Menifee County High School

Health and PhysicalHealthHeanhnhnnnnhhjhhhhhhhhhhhgjgjgjgjgjgjgjgjgjgjgjgjgjgjgjgjgjgjgj Education


Instructor: Brian Adkins

Office: Gym #119

Contact information

Phone: 606-768-8102


Teacher’s Mission Statement:

The year will be filled with a variety of different activities that will be healthy, exciting, and beneficial to both your body and mind. Full participation is vital and expected as we will learn by doing, asking, discussing, and exploring all avenues. I will provide a positive, comfortable, safe educational atmosphere for all students. I ask that each of you help maintain this positive status. This can easily be accomplished through respectfor the administration, other students, yourself, and me. Learning is the primary objective in my classroom. Thus the learning process must not be disrupted, as I expect students to abide by all classroom and school rules. I am looking forward to working with each of you. Please feel free to come to me with any questions or concerns that may arise.

Class Description:

340133 - Health Education I

Grade Level: 9 - 12 Credits: 1/2 Description: Health I addresses the topics of mental health, drugs, alcohol and tobacco, sex education, sexually transmitted diseases, infectious diseases, safety and first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, (CPR), nutrition, consumer health and non-infectious diseases. Full participation in the classroom as well as in physical activity is required at all times

340216 - Physical Education I

Grade Level: 9 - 12 Credits: 1/2 Description: Physical Education I involves the teaching of Conditioning, Fittness Testing, FITT Principles, lifetime leisure sports, individual ands team sport skills. Skills learned will be reinforced and advanced skills will be introduced. . Students will not be allowed to sit out of physical education without a note from their PHYSICIAN. Students will be required to dress out for Physical Education and points will be heavily deducted if dress code is not followed. .


National Standards- NASPE

Standard 1: The learner demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns

needed to perform a variety of physical activities.

By the end of grade 12, students should:

_ Possess motor skills and movement patterns to perform a variety of physical activities to a

degree of success that makes the activities enjoyable.

_ Demonstrate basic and advanced skills and tactics to participate in at least three of the

following different types of movement forms: aquatics, team sports, individual sports, dual

sports, outdoor pursuits, self- defense, dance, and gymnastics.

_ Demonstrate basic skills and tactics to participate in at least two other movement forms from

the above list.

Standard 2: The learner demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles,

strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.

By the end of grade 12, students should:

_ Demonstrate the knowledge and understanding necessary to develop scientifi cally based

personal activity plans that include self-selected physical activities and sports.

_ Use complex movement concepts and principles to independently refi ne their skills and apply

them to the learning of new skills.

_ Integrate advanced physical activities so that the ability to learn, self-assess, and improve

movement skills exists independently.

_ Recognize elite-level performance.

Standard 3: The learner participates regularly in physical activity.

By the end of grade 12, students should:

_ Fully recognize and understand the signifi cance of physical activity in maintaining a healthy

lifestyle and possess the skills, knowledge, interest, and desire to maintain an active lifestyle.

_ Willingly participate on a regular basis in physical activities that contribute to the attainment

and maintenance of personal physical activity goals.

_ Make decisions about their physical activity participation and assume a role in managing

their participation based on personal interests, capabilities, and resources.

_ Possess adequate movement and behavioral skills that provide a basis for continued learning

and regular physical activity participation.

_ Independently apply appropriate training prin ciples to their physical activity and use

pertinent scientifi c principles to enhance their participation in a specifi c activity or sport.

_ Demon strate an understanding of how and why adult patterns of physical activityparticipation change over time.

Standard 4: The learner achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fi tness.

By the end of grade 12, students should:

_ Assume greater self-responsibility in their lives and display greater autonomy in their

personal behaviors.

_ Demonstrate responsibility for their health-related fi tness status by participating on a regular

basis in appropriate physical activities.

_ Engage in activities in a variety of settings (e.g., school, home, workplace, community) for

the purpose of achieving and maintaining health-related fi tness.

