Computer ApplicationsSyllabus

Rapid City Central High School2017 – 2018

Mrs. LoneHill

Course Description

Welcome to Central High School and the course that will take the papers and projects you create to a higher level of success! Computer Applications will teach to use the tools you use in creating assignments that require word processing, spreadsheets, databases, or presentations.

In addition, you will explore the arena of digital living. (Students are highly recommended to take Information & Communication Technology as a freshman).

Students are introduced to Microsoft Office 2016 Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint; along with operating systems, Internet browsers, search engines, digital literacy, netiquette/digital citizenship and other practical applications of computers throughout the semester.

  • We will be incorporating GMetrix software, which is a hands-on training and testing simulation for Microsoft Office. GMetrix aligns to both the state and national standards. GMetrix also prepares students who wish to obtain Microsoft Office Specialist certifications, which is an industry-valued credential, in the Advanced Computer Applications course.


Upon completion of this course, students will:

Create and format word processing documents for a variety of personal and work applications

Create databases, edit fields and records, perform queries and create reports and forms

Create spreadsheets, edit cells, input formulas, and create graphs and charts

Create and format professional presentation

Demonstrate & communicate an understanding of a file management system

Navigate the Internet, search and retrieve information

Develop digital literacy, netiquette and citizenship skills

Course Standards & Indicators

FT 1 Create and format word processing documents for a variety of personal and work applications

FT 2 Create and format spreadsheets for a variety of personal and work applications

FT 3 Create and format professional presentations

FT 4 Demonstrate and communicate an understanding of an operating system’s file management system

FT 5 Manage administrative features of an operating system

FT 6 Distinguish and apply key elements of Internet browsers and search engines

FT7 Understand how to create a database table and forms using database software.

FT 8 Demonstrate an understanding of computer preventive maintenance and security

FT 9 Develop digital literacy, netiquette and citizenship skills

Course Modules

  • Essential Introduction to Computers
  • Topics in word processing, and collaborative communication
  • Topics in database creation and collaborative data collection and analysis
  • Topics in spreadsheet creation, manipulation, and collaborative data collection and analysis
  • Topics in presentation applications and collaborative presentation projects
  • Using the Internet as a viable research tool
  • Understand the components of an operating system’s file management system
  • Understand the administrative features of an operating system
  • Develop digital literacy, netiquette and citizenship skills

Class Resources

Textbook [digital]that will be used: Microsoft Office 365 / Office 2016 - Introductory Concepts and Techniques. Shelly Cashman Series and the World Wide Web will be used to provide materials as needed; Internet exploration by students; and any other materials as the instructor needs to supplement the curriculum.


Students are graded on total points earned within the following categories:

Assignments, Test, Projects, Quality/Daily Work90%

Final Exam10%

Grading Scale:


[grading scale is per board policy]

Late Work

The deadline for submitting any make up work, excused or unexcused, will adhere to district policy. For excused absences, students will have as many excused school days as they were absent, plus one additional day, to complete make-up work. Any unexcused absences will result in a student earning a zero for any work missed during the unexcused absence from class.

Rounding Grades

Grade percentages shall not be rounded until the final grading period for the course (semester or year long). Rounding will only occur when the current grade is within .50 of the next letter grade. When rounding is appropriate, the teacher shall round the percent score to the nearest whole number; any score ending below .50 rounds down and any score ending in .50 and above rounds up.

Extra Credit

Central High School strives for our teachers to clearly communicate to students and parents that better grades come from evidence of higher levels of performance, not just from more points, or extra credit. Therefore, no points can be awarded for bringing in items that are not instructionally based, for attending school activities, or for participating in school spirit events etc.

Final Exams

All students are required to take and complete semester finals in accordance with the semester exam schedule. Early finals are not permitted. Students that must be absent during finals for extenuating reasons will make up their exams after finals week concludes. Please refer to the student handbook site addendum.

A final exam will not count for more than 10% of a student’s final course grade in any course.

NEED FOR assistance:

Students may come in before school starting at 7:30am and after school until 3:30pm or make prior arrangements for an alternate time for additional help.


Assignments are due on the assigned day which are listed on the school homework hotline:

Please contact me directly through email,



  • Harassment— zero tolerance! (Outlined in the Student Handbook)
  • Electronic Devices/Cell Phones/ Headphones
  • Need to be put away in a backpack
  • Cell phone usage is not permitted during class time.
    All confiscated phones will be turned into Administration and follow the school’s cell phone misuse policy.
  • NOfood or drink (except water which must be kept on floor)
  • Internet Usage--School District policy regarding Internet usage will be followed. No Downloading!!!
  • Computer Usage--Policy from the Student Handbook is strictly enforced. Please read those pages carefully.
  • Equipment Misuse/Damages--Any unauthorized handling of equipment, power switches, or supplies may result in a reduction of course points or result in dismissal from the class.
  • Talking kept to a minimum so other students can focus on their work—do not disrupt others
  • Textbooks do not leave the classroom and will be handled in such a manner as to not cause damage.
  • NO rolling around on the chairs.
  • Do NOT sit or lean on any of the counters/desks.
  • Due to safety reasons, book bags are to be placedunder the computer desks and the aisles kept clear.
  • Leave the workstation area free of trash; chairs pushed in; textbooks in their proper location
  • Do not to line up at the door
  • Students will abide by all of the CHS rules outlined in the handbook.


In a hands-on environment such as this, attendance is paramount. Students are expected to be in attendance for class. If students are not present, the absence must be excused in order for the student to receive credit for course work accomplished on the day they were absent. The student will still be responsible for making up the missing work. Assignment due dates will not be extended for unexcused absences.


Students are expected to complete all components of the courseware for this class by the required due date. Late work may be given reduced, or no credit. Incomplete assignments, projects, or tests. All assigned work is required for completion of this course.

Missing Assignments and Make-up Work

Students must plan on spending time outside of class time in the lab to get caught up with coursework. It is not possible for us to send a computer or books home with a student, and the student will be expected to be on task with the group during the next regular class day. Missing assignments must be completed during the student’s open hours, before school, or after school. Please visit with the instructor if one-on-one time is needed, and set up a meeting with that instructor.

Copied Work/Cheating

Copying someone else’s work, or cheating on any assigned work of any kind will result in all parties receiving no credit. Parents will be notified by the Instructor if students are caught copying or cheating.


Students are expected to be in class on time. Students are given three tardies during the semester. Any further tardies may result in detention, [to be served after school] or other assignment designated by, and at the discretion of the instructor.


Students are expected to use good manners, and be respectful and tolerant of all in the class. They are expected to be a positive, contributing member to the class.


Any supplies required by the instructor will be announced at the beginning of the class. Students will be expected to bring these supplies to every class throughout the semester/year. None needed for this class.

CD’s, Portable Storage Devices

Students bringing any type of storage device from home for the purpose of file transfer for course assignments must be sure to have their virus-protection software installed and up-to-date on their home machines. All storage devices must be scanned for viruses before any file transfer will be allowed. Students must inform the instructor when they have such a device, and the instructor will assist in the virus scanning process.

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