CSW Weekly Update
Carer Events, Carers Support Worker Events, Newsletters, Reports & Articles
20th & 21st August 2014
Carer Support Worker Forum & Workshop
The 2014 Mental Health Carer Support Worker Forum is coming up.Many topics will be addressed including support for carers and support workers in the workplace, welfare rights and much more!
- For more information on the Forum, please click here
- To view the agenda for the day, please click here
- ORto register please click here
This year we will be offering an OpenDialogueworkshop on the 20th August providedby Satu Beverley. Satu Beverley, a retired psychologist and carer has been advocating for Open Dialogue since 2011. She has extensive knowledge and lived experience of mental illness and Open Dialogue. She spent a few days in Keroputaa hospital in Finland in 2011 to see how the model works in practice. She also participated in all presentations in NSW including the 4-day intensive course professorJaakkoSeikkula conducted in Sydney when he visited Australia this year. To register for thisworkshop, please click here.
Mental Health Association of NSW
Nominations close 28th July 2014
Nominations are open for the Mental Health Matters Awards 2014!Awards are available in 10 categories including Family and Carer Involvement and Engagement Award.
The Mental Health Matters Awards recognise the achievements of individuals and organisations large and small who have worked to improve understanding, awareness, service provision and the general mental health of our communities in NSW over the past 12 months (1 July 2013 — 30 June 2014).
Winners receive a prize and are presented with their Award at the launch of Mental Health Month NSW at NSW Parliament House. Nominations close 28th of July.To find out more visit: more information please contact on (02) 9339 6014 or email .
Consumer Advisory Group of NSW (CAG)
4th September 2014
Recovery Forum - Whole of Health
The Recovery Forum gives people with a lived experience of mental illness & carers a chance to learn from each other by sharing stories and skills. Mental health is connected to physical, emotional, social, environmental and spiritual health.The theme for the 2014 Recovery forum is 'Whole of Health'. The Recovery Forum is a FREE event. Spaces are strictly limited. People with a lived experience of mental illness will have first priority. For more information or to register, please click here.
Randwick City Council
23rd July 2014
Community Mental Health Forum
The forum aims to raise awareness and improve understanding about mental health issues in the broader community.Join keynote speakers Rob Ramjan AM, CEO Schizophrenia Fellowship of NSW, John Malone, CEO Aftercare, Sheree James and Terry Cayley, Eastern Sydney Medicare Local for a Free Community Forum at Randwick Town Hall. The forum will include a special guest appearance by former professional rugby league footballer Andrew "Bobcat" Ryan and acclaimed actress, Susie Porter will be a guest speaker.
The forum is designed for:people with a mental illness,supporters of people with a mental illness,mental health services and organisations,anyone with an interest in mental health issues.All welcome. Supper provided. Bookings are essential on 9399 0972 or by emailing .
My Choice Matters NSW Consumer
18th July 2014 (Surry Hills)
Get More Skills Workshop (For Consumers)
Have you thought about theNational Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)? Current Get More Skills workshops are looking at Choice.You've said you need new skills to be able to move to the new disability support system.Some of these include;generally being in charge of your own life, speaking up, knowing what questions to ask, managing and understanding more about a plan, managing people, managing money & new ideas. Ask, Share. Talk, See - To view more about this workshop or to register, please click here
Family Worker Training &DevelopmentProgram
July 2014
July Training Calendar
To view all the training that the FWTDP is offering for July please click here
ABC Health &Well-being
The ABC health &Well-beingupdates for10 July 2014 -where you'll find the most interesting and inspiring health stories from across the ABC, to viewclick here.
NSW OfficialVisitors Program
Functional and Operational Review of the NSW Official Visitors Program - July Newsletter from theMHDAO Director. To view this newsletter,please click here.
The NCOSS E News - to view this monthseNewsplease click here.
National Respite
This is the eighth regular bulletin for members and friends. It summarises what’s happened in the last fortnight that isrelevantto respite services and carers. to view this bulletin, please click here.