_ Interpret information from fi tness tests and use the information to plan and design their own

programs to achieve and maintain personal fi tness goals that encompass all components of


Standard 5: The learner exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self

and others in physical activity settings.

By the end of grade 12, students should:

_ Demonstrate the ability to initiate responsible personal and social behavior, function

independently, and positively infl uence the behavior of others in a physical activity setting.

_ Demonstrate leadership by holding themselves and others responsible for following safe

practices, rules, procedures, and etiquette in all physical activity settings.

_ Be able to respond to potentially explosive interactions with others by mediating and settling

confl icts.

_ Synthesize and evaluate knowledge regarding the role of physical activity in a culturally

diverse society.

_ Make enlightened personal choices for engaging in physical activity over the life span recognizing

the infl uence of age, disability, gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and culture.

_ Develop a personal philosophy of physical activity participation that refl ects personal

practices in a variety of physical activity settings.

Standard 6: The learner values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, selfexpression,

and/or social interaction.

By the end of grade 12, students should:

_ Be more comfortable with their new interests and their physiques, thus once again enjoying

movement for the sheer pleasure of moving.

_ Enjoy the challenge of working hard to better their skills and feel satisfaction when they are

successful in improving and while pursuing personal goals.

_ Enjoy selected activities for regular participation either alone or with friends.

_ Express several reasons why participa tion in regularly selected activities is enjoyable and


Kentucky State Standards

(Health Education)

Academic Expectations

2.29Students demonstrate skills that promote individual well-being and healthy family relationships.

2.31Students demonstrate the knowledge and skills they need to remain physically healthy and to accept responsibility for their own physical well-being.

2.32Students demonstrate strategies for becoming and remaining mentally and emotionally healthy.

2.33Students demonstrate the skills to evaluate and use services and resources available in their community.

3.2Students demonstrate the ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

3.5Students will demonstrate self-control and self-discipline.

4.1Students effectively use interpersonal skills.

4.3Students individually demonstrate consistent, responsive, and caring behavior.

4.4Students demonstrate the ability to accept the rights and responsibilities for self and others.

5.1Students use critical thinking skills such as analyzing, prioritizing, categorizing, evaluating, and comparing to solve a variety of problems in real-life situations.

5.4Students use a decision-making process to make informed decisions among options.

(Physical Education)

Academic Expectations

2.31Students demonstrate the knowledge and skills they need to remain physically healthy and to accept responsibility for their own physical well-being.

2.34Students perform physical movements skills effectively in a variety of settings.

2.35Students demonstrate knowledge and skills that promote physical activity and involvement in physical activity throughout lives.

3.1Students demonstrate positive growth in self-concept through appropriate tasks or projects.

3.2Students demonstrate the ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

3.7Students demonstrate the ability to learn on one’s own.

4.1Students effectively use interpersonal skills.

4.2Students use productive team membership skills.

Grading Policy:





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Grades are given on a daily basis. Types of assessments that grades will be taken are:

Bell Ringer, Open Responses, Unit Test, chapter reviews, quizzes, video notes, Journal Writings, Group Presentations, Individual Presentations, Portfolio Writings, Projects, etc..

Make-up Work / School Related Absences: (See Student agenda.)

•Students can request assignments for absences, but credit will NOT be given for work missed due to unexcused absences.

•Students, with excused absences, will have the number of days absent plus one to make up missed work. Teachers have the option to require that make-up work be completed during school time, i.e. tutoring.

•Suspension dates are classified as unexcused absences from school and therefore, students will NOT be allowed to make-up work for any credit.

Physical Education

Daily Break Down

20 minutes in class- bell ringers, days information, quizzes, Reflections,

5 minutes to Gym

10 minute walk/run

10 minutes stretching, AB Workout, Pushups

30 minute workout

10 cool down and change if needed

One week will be totally dedicated to Dance.

One Week will be dedicated to specific Sports Skills.

