Please print or type clearly. Complete all sections, and attach additional sheets if necessary.
College Name:
Total Number of Students in School: ______
Number of Native American/Native Alaskan Students in School:______
Type of College (check all that apply): 2 year 4 year Tribal Graduate
Vocational Private Public Other ______
Report Period:
This reporting should include the preceding academic year’s activities, in addition to planned activities, new officers and members for the current academic year.
Chapter Contact InformationReport Completed by:
Chapter Advisor(s)
Advisor / Co-Advisor (if applicable)Name:
Mailing Address:
If not completed fully, the advisor(s) may be omitted from mailings and listservs.
Chapter President2016-17
Current Academic Year / Elected for 2017-18 YearName:
Mailing Address:
If not completed fully, the president may be omitted from mailings and listservs.
Co/Vice President
Current Academic Year / Elected for 2017-18 YearName:
Mailing Address:
Current Academic Year / Elected for 2017-18 YearName:
Mailing Address:
Current Academic Year / Elected for 2017-18 YearName:
Mailing Address:
Other Chapter Officer
Current Academic Year / Elected for 2017-18 YearName:
Mailing Address:
Rev. 05/2017
Please complete for all Chapter Members, including all Chapter Officers
Please print or type clearly.
Attach additional sheets if necessary.
Member Name /Major /
Email Address
/Yr. in School
/Tribal Affiliation (if applicable)
/Current National AISES Member?
Yes or No /2017 Graduate?
Yes or NoRev. 05/2017
Chapter Activities
On a separate document, please describe the following chapter activities:
- Did your chapter provide or attend any workshops/presentations to increase Professional & Chapter Development? Please list, include invited speakers.
- Did your chapter provide mentoring/tutoring to high school and college students? Please
provide description of program.
- Was your chapter involved in community service projects this year? Please describe projects. Which
project was the most rewarding?
- List recruitment and retention activities for the year. Which effort was most successful for your chapter?
- What fundraising activities was your chapter involved in this year? Which activity brought in the most funds?
- Please list special honors your chapter is planning or has already held for the current school year.
- Other Chapter Activities.
*If your chapter has fulfilled the above activities please consider applying for the AISES Chapter Awards.
Special Recognition
Highlight chapter and individual member’s special honors, awards, etc. (if applicable). Has your chapter applied for an AISES Chapter Award?
**Completed Reports must be submitted no later than May 31st.**
emailed to Lisa Paz .
Rev. 05/2017