Madison’s Big Secret: Copyright 2007-2018 by Shattered

Chapter 8: Diapered at the Fair

The Next Morning … 9:00 AM

Madison wakes up to the bright sun glaring at her face. It is obvious to her that she wet her Underjam even more during her sleep, but amazingly, her sheets and night-gown are dry. Her diaper is so wet, it’s about ready to explode. It must weigh about three pounds. She lays down and enjoys pressing her fingers against the warm, squishy diaper. As she is enjoying her soaked diaper, Brittney sits up and looks up at her friend.

“Oh, good morning. So, who won the contest? You seem to be enjoying something…” Brittney says while yawning and stretching.

“I think I won. My diaper is so wet it’s gonna explode. But it didn’t leak! These things are amazing.” Madison says rapidly.

“Yep, I told you. Umm, wow. I think you did win cause umm… My Underjam is still just a little wet. I don’t think I peed in my sleep… woah, but umm… I have to PEE REALLY BAD!!!” Brittney says, all of a sudden feeling intense pressure from her bladder.

“Well, what are you waiting for? Fill that thing up!” Madison says while giggling.

“Yeah, that… won’t…be…a….problem… uhh, I’m going…. Can’t … hold … it … anymore…” Brittney stutters. Without her control she begins filling her diaper with a solid stream of pee. She is in a squatting position to make it easier. As she continues to fill her UnderJam, it begins to swell up, making it even more bulky under her blanket sleeper. Finally, she is finished. “Wow I am soaked. This is going to be a close one.” Brittney lays down for a while and enjoys the intense feeling of a warm, soggy, squishy diaper. Both girls take a few minutes to enjoy their wet diapers before even thinking about getting breakfast.

“Well, umm, should we get changed?” Madison asks.

“I don’t want to, but I guess we should. Your Mom might notice if we walk around in soaking wet diapers,” Brittney says.

“Yeah, you’re right. Hey, are you going to just change into another one?” Madison asks.

Brittney sighs and makes a little pout face. “No, I can’t. I’ve only got one left and I can’t go home wearing one. Trust me, my Mom would notice and she’d get mad. I’m only supposed to wear them at night for bed.”

Madison thinks for a moment. “Well, you said you sometimes have daytime accidents, right? Especially if you’re away from home… I think we’re going to go to the fair today. I’m going to wear a Goodnight because I sure as hell don’t want to pee in a porta-potty. You should wear one, too. We can get you changed back into underwear before we take you home.” Madison says in her most convincing tone.

“Yeah, I do have accidents sometimes. It would be fun to be secretly diapered … you and me … but what about your Mom? Won’t she think it’s weird that we don’t need to go to the bathroom all day?” Brittney asks.

Madison shakes her head. “I don’t think so. Even if she does find out, she won’t care. My Mom has been trying to get me to wear diapers when away from home anyway. You should have seen what she said to me the other night when I went to Alyssa’s party at the bounce house place. She’s crazy. Don’t worry about her.” Madison says.

Brittney laughs. “Okay, well I’ll go change quick in the bathroom. Umm, should I just bury the wet one in the bottom of the trash can in there?” Madison nods. Brittney gets out her last dry UnderJam and her clothes and goes into the bathroom. While she is in there, Madison changes into a new Goodnight and gets dressed. She forgets that she is wearing a bulky diaper and dresses herself in non-baggy Capri pants and a pink shirt. The top of her Goodnight pokes out a little, if her shirt gets lifted up it would be visible.

Brittney comes back into Madison’s room wearing jean shorts and a t-shirt. Her Underjam is noticeable and makes her butt poke out a bit. She too was not expecting to be diapered today. She looks at Madison and has a look of shock on her face. Madison looks back at her friend with a curious look on her face.

“What’s the matter?” Madison asks.

“Oh, nothing. You… You look cute.” Brittney says. Madison looks over herself in the mirror.

“Oh, crap. I totally forgot I was wearing today… You can tell I’m diapered, right?” Madison asks.

Brittney nods. “Yeah, umm, your butt bulges out a little and you can see the top of your diaper through your pants. But you know I bet mine is showing too. Does it matter?”

“I don’t know why but this is kind of exciting. I feel like a five year old who’s still in Pull-Ups! Let’s do it!” Madison says. They begin to comb their hair. Brittney starts to think about the concept of being diapered all day.

“So, umm, we won’t be able to change till we get home. You think our diapers will last?” Brittney asks.

“Mine won’t but yours probably will. If I’m soaked and have to pee I’ll just have to hold it… not a big deal. “ The girls both nod and finish combing their hair. After a few minutes, they decide they look good enough. They proceed down the stairs and sit down at the kitchen table for breakfast. Mrs. Ludke is there, preparing bacon, pancakes, eggs, and fresh fruit.

“Perfect timing, girls. Breakfast is ready. Your sister is already eating, she couldn’t wait.” Madison looks at her little sister, who is still in her footed sleeper and wearing an obviously soaking wet diaper.

