First semester of 2013 / 15 %
Date / 12/31/11 / N/A / 11/8/12 / December 31, 2012
Comments / No previous ISR
DLI#6: % Projects under the Rural and Urban Sub-programs of the Program contracted by local governments (communes and Conseils d’Arrondissement), associations, or cooperatives. / X / % / Value / 50 % / N/A / TBD First semester of 2014 / 70 %
Date / 12/31/11 / N/A / 11/8/12 / December 31, 2015
Comments / No previous ISR
DLI# 7: % of Provinces and prefectorates in the Program Area which have put in place a plan of action to address
audit recommendations. / X / % / Value / 15 % / N/A / TBD First semester of 2014 / 80 %
Date / 12/31/11 / N/A / 11/8/12 / December 31, 2015
Comments / No previous ISR
DLI# 8: % of Priority audit recommendations included in action plans which are implemented. / X / % / Value / TBD in 2012 / N/A / TBD First semester of 2015 / 95 %
Date / N/A / 11/8/12 / December 31, 2015
Comments / No previous ISR
DLI# 9:
#9.1: preparation of the Environmental and Social Guide related to the Program; and / Unit / Value / 0 / N/A / TBD First semester of 2013 / 1
Date / 31/12/11 / N/A / 11/8/12 / December 31, 2012
Comments / No previous ISR / An advance of 15,000,000 euro for this DLIs was granted on 10/3/12
#9.2: Key actors (DAS and local facilitation teams) trained in the use of such guide on environmental and social safeguards. / X / % / Value / 0 % / N/A / TBD First semester of 2014 / 100 % of key actors trained
Date / 31/12/11 / N/A / 11/8/12 / December 31, 2013
Comments / No previous ISR

Value: amount of [unit of measure] achieved for specific DLI

Date: date when DLI achievement has been confirmed by the Client/ verified by the Bank

Comments: any comments relevant for the DLI, including the disbursement of possible advances

Tab 3: Results

Program Development Objective: The objective of the Program is to improve access to and/or use of enhanced participatory local governance mechanisms, basic infrastructure, social services and economic opportunities in the Program Area.
PDO Level Results Indicators / Core / DLI / Unit of Measure / Baseline / Results Value / Previous / Current / End Target
PDO Indicator 1:
% girls who reside in the educational dormitories (Dar Taliba) graduating to the next grade. / X / % / 50 % / Value / N/A / To be determined in first semester 2013 / 70 %
Date / N/A / 11/8/12 / December 31, 2015
PDO Indicator 2:
% population provided with access to improved water supply in targeted rural communes by the Program. / X / X / % / 50 % (702 Rural communes) / Value / N/A / To be determined in first semester 2015 / 77 %
Date / N/A / 11/8/12 / December 31, 2015
PDO Indicator 3:
% income-generating activities implemented by cooperatives, associations or companies (societies de personnes) which are viable two years after having benefited from financing under the Program / X / % / 25 % / Value / N/A / To be determined in first semester 2015 / 40 %
Date / N/A / 11/8/12 / December 31, 2015
PDO Indicator 4:
% of sampled population in the targeted areas saying that they have:
  1. participated in the participatory diagnostic or
  1. in monitoring and evaluation of activities
/ % /
  1. 20% for diagnostic,
  1. 0% for social accountability
/ Value / N/A /
  1. To be determined in first semester 2014
  1. To be determined in first semester 2016
  1. 22% for diagnostic
  1. 12% for social acc
Date / N/A / 11/8/12 /
  1. December 31, 2013
  1. December 31, 2015

