Minutes of the Meeting of Kelbrook and Sough Parish Councilheld on Wednesday 09th August2017at 7.00pm in Kelbrook Village Hall


Cllr. G Wilson, in the chair, opened the meeting at 7.00pm and welcomed all to the meeting.

2.Attendance, Apologies and Non-Attendance

To record accept or otherwise, attendance, apologies for absence and non-attendance.

Attending Cllrs:

R Carroll, S Cole, C Durance, M Goulthorp, A Thompson, and G Wilson.

Apologies from Cllrs:

P Maskell.

Absent Cllrs:


3.Declarations of Interest/s

Members are reminded of the legal requirements concerning the declaration of interests.

A Member must declare a disclosable pecuniary interest which he/she has in any item on the

agenda. A Member with a disclosable pecuniary interest in any item may not participate in any

discussion of the matter at the meeting and must not participate in any vote taken on the

matter at the meeting.In addition, it is suggested that a Member with a disclosable pecuniary interest leave the room where the meeting is held while any discussion or voting takesplace.



Members of the public present to be offered the opportunity to address council on any relevant subject not already on the agenda.

None present.

5. Planning


Town and Country Planning Act 1990 APPLICATION: 17/0377/FUL

PROPOSAL: Full: Erection of a single storey front extension

AT: Craven Heifer Inn 400 Colne Road Kelbrook

FOR: Craven Heifer Lt

Matter discussed and plans examined.

Proposed that no comment be made.




Resolved: That the clerk enter this decision into the permanent record of council.

Delegated List

The latest list has been circulated via emailby the clerk to all councillors.

Councillors can highlight any item from the list that they wish to discuss.

If none the list will be deemed to be accepted.

None and Noted.

6. Police

None present and nothing to take forward.

7. Minutes

To resolve that the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on the 05th July circulated to members be signed as a correct record.

Discussion ensued about content and expressions used in the minutes and what should be recorded and how.

Proposed: That these minutes are accepted and approved as above.



The minutes were signed on the final page and initialled on all other pages by Cllr Wilson.

Resolved: That the clerk enter these into the permanent record of full council.

8.Update of ongoing issues from previous minutes

Verbal update from clerk & councillors on any issues ongoing from previous minutes.

Agenda items were discussed.

It was decided that the heading “Website” be changed to “Communication”.

Two new headings were mooted for inclusion on the agenda being:

Lengthsman Report

Village Plan

Councillors to contact the clerk to advise if these are to be included on the next agenda for discussion.

9.Update of issues from any other meetings attended

Verbal update from clerk & councillors on any issues arising from any other meetings attended.

Cllr Goulthorp gave a brief summary of events at the previous evenings West Craven Area Committee. The observation was made that it looked as though money available for the Earby Ward was still in the budget. The clerk will contact Pendle Borough Council to check into the matter.

10. Finance

To consider approve or otherwise the following:

a)End of year

The end of year return was to be discussed and finalised


The 2016-2017 return was presented to council by the clerk.

This was examined, discussed and it was proposed that this be accepted, signed and sent to BDO the external auditor.




Resolved: That the clerk send the completed return, signed as required by himself and the Chair of the meeting, to BDO along with the additional documentation requested.

Councillor G Wilson, being the Chair, and Mr SP Schollick, being the Clerk duly signed the return and the Clerk will deal with as required.

Bills presented for payment:

Chq No / Payee / Details / Amount £ VAT Inc / VAT
S P Schollick / July Salary / 96.00 / Nil
HMRC / Mth 03 PAYE / 24.00 / Nil
Lengthsman / 2 months’ pay / 109.72 / Nil
Lengthsman reimbursement / Plnt & weed burn / 44.96 / 8.99

Proposed that the bills presented be paid as detailed.




Resolved: That the payments be made as detailed above.

11. Website

Standing item.

Councillors stated that the website was not working/available.

Was it actually in the public domain?

The clerk replied that it was indeed published and worked well for him.

However, he would send the link to all councillors for them to use.

12. Play Area

Standing item.

The shrubbery from the play area is encroaching onto the footpath and people with prams cannot get past. Clerk will contact Pendle Borough Council to report the matter.

13. Sough Park

To discuss the situation and finalise matters prior to the upcoming meeting with representatives of Pendle Borough Council and Earby Town Council on 18th August in The Parish Rooms at 10.00am.

It had been proposed that ETC and K&SPC meet 25% of the maintenance cost (split 2/3 – 1/3 respectively). This approximates to £4500. Kelbrook and Sough share being £1500 for 2017-2018.

To be for one year only.

Cllrs Wilson and Durance will be attending.




Resolved: That the clerk enter this decision into the permanent record of council.

14. Correspondence.

This will have been circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting.

Any recently received will be held by the Clerk.


Date & Time of next full meeting

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 06th September 2017 at 7.00pm in Kelbrook Village Hall.

Meeting ended at 8.15pm.

DATED: 06th September 2017 Chairman:

G Wilson