“Yeah, I can see that. She’s still soaking wet.” Madison says. Mrs. Ludke gives her eldest daughter “the look.” Madison knows she better quit if she wants to have a good day at the fair. “Sorry, Mom. We’ll help change her after breakfast.” Madison says. Her mother smiles and begins to serve up breakfast. All three girls drink a lot of juice, like it is going out of style. They finish their meal and it’s now time to get Alyssa ready for the day ahead.

“Hey Aly, do you know where we’re going today?” Madison asks her sister. Alyssa shakes her head for no.

“We’re going to the state fair. They have games and rides and a petting zoo and yummy food. Remember we went last year?” Madison explains to her younger sister.

“Oh yeah! I like dat place, “ she says while squirming and poking at the front of her squishy diaper.

“Yeah, let’s go get you changed. “ Madison says as she lifts Alyssa down from her booster seat. She takes her hand and they go up to Alyssa’s room. Madison lays her sister down on the changing table and starts to unzip her sleeper.

“I wan Brittie to t-ange me!” Alyssa demands. Madison smiles and looks over at her friend.

“Aww, sure sweetie,” Brittney says as she removes Alyssa’s sleeper and un-tapes her soaking wet over-night diaper. “Goodness girl, you peed a river in here.” Brittney says while giggling. Alyssa nods and giggles as Brittney cleans her with wipes and slides a new Luvs diaper under her. She brings it up through Alyssa’s legs and gently fastens both tapes. “There, all nice and dry. Now, what do you want to wear today?” Brittney asks while rolling up the heavily saturated diaper and tossing it in the trash. Alyssa lays down and thinks for a few seconds.

“I wanna wear pink skirt.” Alyssa says. Brittney goes over to the closet and looks through Alyssa’s clothes. She finds a cute short pink skirt and a white t-shirt with a pink heart in the center. “This will be cute. Umm, does she wear tights under it, to… you know … hide her diaper?” Brittney asks, looking at Madison.

“Nah, it’s too hot for tights today. She certainly doesn’t care if people know she’s still in diapers. It’s cute, anyway.” Madison says. Brittney nods and gathers up the outfit and some purple socks. She helps Alyssa get dressed and then lifts her down.

“Aww, you look adorable. Want me to braid your hair?” Brittney says. Alyssa nods and smiles. They go into the bathroom and the two older girls make Alyssa look like a cute little doll. They take her downstairs to show Mom.

“Is that my little princess? Don’t you look super cute! What do you say to Madison and Brittney?” Mrs. Ludke says to Alyssa.

“Tha…Thank yous!” Alyssa says softly. Both girls nod and say “you’re welcome.”

“Alright, it’s just about time to go. Last call for the bathroom for those who need it. It’s about a two hour drive to the fair-grounds,” Mrs. Ludke says. Both Madison and Brittney look at each other and try to hold back from giggling too much. “We’re fine, Mom. And Alyssa obviously doesn’t need to go. We’ll go get her buckled in her car seat for you,” Madison says. Mrs. Ludke smiles. She runs upstairs and gets Alyssa’s diaper bag – the girls forgot to bring it down. By the time she gets out to the car, all three girls are buckled up in the back seat and ready to go.

Two hours pass by and they are now pulling into the parking lot. Alyssa is asleep. Brittney and Madison are both listening to music on their iPods. Madison is still dry, but Brittney accidently wet herself a little bit without even realizing. The car comes to a stop and Mrs. Ludke opens the doors. “Wake your sister up and help her out, please.” Madison gently shakes her sister to wake her up. She helps her out of the car and all three girls are standing in a row, waiting for further instructions. “Okay, diaper check for Alyssa. Are you wet, sweetie-pie?” Alyssa is a little damp, but of course she says no. Luckily, the stroller is in the trunk. Brittney helps Alyssa into the stroller and they proceed to the fair entrance. Mrs. Ludke pays for all the kids and gives each their tickets. “Okay, so I know you girls will want to hang out and do your own thing for a while. So for a few hours me and Alyssa will do all the kiddie rides and you and Brittney can go off on your own. But you must stay together. And we will meet back here for a late lunch at 2:30 PM. That’s two and a half hours from now. Deal?” Mrs. Ludke says.

“Sounds good to me, Mom. Thanks. Oh, can we have some cash for drinks and stuff? “ Madison asks.

“Sure, sweetie. Here you go. Don’t spend it all on junk, okay?” Mrs. Ludke says as she hands her daughter $40 in cash.

“Yes, Mommy. Thank you! We’ll be good. Have fun Aly… See you later!” Madison says. The girls run off, waving as they go. They head over to the rides for older kids. However, Madison is thirsty. They walk right in front of a beverage stand. “I want an iced coffee SO BAD. How about you, Britt?” Madison asks.