intermediate Results Area 1: Enhancing access and quality in service provision
Intermediate Results Indicator 5:
Number of women benefitting from pre-natal care in Dar Al Oumouma. / Number / 7000 / Value / N/A / To be determined in first semester 2014 / 105,000
Date / N/A / 11/8/12 / December 31, 2015
Intermediate Results Indicator 6:
% infrastructure projects financed under the Program judged by the auditors as conforming to technical specifications, after final commissioning. / X / % / 60 % / Value / N/A / To be determined in first semester 2015 / 70 %
Date / N/A / 11/8/12 / December 31, 2015
Intermediate Results Area 2: Strengthening participatory local governance and social accountability
Intermediate Results Indicator # 7:
% of households in the targeted rural and urban areas who have participated in the participatory diagnostic and are satisfied with ILDH processes. / % / 40 % / Value / N/A / To be determined in first semester 2014 / 60 %
Date / N/A / 11/8/12 / December 31, 2013
Intermediate Results Indicator # 8:
# 8.1: % women in the following local governance bodies: CLDH and CPDH. / X / % / 17 % / Value / N/A / To be determined in first semester 2013 / 20 %
Date / N/A / 11/8/12 / December 31, 2012
# 8.2: % of youth (18-35 years old) in the following local governance bodies: CLDH & CPDH. / X / % / 12 % / Value / N/A / To be determined in first semester 2013 / 15 %
Date / N/A / 11/8/12 / December 31, 2012
Intermediate Results Indicator # 9:
% projects under the Rural and Urban Subprograms of the Program contracted by local government (communes and Conseilsd’Arrondissement), associations, or cooperatives / X / % / 50 % / Value / N/A / To be determined in first semester 2014 / 70 %
Date / N/A / 11/8/12 / December 31, 2015
Intermediate Results Area 3: Enhancing Economic Inclusion
Intermediate Results Indicator # 10:
% of IGAs implemented by cooperatives, associations, and private firms. / % / 18 % / Value / N/A / To be determined in first semester 2014 / 35 %
Date / N/A / 11/8/12 / December 31, 2015
Intermediate Results Indicator # 11:
% of IGA implementing agencies receiving capacity building. / % / 20 % / Value / N/A / To be determined in first semester 2014 / 70 %
Date / N/A / 11/8/12 / December 31, 2015
Thematic Area 4: Supporting capacity and systems development
Intermediate Results Indicator #12: Improvement of M&E system:
(i) Update MIS, revise and simplify manual, add agreed data to reports / Actions / N/A / Value / N/A / To be determined in first semester 2013 / Update of the MIS, revise and simplify manual, add agreed data to reports
Date / (i) December 31, 2012
(ii) Make project info and reporting more accessible at local levels / Actions / N/A / Value / N/A / To be determined in first semester 2014 / Make project info and reporting more accessible at local levels
Date / N/A / 11/8/12 / (ii) December 31, 2013
Intermediate Results Indicator #13:
13.1.Elaboration of a user-friendly fiduciary guide in Arabic and French / Unit / N/A / Value / N/A / To be determined in first semester 2013 / Dissemination of simplified fidiciury guide
Date / N/A / 11/8/12 / December 31, 2012
13.2.% of partnership
agreements with a technical assistance provision (measure to enhance procurement capacity) / % / 0 % / Value / N/A / To be determined in first semester 2014 / 70 %
Date / N/A / 11/8/12 / December 31, 2015
Intermediate Results Indicator # 14:
% provinces and prefectorates in the Program Area which have put in place a plan of action to address audit recommendations / X / % / 15 % / Value / N/A / To be determined in first semester 2014 / 80 %
Date / N/A / 11/8/12 / December 31, 2015
Intermediate Results Indicator # 15:
% priority audit recommendations included in the action plans which are implemented. / X / % / 0 % / Value / N/A / To be determined in first semester 2015 / 95 %
Date / N/A / 11/8/12 / December 31, 2015
Intermediate Results Indicator # 16:
% of subproject sponsors mastering procurement and financial management procedures. / % / TBD in 2012 / Value / N/A / To be determined in first semester 2014 / Baseline + 30 %
Date / N/A / 11/8/12 / December 31, 2015
Intermediate Results Indicator # 17:
17.1: preparation of Environmental and Social Guide related to the Program / X / Unit / N/A / Value / N/A / To be determined in first semester 2013 / Preparation and dissemination of environmental and social guide.
Date / N/A / 11/8/12 / December 31, 2012
17.2: % of key actors (DAS & local facilitation teams) trained in the use of such guide in environmental and social safeguards. / X / % / 0 % / Value / N/A / To be determined in first semester 2014 / 100% of DAS and local facilitators trained
Date / N/A / 11/8/12 / December 31, 2013
Organization Name / Type / Contact / Title / Office Phone / Email
European Union / Development partner / Stephanie Druguet / In charge of Rural and Human development programs / +212-537 57 98 48 /