Stretching will consist of but not limited to:
walking stretches
standing stretches
sitting stretches
Wildcat Push ups
Adkins Push ups / Workout will consist of but not limited to:
Agility Drills
Jump Rope
Sports Specific Skills:
Soccer ball handling
Basketball Ball handling
Volleyball Techniques
Pickleball Skills / Fitness Testing Every Friday
Mile Run/Walk- Cardio Endurance
Push Ups- Muscular Endurance
Sit Ups- Muscular Strength
Chin Ups- Muscular Strength
Wall Sits- Muscular Endurance
Activities that are required once a week.
Tae Bo
Zumba / Required for class:
Fitness Journal/Notebook
Fitness Plan
Assessments used in this class:
Fitness Assessments
Weekly Test
Daily Points / Expectations:
Improvement on Testing Days
Daily Participation
100% effort

Classroom Expectations:

  • You must dress out to participate.
  • Shorts or sweats and a shirt and socks.
  • Clothes must comply with school policy.
  • No jewelry will be worn.
  • Do not bring valuables to class.

Class Procedures:

  1. Immediately upon entering P. E. students are to go directly to their spot.
  2. A student is tardy if not in their spot when the tardy bell rings.
  3. After class – Students are required to stay the gym until the dismissal bell rings.
  4. No one leaves the class without permission.
  5. Use the front entrance for emergency exit.
  6. Keep locker room clean
  7. Keep hands and feet off walls of weight room.
  8. Return all weight room equipment to the specific and proper location after each use.

Method of Grading:

1. Each unit taught will be graded 50% tests, 50% participation. Each day of non-participation will result in a 10% reduction in the participation portion of the grade. If the student cannot participate because of an illness, they must complete a written assignment at the teacher’s discretion.

2. The mile run score will count 10% of the final grade. Grading for the mile run is as follows:

Under 8 minutes-100%

Under 9 minutes-90%

Under 10 minutes-80%

Under 11 minutes-70%

Under 12 minutes-60%

Under 13 minutes-50%

Under 14 minutes-40%

Under 15 minutes-30%

Over 15 minutes-0%

3. Students may retake the Unit Test only one time but may retake the Mile Run at different intervals to better their score.

4. Final Exam will be worth 20% of the student’s final grade.

5. If a student has an unexcused day of participation they can do a 5-page article analysis pertaining to unit missed.

6. Redo Policy

1. All students will be given the opportunity to redo summative assessments.

2. Students must do quality preliminary work prior to redo opportunities.

3. Grades will be replaced with new score (if higher).

4. A minimum two-week grace period from the first term. Midterms must be completed. It is up to you to come to instructor and ask to retake the test.

By the end of the Physical Education Class Students should be able to answer the following standards:

  • describe how the benefits of exercise (e.g., disease prevention, self-esteem, improved fitness, weight control, improved appearance, higher energy level) are interrelated.
  • apply principles of exercise (e.g., frequency, intensity, duration, overload principle, progression, specificity, target zone).
  • develop health-related fitness (e.g., cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, body composition).
  • apply nutritional concepts (e.g., body composition, weight control, food/fluid selection, caloric balance) in meal planning.
  • establish, develop, and implement a lifetime personal fitness and activity plan.
  • apply movement concepts (e.g., space awareness, effort, formations that occur between objects and people) in various games, sports, and rhythmic activities.
  • demonstrate principles of motor skill refinement (e.g., accuracy, techniques, physics).
  • analyze specialized movement sequences and patterns to make recommendations for improvement.
  • develop specialized motor skills (combination of locomotor, object manipulation, and movement concepts) for participation in rhythmic movement; individual, dual, and team games; and activities (e.g., baseball, soccer, dance, basketball).
  • define techniques to achieve consistency in performance of fundamental skills (e.g., throwing, catching, kicking, striking, dribbling) in games and activities.
  • analyze object manipulation to make recommendations for improvements.

What you will learn in this class?

