Hi there, it’s SO great to be working with you!

Firstly, I would like to say well done for being brave and stepping up to ‘Be The Coach You Dream To Be’. Never underestimate how HUGE that is. We coach others but it’s so important as coaches to get the support we need too.

Thank you for choosing me as your Coach. I feel honoured and super excited to be on this part of your journey with you.

As you know coaching is all about taking action steps based on the belief you can change and move to where you want your life to be. The key to your success will be a willingness to be open to learning and to always speak the truth, even if it feels uncomfortable.

I want our coaching to be open, honest and real. If you’re having a bad day let’s talk about it. I want you to be you but the FABULOUS version of you and to do that we may need to work on some things that are uncomfortable but necessary to move you forward.

I will ask that you try on new ways of thinking. It’s a bit like new shoes, if you don’t try them on you won’t know if they fit or if you like them, so be open to try things out that might be a bit different for you. You never know what may open up as a result.

I appreciate punctuality for your sessions and plenty of notice of cancellation (please see my full T’s & C’s) Being a working Mum I understand that life can throw up challenges but a quick note or text to let me know if you can’t make our session is appreciated. I create the space and time to work with you and there’s nothing worse than sitting waiting for someone to turn up when you could be doing something else.

I am completely committed to helping you achieve all you dream of and will be your cheerleader with pom-poms, but equally if I think you need challenging to take action or to give you the occasional hard-hitting reality check then I will, all in a kind and gentle way. That’s my job!

You are more than welcome to email me at any time between calls for top-up coaching and a complimentary 15 minute pep talk can be arranged if you need some urgent inspiration and/or motivation or just someone to tell you that you’ve got this! Depending on the package you’ve chosen you may have additional time built in for this too.

I don’t just want to hear about your achievements, I also want to hear about your areas of challenge and defeats. On the website page you will have seen the link to the feedback form, I’d appreciate it if you could complete this prior to each of our sessions. It’s a great tool for reflection and focus.

I will be 100% unconditionally supportive of all that you do, and completely non-judgmental in whatever action you decide to take. Remember, unlike family and friends I am possibly the only person in your life that doesn’t have an agenda, which can be quite liberating in itself.


What are you like to work with?

I’m told I’m fun, a bit quirky and full of positive energy. I go the extra mile for my clients. I want you to LOVE our sessions. If you’re not loving them then we need to put that right. Our sessions should be fun, motivating and challenging. I will gently push you through your comfort zones to be all you can be.

You will get out what you put in. I won’t be giving you advice because YOU have all the answers. It might be frustrating but I will refer you back to what you want, what’s right for you. That way you will own your goals and be motivated by them. I know from experience that working with goals that have been set for you doesn’t work. Through coaching I will help you unlock the answers you need.

How will our sessions work in practice?

Unless you’ve booked face to face sessions then we will have virtual calls. My first point of contact is via Skype, so we will ideally connect on there. My Skype name is ruby.mcguire. At all times I would ask that you initiate the call. If there are any technical difficulties via Skype and the call connection is lost then I would ask that you initiate the call again to me, that way we aren’t both waiting for the other person to call. In the event that it’s not possible to connect via Skype after a few failed attempts during the session then I would ask that you call me on my landline instead, 01635-580978.

If you don’t use Skype then you can call me on my landline, 01635-580978 at the pre-agreed time, or on my mobile, 07902-260111. Please note the landline is only to be used for our allocated session as it’s for family use only outside of these times.

How can I get the best out of my coaching with you?

I recommend that all clients keep a Coaching journal for their guidance and as a record of their journey. You will be amazed at what you achieve over a period of time. Log your a-ha moments and things that come up for you during your sessions. You often find that a lot of the coaching work goes on outside of the session where you think and reflect on what we’ve discussed, so make a note of things that come up for you in between our sessions too.

Our first session will be a combination of setting the scene for your coaching journey and some actual coaching. On speaking with you I will set you some small actions I'd like you to take to ensure our time spent together is of the most value and that you're working from the best place you can be. We will then work together on a mini action plan of what you'd like to focus on to get your coaching journey started.

Let me know if something isn’t working for you

If something isn’t working tell me. I am very flexible in my approach so if my coaching style isn’t working for you let me know. It may be that you want me to hold you more accountable or want me to push you more, or you might want me to allow you more thinking time when answering questions. In the early days we will be getting to know each other so the more we can communicate about what works and doesn’t the better our coaching relationship will be and the better results you will achieve.

