Table 1. Overall study topics and study designs (n=3139)

n (%)
Design / No RCT / 2764 (88.1)
RCT / 375 (11.9)
Topic / Oncology / 1544 (49.2)
Voiding dysfunction / 740 (23.6)
Sexual function/infertility / 245 (7.8)
Urolithiasis/endourology / 213 (6.8)
Infection/inflammation / 120 (3.8)
Pediatric urology / 76 (2.4)
Laparoscopy/robotics / 49 (1.6)
Others / 152 (4.8)

Table 2. Analysis of RCTs

(n=86) / Period
(n=288) / p value
Topic category, n (%)
Voiding dysfunction
Other* / 47 (54)
32 (36.8)
8 (9.2) / 124 (43.1)
66 (22.9)
98 (34) / .000
Origin, n (%)
Other / 77 (88.5)
8 (9.2)
2 (2.3) / 194 (67.4)
20 (6.9)
74 (25.7) / .000
Multi-institutional, n (%) / 34 (39.1) / 136 (47.2) / .181
Full lenght publication, n (%) / 8 (18.8) / 57 (39.6) / .027
Item, n (%)
1.  Title Identification
2.  Rationale
3.  Objective or hypothesis
4.  Trial design
5.  Eligibility criteria for participants and the settings
6.  Interventions
7.  Primary outcome for this report
8.  Randomisaton
9.  Blinding
10.  Number of participants randomised
11.  Recruitment Trial status
12.  Number of participants analysed
13.  For the primary outcome, a result for each group
14.  Adverse events
15.  Interpretation of the results / 42 (48.3)
74 (85.1)
71 (81.6)
70 (80.5)
58 (66.7)
67 (77)
61 (70.1)
34 (39.1)
20 (23)
57 (65.5)
23 (26.4)
60 (69.8)
67 (77)
46 (52.9)
83 (95.4) / 92 (31.9)
214 (74.3)
236 (81.9)
225 (78.1)
158 (54.9)
175 (60.8)
172 (59.7)
117 (40.6)
61 (21.2)
162 (56.3)
140 (48.6)
115 (39.9)
211 (73.3)
117 (40.6)
281 (27.6) / .005
Score items, n, mean (SD) / 9.5 (2.1) / 8.6 (2.0) / .000
Score ratio, %, mean (SD) / 63.8 (14.4) / 57.3 (13.4) / .000

*Infection/inflammation; Urolithiasis/endourology; Sexual function/infertility; Pediatric urology; Laparoscopy/robotics

Table 3. Analysis of non RCTs

(n=1250) / Period
(n=1486) / p value
Topic category
Voiding dysfunction
Other* / 522 (41.4)
326 (25.8)
414 (32.8) / 851 (56.7)
316 (21)
335 (22.3) / .000
Other / 1067 (85.1)
60 (4.8)
127 (10.1) / 1075 (72.1)
101 (6.8)
316 (21.2) / .000
Multi-institutional, n (%) / 94 (7.4) / 537 (35.8) / .000
Full lenght publication, n (%) / 182 (14.6) / 206 (13.8) / .538
Item, n (%)
1.  Identification of study design in the title
2.  Rationale
3.  Objective or hypothesis
4.  Key elements of study design
5.  Setting, location and relevant dates
6.  Eligibility criteria
7.  Definition of outcomes
8.  Methods of assessment
9.  Statistical methods
10.  Individuals at each stage of study
11.  Characteristics of participants
12.  Follow-up time
13.  Outcome events or summary measures
14.  Other analyses done
15.  Key findings with reference to study objectives
16.  Overall interpretation / 63 (5)
1015 (80.7)
976 (77.6)
985 (78.4)
588 (46.8)
803 (63.9)
734 (58.4)
779 (62)
214 (17)
774 (61.7)
499 (39.7)
441 (35.1)
910 (72.5)
303 (24.1)
1003 (79.9)
620 (49.4) / 205 (13.7)
1227 (81.9)
1186 (79.2)
1194 (79.8)
957 (63.9)
635 (42.4)
820 ((54.8)
749 (50)
338 (22.6)
975 (65.1)
740 (49.4)
609 (40.7)
1058 (70.7)
459 (30.7)
1334 (89.1)
809 (54.4) / .000
Score items, n, mean (SD) / 8.5 (2.4) / 8.8 (2.1) / 0.000
Score ratio, %, mean (SD) / 53.2 (15.4) / 55.4 (13.4) / 0.000

*Infection/inflammation; Urolithiasis/endourology; Sexual function/infertility; Pediatric urology; Laparoscopy/robotics

Table 4. Prediction of full publication: multivariable analysis

OR, CI 95% / P value
Time period (98-99 vs 08-09) / 0.82 (0.66 – 1.03) / .102
Topic / Oncology
Voiding dysfunction / 0.81 (0.62 – 1.06) / .134
Other* / 1.14 (0.89 – 1.46) / .275
Origin / Europe
USA / 1.03 (0.68 – 1.56) / .959
Other* / 0.96 (0.72 – 1.28) / .876
Design (No RCT vs RCT ) / 1.15 (0.85 – 1.55) / .347
Setting (Multi-institutinal vs single) / 1.82 (1.44 – 2.30) / .000
Score ratio / 1 (0.99 - 1.01) / .120

*Infection/inflammation; Urolithiasis/endourology; Sexual function/infertility; Pediatrics; Laparoscopy/robotics

Table 5. Prediction of high (>50%) score: multivariable analysis

OR, CI 95% / P value
Time period (98-99 vs 08-09) / 1.14 (0.96 – 1.35) / .130
Topic / Oncology
Voiding dysfunction / 0.98 (0.80 – 1.19) / .858
Other / 0.72 (0.60 – 0.87) / .001
Origin / Europe
USA / 0.78 (0.56 – 1.07) / .130
Other / 0.86 (0.69 – 1.07) / .181
Design (No RCT vs RCT ) / 1 (0.78 – 1.28) / .954
Setting (Multi-institutinal vs single) / 0.99 (0.82 – 1.21) / .977

*Infection/inflammation; Urolithiasis/endourology; Sexual function/infertility; Pediatrics; Laparoscopy/robotics