Psychomotor Skills

  • Locomotor
  • Nonlocomotor
  • Motor Skill Refinement


  • Physical-Weight Management, Strength, Endurance, Flexibility, Heart Rate
  • Social-Positive Interaction With Others, Self Respect, Self Expression, Group Interaction
  • Emotional-Confidence, Self-Esteem, Stress Reduction,

Lifetime Physical Wellness

  • FITT Principle-Frequency, Intensity, Type, Time
  • Importance of Rules for Games
  • Sportsmanship



Health is an overview of the main components of Health and Safety. This class focuses on the major components of Health, the nutritional requirements to maintain a healthy lifestyle, the proper way to exercise, how to prevent violence, CPR and First Aide, and the effects of alcohol and tobacco. The students will learn about these areas through various activities using critical thinking skills and expression.


The main goal of this class is for the students to get a better understanding of the various aspects of Health. Students will be expected to perform various activities in each of the areas of health. The skills will allow the students to be critical thinkers through things such as: role playing, debating, writing letters, reading, etc.

Course Standards:

Students will:

  • · develop and use strategies for evaluating products and services.
  • · evaluate individual wellness (e.g., benefits of improving body image, stress reduction, assessing fitness levels, fitness myths, evaluation of activities for effectiveness).
  • · explain disease transmission, prevention, and control (e.g., HIV/AIDS, STDs, common non-communicable diseases, heart diseases, cancer, diabetes).
  • · evaluate personal health practices (e.g., diet, rest, exercise, personal cleanliness, care of eyes, ears, teeth, skin).
  • · adopt success-building strategies (e.g., goal setting, long-term planning, decision-making strategies, effective communication skills, time management, identification and use of resources).
  • · identify ways to protect the environment (e.g., local environmental issues, toxic chemicals, water and air pollution, recycling).
  • · determine sources of stress and identify stress related illnesses.
  • · evaluate conflict resolution and violence prevention strategies (e.g., types of conflict, risk factors, dealing with anger, alternatives to fighting).
  • · research substance abuse.
  • · evaluate health behaviors and attitudes of peers.
  • · develop sound nutritional practices (e.g., meal planning, food selection, reading labels, weight control, special nutritional needs).
  • · evaluate influences of advertising on consumer choices.
  • · define abuse (e.g., physical, emotional, sexual) and determine strategies for prevention.
  • · describe safety prevention, first-aid procedures, and equipment used for common injuries.
  • · explain procedures for handling various emergency situations.
  • · analyze risk-taking choices and actions.
  • · describe community resources and services (e.g., basic medical care, roles and responsibilities of community health systems, medical insurance, emergency hot lines).
  • · analyze community health standards and regulations (e.g., air/water quality, immunization, health and safety protection of citizens).
  • · analyze individual actions and interactions within groups.
  • · explain how the functioning of body systems (e.g., reproductive, digestive, circulatory) are interrelated.
  • · explain the process of human growth and development (e.g., reproductive system, life cycle, changing roles and responsibilities, social skills development, aging).
  • · identify abstinence as the only sure means of preventing pregnancy and STDs.
  • ·define abuse (e.g., physical, emotional, sexual) and determine strategies for prevention.


Students will be evaluated on class assignments and activities including, but not limited to the following:

· Vocabulary Words

· Class Teaching

· Portfolio Pieces

· Discussion and Participation

· Test /Quizzes

Your grade is made up of your attitude, class work, tests, participation points, vocabulary notebook, and homework.

Make up work is your responsibility.

If you miss class for any reason, you have one day for each class missed to make up that work. You must also have an absentee slip for the day that you were absent. One letter grade will be deducted for each school day late in making up the assignment.

*It is your responsibility to ask me what you missed the day that you were absent from school. I will not say anything to you about your work. You need to ask me about it.

Required Materials

Spiral Notebook

Loose-leaf Paper, wide ruled.

Blue or black pens, pencils



1.Be in your seat on time (otherwise you need a note)

2.No writing in books or on desks.