National Commission on Safety & Quality in Healthcare
Recognisingand Respondingto Deterioration in Mental State-
The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality inHealth Care (ACSQHC) auspiced a Scoping Reviewto explore and report on:
- the current knowledge base for recognising andresponding to deterioration in the mental state ofinpatients in acute settings
- gaps that could be addressed by the ACSQHC
- whether and how the ACSQHC’s existing NationalConsensus Statement: Essential Elementsfor Recognising and Responding to Clinical
- Deterioration (Consensus Statement), could beapplied to deterioration in a person’s mental state.
Catholic Education Commission of NSW
In the Reports and Articles section of our Carer Register Weekly Update last week we cited a Sydney Morning Heraldarticle regarding psychologists in schools. In response to this article, CECNSW would like to provide the following comment of clarification:
“Media reports suggesting non-government school principals will have greater access to counsellors’ files on students than their government school counterparts are incorrect.
Counsellors employed by NSW Catholic schools are required to abide by a privacy policy similar to the Department of Education and Communities’ policy for NSW government schools. This policy sets out circumstances where a school counsellor is required to inform a school principal or another designated authority if a student may be at significant risk.
These include (but are not limited to) suspected child abuse or neglect, pregnancy of a student under 16 years of age, the student having a history of violent behaviour, improper conduct by a school staff member and use/and or possession of illegal substances.
The Australian Psychological Society’s own code recognises that confidential information can be shared where there is a legal obligation to do so (A.5.2).
The new national privacy manual for non-government schools reflects essentially the same policy that has been in place since 2001. It has been updated to be consistent with emerging social issues (such as self-harm) and any new legal requirements such as mandatory reporting of students at risk of significant harm.
The policy is informed by the NSW Coroner’s recommendations on school-based information-sharing found in the 2010 Alex Wildman case, in which a 14 year old boy took his own life”.
Herald Sun
Life is thegreatestgift we're given
BEYONDBLUE was founded in 2000, after the deaths — suicides — of two young men in the Western District in 1997.Since, it has worked nationally to reduce the stigma attached to depression and mental illnesses through education, research and, importantly, public advocacy.
Why? Because two-thirds of suicides are conducted by people suffering emotional or clinical depression. So reducing suicides has been a major underlying reason for beyondblue’s work and very existence.The Australian Statistician recently released the preliminary suicide toll for 2012: 2535. A figure that will probably grow when final investigations into some deaths are completed. Of those 2535 deaths, 1312, more than half, were people under 45 years of age. To get that number into perspective, 49 Australians a week die by their own hand. That is absolutely unacceptable by any measure. To read this article, please click here
NSW Health
NGO Funding Reform
Partnerships for Health webpages for the latest update on NSW Health’s NGO funding reform implementation including links to the new funding agreement templatesfor 2014/15 NGO grants. For more information, please click here- if you have any questions on the website update, or any other matters relating to the new NGO funding arrangements, please contact: .
DPS News
Prescribe ‘exercise’ as ‘medicine' -Health professionals are urged to prescribe ‘exercise’ as ‘medicine’ to reduce the risk of death in older women, according to a Queensland University of Technology (QUT) study.
Professor Debra Anderson, from QUT's Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation, said that in addition to conventional treatments for physical and mental health, health professionals should be prescribing tailored exercise programs for older women.To read the complete article pleaseclickhere.
HOPE for older ‘hoarders’ -A new, free program to help older people with ‘hoarding disorder’, or who are living in domestic squalor in northern Sydney and the beaches, has been started in time for winter.
Sarah Brisbane, interim chief executive of Community Care (Northern Beaches) (CCNB), said winter could be a dangerous time for older people with hoarding disorder, given the increased fire risk.“This program aims to help older people who may have issues from excessive acquiring, saving or hoarding. The risks from this in winter months are exacerbated given the increased chance of fire in a home with heating,” Ms Brisbane said. To read this complete article, please click here.