Complete the documents

In this pack you will find a Wheel of Life Form to complete, together with an All About You Form and the terms and conditions that you will need to sign and return to me for coaching to commence. The All About You Form can take time to complete so block some space out in your diary, grab a cuppa and work your way through the questions. This may be the first time that you’ve spent time really thinking through different aspects of your life, so allow yourself some time to complete the form. Once you’re ready return it to me by email to (a minimum of 24 hours prior to our first session)

Please note too that very occasionally I may have to re-arrange our sessions but I always give plenty of notice wherever possible.

Finally, at the end of our sessions I would love a testimonial.

If you love our sessions then please spread the word and pass my details on. It’s ok me telling others what I do but there’s nothing better than when someone else shares the progress they’re making. Equally as a VIP client let me know when you’re promoting things or want to share something and I’ll share it on my social media platforms for you, in my newsletters etc 

I’ll add your name to my newsletter so that you get all the latest news and coaching hints and tips. If you don’t want to be on the list then please feel free to unsubscribe using the buttons in the newsletter. By being a subscriber you will also receive exclusive tips/checklists/worksheets, ahead of others, and sometimes things not shared anywhere else.

Did you know the #1 secret to creating a great coaching biz is YOU!!! Choose to be you, but a fabulous version of you!

Looking forward to working with you,

Wishing you fabulousness!

Ruby x


(As you type into the boxes the form will expand)

This form is all about you. It helps me to get you to where you want to be. Please fill in what you can and send it back to me in time for our first call. Please don’t stress over this, it’s just all about you 


Address: Postcode:

Home Tel: Mobile:

Email: Skype:

Employment: Brief description of job and/or business – Part time/Full time:

List your top 5 achievements that you are most proud of in your life






List the 5 biggest disappointments of your life






List your top 5 skills






List 3 short term goals you would like to work on in the next month




What would you most like to achieve with your coaching? (Think big here):

What would you say has held you back in the past?

List 10 things that you are tolerating or putting up with

(i.e. messy rooms, outstanding paperwork, annoying colleague, lack of time etc)











What advice would you give me on how to coach you best?

What three emotions could you happily live without?

What or who inspires you?

What makes you laugh?

How is your current issue or situation impacting on your life right now?

What 3 things are you prepared to commit to in order to reach your goal?

Is there anything you are currently avoiding or not taking responsibility for?

Who are your heroes/heroines?

Is there anything you want to tell me about what you think will help the coaching process?

Terms and Conditions

Please read these terms and conditions, and sign and return to me with your completed Wheel of Life & All About Me form.

  • The pre-booked coaching session lasts 45 minutes. Please be punctual. If you are more than 15 minutes late you lose but pay for your session. Other than emergency situations there are no exceptions to this rule.
  • You have email access to me between sessions and free top-up 15 minute pep talks can be arranged between sessions with prior agreement.
  • Your coaching sessions can either be paid in full or by instalments. If paying in instalments then there is an initial deposit required and the equal monthly payments payable each month prior to each session. If your sessions are being held more frequently then the payment plan will be set up to reflect this, so that each session is paid for in advance.
  • I ask that you commit to at least three months of coaching in order to see sustainable change. This is the minimal amount of time required in order for you to see great results though you will feel considerably more focused or energized from the very first session. By signing this document you are confirming that you will make payment for all sessions that you have signed up for, i.e. if your package is 7 sessions then you are agreeing to pay for all 7 sessions, whether you decide to attend the sessions or not. If your circumstances change and you no longer need coaching then you can choose to park the coaching and return to it at a later date or you can gift the sessions to someone else (in each case (providing all sessions are taken within one year of the start of your first session). If sessions aren’t taken within one year then they are forfeited. Payment is not refundable.
  • The maximum amount of time between sessions is one month, this is to ensure that you keep the momentum of the sessions going and continue to take action.
  • I require that you give 24 hours notice if you need to cancel your session. Failure to do this means you will be charged for the full time I have booked out for you.
  • All coaching conversations are confidential although occasionally I may discuss your situation and seek advice from a fellow/mentor coach. Unless there is as a legal requirement to divulge information that you share with me then the sessions will remain strictly confidential.
  • A coach is not a therapist, mentor or counsellor. Please inform me if you are currently undergoing psychotherapy or have suffered from mental illness as coaching might not be right for you at this time.
  • If you are benefitting from your coaching please tell your friends! My business is built on referral

Please complete the slip below to confirm you are in receipt of, and agree to, the terms and conditions as stated above.

I have read and agree to the above Terms and Conditions and hereby return this and my Client Information. Payments are non-refundable.

Signed ______Date: ______

(Please note if sending the form electronically please fill in your name and the date and return to me as an attachment, with the following statement in the email ‘I confirm that I have signed and agree the terms and conditions as per the document ‘Welcome Pack’) in the email.

On receipt of this information I will send you a link to the bookings page and we can get our first session booked in. Let’s get cracking!

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