Dear Senior Class Parent and Student,
Welcome to your senior year!
The senior year is filled with many challenges, new responsibilities, and expectations. The Senior Over-night Retreat, the college process, the Independent Service Project (ISP), walking off campus for lunch, and the privilege to drive and park at school are just a few with the common thread being our expectation that our seniors serve as role models by being positive contributing members of our community. We want to help make sure this year becomes one of the most exciting and safe times in your academic career. Please take time to read carefully the documents below.
One of the most serious responsibilities is the privilege to drive to and from school and park on campus. We feel that our seniors, because of their age and experience, should be ready to accept this privilege. The school trusts that students will represent the school, their families, and themselves well whenever they are using their cars on or off campus.
Please review the school’s driving rules and policies below with your son or daughter. All school rules for behavior apply to this privilege. If you have any questions concerning the expectations and responsibilities outlined in the letter and permission form, please contact Mrs. Clark, Senior Class Dean.
The first big event of the year for the senior class will be the senior class retreat. The senior retreat will take place at Camp DeWolfe in Wading River, New York, Thursday, September 17th through Friday, September 18th. This campsite is great! It’s by the beach and it has a swimming pool! Transportation to and from Camp DeWolfe will be provided for all seniors. The seniors and the senior advisors will depart Thursday at 2:30pm, and will be back for sports practices and/or games Friday.
The following important documents need to be completed and turned in on or before the Thursday, September 10, 2015. Please click on the document, download, and print. You can also find these documents on the school Portal- Class of 2016 folder.
- The Senior Retreat Permission form – Please hand in to Mr. Posada, Student Life Assistant Senior Class Dean.
- Retreat Date: September 17th – September 18th
- Departure Time: Sept. 17th 2:30pm,Jackson House
- Return Time: Sept. 18th 3:00pm
- Driving Permission Form:
This form MUST be handed in to Mrs. Clark prior to bringing your car on campus. No senior may drive to school until they receive written confirmation from Mrs. Clark. First Day of School;All permission slips must be turned in PRIOR to driving on campus. Parents or students, who choose not to sign and accept the rules stated, or whose child loses driving privileges for any reason, must provide their children with another means of transportation to and from school.
Mark Schoeffel, Upper School Principal
Ron Baskind, Dean of Students
Tammy Clark, Senior Class Head Advisor