Geographic Models & Theories - Speed Dating Style

This project will help introduce you to the most significant geographers and their geographic theories and models. This research will help you see the patterns and connections of the evolution of the key geographic concepts, models, and inventions associated with notable geographers. These geographers and models come up in all parts of the APHG course, and, yes, the exam.

1.  John Borchert – Urban Epochs

2.  Burgess – Concentric Zones

3.  Ester Boserup - Agriculture

4.  Walter Christaller – Central Place Theory

5.  Harris-Ulman – Multiple Nuclei Model*

6.  Hoyt – Sector Model

7.  Thomas Malthus – Malthus Theory

8.  Friedrich Ratzel – Organic Theory

9.  E.G.Ravenstein – Laws of Migration

10.  WW Rostow – Stages of Development

11.  Warren Thompson –Demographic Transition Model

12.  Johann H. vonThunen – Agricultural Model

13.  Immanuel Wallerstein – World System Theory

14.  Alfred Weber – Industrial Location Theory

A.  Create a “dating profile” for the geographer you are assigned on an 8 ½ x 11 plain paper . Use only one page.

1.  Picture of your snazzy geographer

2.  Identify which part(s) of the APHG outline the person/theory/concept addresses

3.  Short Bio – Date, Place where the geographer worked/academic institutions/ training (short) with a brief description of the geographic accomplishments and/or contributions

4.  Describe the theory/ concept associated with the geographer (nature, impact of their work)

5.  Visual of the model –use details and color. Label the parts of the model.

6.  Analyze the strengths AND weaknesses of the model AND its effectiveness of predicting geographic outcomes.

7.  Create a Works Cited using the MLA format. Provide at least 2 sources in addition to your textbook. Do not use Wikipedia.

*Use the attached Model Worksheet. Be sure to complete the elements above

You will present this information to the class in a special activity – you will have 3 minutes to discuss the geographer based on your research. Your partner will have 3 minutes to discuss the geographer that he/she researched. At the end of 6 minutes the partners on the right will rotate and you will repeat the process.

As an evaluation, you will be quizzed about the most influential geographers and models that go with each topic on the outline. Good Luck!

Good source to start you off:

Http:// & Google search by name to find REPUTABLE sites

You should come to class on Thursday, September 22, 2016 prepared to “date” and turn in your profile.

Name of Model: / Image
APHuman Geography Unit(s) of Use:
Person who developed the model/theory: (short bio with date, place, and credentials of the person)
Premise: (What is the model supposed to explain, and how or when would this model be used?)
Illustration: (Draw & Label the model, or use symbols to demonstrate the key ideas of the model)
Strengths of this model:
Weaknesses of this model:
Effectiveness of the model for predicting geographic outcomes. Does it still apply today? When or where might it apply and with what modifications?