Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award and

Outstanding Research Assistant Award

About the Awards

The College of Graduate Studies recognizes the significant contribution graduate students make to the instructional mission of the University with two separate awards: The Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award and the Outstanding Research Assistant Award.

The awards were established in 2013-14 to honor and encourage those TA’s and RA’s whose professional involvement with both faculty and students’ evidence exceptional ability and who show promise for significant future achievement.

We invite all TAMU-CC graduate faculties to nominate candidates to receive this unique honor. Nominees must have a 3.75 GPA and taken more than 50% of all graduate program work at TAMU-CC. Awards will be presented on the basis of nominations annually to:

  • one graduate Teaching Assistant student and
  • one graduate Research Assistant student.

Nominations are judged by the College’s Awards Committee to be prime examples of what it means to truly stand out as an exceptional TA or RA. In addition to honoring individual graduate students for their scholarly activity, it is the hope of the Graduate College that these students will serve as role models for the entire campus.

Only faculty may nominate students for the Student Awards. All nominations will be kept strictly confidential and the criteria for finalist selection will be determined by the College’s Awards Committee.

The application deadline is October 15, 2017.

Application Procedure

1. Download and complete the application from the website:

2. Write a personal letter of recommendation describing your relationship with your student nominee and how they have distinguished themselves as a TA or RA to you. Feel free to share specific stories and anecdotes as appropriate. In short, how has the nominee impressed you with their instruction/research at the highest level, creative contributions beyond degree or departmental requirements, and exceptional service to TAMU-CC.

All nominations will be kept strictly confidential. The letter of recommendation is typically 1 page, however there is no minimum or maximum length.

3. Scan and save the application and letter of recommendation as one file. This file should be named:


E.g. "John_Smith-TA-Nomination.pdf"

4. Submit the nominationvia email to y October 15, 2017. Only complete applications received before the deadline will be considered.

5. The College of Graduate Studies will distribute the nomination applications to the appropriate College Awards Committees. Each college will then submit one finalist to the College of Graduate Studies to , and a winner will be chosen from the referred candidates.

Award Nomination Form

Outstanding Teaching/Research Assistant

Deadline:October 15, 2017

Name: ______

☐ Teaching Assistant ☐Research Assistant GPA: ______

Nominated by: ______

Relationship to Nominee: ______

Teaching/Research Evaluations (Positive contributions to the teaching/research environment):

Evidence of Leadership:

Contributions to the Public Good:

Signature: ______Date: ______