“Yeah, I could go for something. But I dunno about Coffee – it goes right through me.” Brittney says. Madison gives Brittney a funny look.

“So what? Did you forget what you’re…. umm… wearing?” Madison whispers.

“Oh, yeah. I guess you’re right. Okay I’ll take a large iced Chai. “ Brittney says. Madison nods. They go up to the counter and both get large iced Chai Lattes. It is the best summertime treat. The girls go over to a picnic table and sit down, enjoying their drinks. Madison drinks hers pretty fast, while Brittney is taking her time. “You better be careful. You’re gonna have to pee really bad if you keep that up. “ Brittney says. Madison giggles.

“Oh well. I’m not too worried.” Madison says.

“Just don’t leak. Remember you can’t flood yours as much as I can mine.” Brittney says, looking around to be sure no one is listening. Madison nods and takes her final gulp of her drink. She gets up and tosses it in the trash.

“Well, let’s go get in line for The Scrambler. Looks like about a twenty minute wait,” Madison says.

“But I’m not done with my drink,” Brittney whines.

“So take it in line with you, silly. You haven’t been to the fair before, have you?” Madison says.

“No, not really. I’m lucky if my Mom takes me to a movie. “ Brittney says, looking down at her drink.

“Well we’re gonna have fun! The Scrambler is the best. Heck, it might just make you pee your pants.” Madison says. Both girls giggle. They stand in line and wait about ten minutes. The line has managed to move, but just a little. The girls talk about “normal” things for a while like music, tv shows, and school. As they get closer in line, Madison starts to fidget. She’s so used to the whole routine of knowing she has to pee, holding it, and waiting until she can get to a bathroom. So the “pee pee dance” and fidgeting is an unconscious motion. She is talking about the school play and how she hopes she gets a big part. Brittney interrupts her.

“Umm, that’s awesome but, I think you need to stop and umm … take care of something?” Brittney says.

Madison looks down at herself and now understands what her friend is trying to tell her. “Oh wow that Iced Chai really did go right through me. Uhh…. Alright…. Umm, I need to just chill for a minute.” Madison says. She proceeds to squat just a little is starts to concentrate. She is just about to fill her diaper when the people on the ride get off and it’s now their turn to get on. “Oh, great. It can wait, I guess.” They run over to the Scrambler and find a car to sit in. Madison sits down quickly and is now shaking her legs in desperation. Brittney looks over at her.

“Maddie, just go already, but do it slowly…” Brittney says. Madison nods and begins to relax. She closes her eyes and begins thinking about running water. This always does the trick. Soon after, she begins to feel a warm stream of pee entering her diaper. She remembers to pee slow enough to give the Goodnight time to absorb. Just as the ride is starting, Madison finishes her first major wetting. Brittney looks curiously at her friend.

“Ahh, that’s better. I think it held up, too. I guess we’ll find out when I get off the ride. Here we goooooo!” Madison says excitedly. The ride starts and goes around faster and faster. They both scream and giggle. Brittney is enjoying herself, and while the ride is in motion, she wets her Underjam a little bit, without even knowing. After a few minutes, the ride comes to a complete stop. The girls climb out of the car and walk towards the exit gate. As Madison walks, her Goodnight diaper has now swelled up and makes a louder crinkle-swish sound as she walks. She tries not to draw attention to herself. “Hey, let’s go on another ride. Something more intense?”

“Oh, umm, sure. What’s that over there?” Brittney asks. She points at a ride about 200 feet away. It’s one of those “swinging ship” rides. Madison laughs.

“Oh, that one will make you pee your pants, for sure. Let’s go!” Madison says as she starts walking faster. Her diaper is wetter than she thinks and it’s now quite obvious she’s wearing. The top of it is also poking out from her shorts. Brittney catches up with her and they stand in line for the next ride. Madison can’t help but feel how squishy her diaper has become, but she doesn’t want people to see her. Brittney looks at her and whispers in her ear.

“Hey, maybe you should get changed soon. You might leak if you pee again.” Brittney whispers.

Madison shrugs, “I can’t – I didn’t bring anything to change into. I’ll just have to be careful.” After about ten minutes they board the swinging ship ride. It gets up really high and is about to sink back down, but there’s that 5 second pause to get everyone all excited. At this point Brittney feels intense pressure from her bladder.

“Oh my Gawd I’m gonna pee!!!” Brittney says, out loud, forgetting there are other people around. Other kids around them just laugh. Suddenly, the ship descends and plunges down. Brittney loses all control and completely floods her Underjam. It is not leaking, but she can feel it has become warm and squishy within a few seconds time. “Weeeeeeeeee,” she screams. She is enjoying the ride, but enjoying the warm, soggy diaper even more. Finally, the ride slows down and it’s time to exit the ride. As they are leaving through the exit line, the ride attendant is paying close attention to both girls. He has been staring at both of them since they got on. As they walk past, he speaks up.